SAS® Webinare
- Ask the Expert Webinar Erweitern Sie Ihre SAS Visual Analytics Reports durch Data Driven Content ObjekteUnser Experten zeigen Ihnen, wann Data Driven Content Objekte sinnvoll sind und wie man sie bereitstellen kann.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, Tabellen in SAS zu verbinden?Unser Experte Michael Herrmann demonstriert Ihnen anhand von Beispielen in PROC SQL und dem SAS Data Step, wie Sie Daten aus unterschiedlichen Tabellen kombinieren.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Yes Code, Low Code, No Code: Wie erzeuge ich einfach und effizient Berichte mit SAS?Unsere Expertin Carola Röttig demonstriert Ihnen die vielfältigen Ausgabemöglichkeiten in SAS.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich Supervised Machine Learning Aufgaben mit Procedures in SAS® Viya® umsetzen?Erleben Sie Machine Learning in Action: Feature Engineering, Modellierung und Modell Validierung in SAS® Viya® – Der Programmier-Ansatz mit SAS Procedures im SAS Program Editor.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wo betreibe ich mein SAS®Viya®?Von unserem Experten Phillip Manschek erfahren Sie, wie SAS Viya Sie bei der Umsetzung einer Cloud-übergreifenden Daten- und Analytics-Strategie unterstützt.
- SAS Viya Workbench in Aktion SAS Viya Workbench in AktionVon unserem Experten Jannic Horst erfahren Sie alles über SAS Viya Workbench, eine leichte und eigenständige Entwicklungsumgebung, die speziell für die Erstellung hochleistungsfähiger Modelle in den Programmiersprachen Ihrer Wahl – SAS, Python oder R – entwickelt wurde.
On-Demand Webinare auf Deutsch
- nach Thema
- Analytics
- Big Data
- Business Intelligence
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- Datenmanagement
- Betrugs-
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- SAS Plattform
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- Ask the Expert Webinar
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- Einzelhandel und Konsumgüter
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- Öl und Gas
- Mittelständische Unternehmen
- SAS® Viya® Workbench in Aktion SAS® Viya® Workbench in AktionDieses Webinar richtet sich alle Programmierer (SAS, Python, R), die verstehen wollen, wieso SAS Viya Workbench die ideale Entwicklungsumgebung für Data Scientisten ist und sich Modellierungsprojekte von Anfang bis Ende umsetzen lassen.
- Wie kann ich SAS® Enterprise Guide® mit SAS® Viya 4 nutzen? Wie kann ich SAS® Enterprise Guide® mit SAS® Viya 4 nutzen?Dieses kostenlose Ask the Expert Webinar richtet sich an alle SAS Enterprise Guide Anwender, die eine SAS Viya 4 Umgebung mit dem SAS Enterprise Guide nutzen wollen.
- SAS Intelligent Decisioning - Entscheidungsbasierte Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen SAS Intelligent Decisioning - Entscheidungsbasierte Lösungen für Ihr UnternehmenIn diesem kostenlosen Ask the Expert Webinar werden wir einige interessante Möglichkeiten vorstellen, wie SAS Intelligent Decisioning im Unternehmensumfeld eingesetzt werden kann.
- Wie nutze ich das volle Potenzial von SAS® Intelligent Decisioning? Wie nutze ich das volle Potenzial von SAS® Intelligent Decisioning?In diesem Webinar wird Ihnen unser Experte Günter Greulich einen Überblick zu den verschiedenen Einsatzszenarien von SAS Intelligent Decisioning geben und als ersten Use Case die Regel -und Entscheidungserstellung für Data Quality und das Einbinden dieser in den Data Management Prozess vorstellen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Was kann die neue SAS Viya Workbench?Von unserem Experten erfahren Sie alles über SAS Viya Workbench, eine leichte und eigenständige Entwicklungsumgebung, die speziell für die Erstellung hochleistungsfähiger Modelle in den Programmiersprachen Ihrer Wahl – SAS, Python oder R – entwickelt wurde.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich SAS Visual Analytics effizient einsetzen, um die Ergebnisse meiner analytischen Modelle darzustellen?Unser Expert Gerhard Svolba zeigt Ihnen Anwendungsbeispiele in SAS Visual Analytics, wie analytische Ergebnisse effektiv aufbereitet und präsentiert werden können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie recherchiere ich mit SAS Viya Text Analytics, Machine Learning und verschiedenen APIs tagesaktuelle Meldungen?Ulrich Reincke und Carola Röttig demonstrieren Ihnen die Leistungsfähigkeit von SAS Text Analytics.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Yes Code, Low Code, No Code: Wie erzeuge ich einfach und effizient Berichte mit SAS?Unsere Expertin Carola Röttig demonstriert Ihnen die vielfältigen Ausgabemöglichkeiten in SAS.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kommuniziere ich meine Machine Learning Ergebnisse? - 5 Tipps und Tricks für den Data ScientistLernen Sie Tipps & Tricks mit SAS® Viya aus erfolgreichen Machine Learning Projekten kennen, die ihr Leben als Data Scientist leichter machen werden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Data Preparation für Data Science: Womit Sie „DATA=“ in den analytischen Procedures von SAS am besten füttern – Teil 2Experte Gerhard Svolba wird Ihnen in diesem kostenlosen Webinar veranschaulichen, dass Datenvorbereitung für Data Science viel mehr ist als nur Codierung oder analytische Datenverarbeitung.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, Tabellen in SAS zu verbinden?Unser Experte Michael Herrmann demonstriert Ihnen anhand von Beispielen in PROC SQL und dem SAS Data Step, wie Sie Daten aus unterschiedlichen Tabellen kombinieren.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Erweitern Sie Ihre SAS Visual Analytics Reports durch Data Driven Content ObjekteUnser Experten zeigen Ihnen, wann Data Driven Content Objekte sinnvoll sind und wie man sie bereitstellen kann.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten von SAS in Visual Studio CodeVon unserem Experten David Weik lernen Sie, die umfassenden Funktionen der SAS Visual Studio Code Extension zu verstehen und in Ihrer täglichen Arbeit anzuwenden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie bringen Sie Bewegung in Ihre SAS Ergebnisse?In diesem Ask the Expert Webinar bekommen Sie einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte der Erzeugung und Anpassung animierter Grafiken in SAS.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mit SAS Geoinformationen verarbeiten und komplexe Planungsprobleme lösen? Unser Experte Ulrich Reincke zeigt Ihnen wie Sie geografische Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten um (analytische) Komponenten von SAS und ESRI erweitern.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Was ist Kubernetes und warum benötige ich es für SAS®Viya®?Von unserem Experte Benjamin Walther erfahren Sie mehr über Kubernetes und die Vorteile von Cloud nativen Applikationen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie lassen sich Risk Projekte schnell und effizient umsetzen?In diesem Ask the Expert Webinar erhalten Sie einen Überblick der verschiedenen SAS Viya Risk Module.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich Supervised Machine Learning Aufgaben mit Procedures in SAS® Viya® umsetzen?Erleben Sie Machine Learning in Action: Feature Engineering, Modellierung und Modell Validierung in SAS® Viya® – Der Programmier-Ansatz mit SAS Procedures im SAS Program Editor.
- Ask the Expert Webinar SAS Enterprise Session Monitor: Welche Überwachungs- und Planungsfunktionalität gibt es für Ihre SAS Umgebung?Unser Experte Jürgen Schreiter gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in den SAS Enterprise Session Monitor und welchen Mehrwert er gegenüber anderen Monitoring-Werkzeugen liefern kann.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wo betreibe ich mein SAS®Viya®?Von unserem Experten Phillip Manschek erfahren Sie, wie SAS Viya Sie bei der Umsetzung einer Cloud-übergreifenden Daten- und Analytics-Strategie unterstützt.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie organisiere ich mein analytisches Datenmanagement für Predictive Modelling?Schauen Sie sich mit unserem Experten Ulrich Reincke, die wichtigsten SAS Programmschritte zum Aufbau einer Analyse Basis Tabelle für prädiktive Modellierung an.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie sieht die OLAP Zukunft in SAS Viya Visual Analytics aus?Unsere Expertin Carola Röttig zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie SAS Visual Analytics Berichte mit Hierarchien um Drill-Down Funktionalitäten erweitern.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Warum sollte ich die neue CAS Sprache (CASL) lernen?Unsere Expertin Tamara Fischer zeigt Ihnen die wesentlichen Unterschiede der modernen CAS Sprache gegenüber dem klassischen SAS Data Step.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich Jobs in SAS®Viya erstellen und nutzen?Von unserem Experten Gregor Herrmann erfahren Sie mehr über Jobs in SAS Viya und wie sie sich von den gespeicherten Prozessen in SAS 9 unterscheiden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mit SAS®Viya® auf APIs zugreifen und Prozesse automatisieren?Unser Experte David Weik gibt Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick wie man APIs mit SAS Viya nutzt um effizienter zu arbeiten.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Forecasting mit SAS: Wie kann ich meine Daten optimal für die Zeitreihenanalyse vorbereiten?In diesem Ask the Expert Webinar erfahren Sie, wie wichtig die Datenverarbeitung vor der Erstellung von Prognosen ist und mit welchen effektiven Methoden gängige Datenprobleme gelöst werden können, um die Ergebnisse von Prognosen zu verbessern.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie erstelle ich einen Report in SAS®Visual Analytics auf SAS®Viya 4?SAS Visual Analytics bietet Ihnen eine einfache Möglichkeit, aussagekräftige Berichte zu erstellen. Unsere Expertin Carola Röttig zeigt Ihnen wie Sie einen Überblick über Ihre Daten bekommen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mit SAS eine API aufrufen?Unser Experte David Weik zeigt Ihnen anhand von praktischen Beispielen, die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten von PROC HTTP.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Welche Best Practices gibt es, die einen Wechsel vom SAS® Enterprise Miner™ zu Model Studio und SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning auf SAS® Viya® erleichtern?Unsere SAS Expertinnen Anette Almer und Tamara Fischer zeigen Ihnen mit Tipps & Tricks, was Sie beim Wechsel zu Model Studio auf SAS Viya beachten müssen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mein SAS System auf SAS 9.4 M8 aktualisieren?Der SAS Experte Heino Rust zeigt Ihnen, welche Systemvoraussetzungen erfüllt werden müssen um Ihre SAS 9 Umgebungen auf SAS 9.4 M8 zu aktualisieren.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Data Cleansing - wie bereinige ich meine Daten mit SAS?Unser Experte Nikolaus Hartung gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die wesentlichen Bestandteile der dargestellten Data Cleansing Funktionen wie z. B. Duplikat Erkennung, Daten Zusammenführen, Vervollständigung lückenhafter Daten und Veredelung von Daten.
Ask the Expert Webinar
Forecasting mit SAS von A-Z
Wie kann ich mit SAS Zeitreihenprognosen erstellen?Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit SAS Zeitreihenprognosemodelle erstellen können, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, automatisch große Mengen an qualitativ hochwertigen Prognosen zu generieren. - Ask the Expert Webinar Wie integriere ich Inhalte von SAS® Viya in Microsoft 365?In diesem Ask the Expert Webinar zeigt Ihnen der SAS Experte Gregor Herrmann, was SAS for Microsoft 365 auf Viya von SAS Add-In for Microsoft auf SAS 9 unterscheidet.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie hebe ich mein Reporting mit SAS® Viya auf eine neue Stufe?In diesem Webinar zeigen wir im direkten Vergleich Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten im Reporting mit grafischen Oberflächen auf SAS 9 und SAS Visual Analytics unter Viya.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie suche, finde und verstehe ich Daten mit Information Governance?Information Governance: Suchmaschine für Daten und Mehr. Unser Experte David Weik zeigt Ihnen in diesem Ask the Expert Webinar, wie mit SAS Information Governance alle an SAS angebundenen Datenquellen durchsucht werden können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mit TEXT-Analytics Twitter Feeds vorsortieren, um Hinweise auf mögliche Katastrophenfälle zu erhalten?Unser Experte Ulrich Reincke zeigt Ihnen die Lösung eines Text Analytics Projekts entlang des analytischen Lebenszyklus in der gesamten SAS Viya Plattform.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie plane ich ein Deployment in SAS Viya 4? 4 Dinge, die Sie berücksichtigen sollten. In diesem Webinar zeigt Ihnen unser Experte Jürgen Schreiter, worauf Sie bei der SAS Viya für Kubernetes Installation achten müssen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar SAS und Open Source: Wie können Python Programmierer SAS® 9.4. nutzen?In diesem Webinar lernen die Möglichkeiten von SAS 9.4 und Phyton (Phyton Package saspy) zu kombinieren.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Proc Python: Wie kann ich SAS® und Python kombinieren?SAS Experte David Weik stellt Ihnen die Funktionalitäten der Prozedur Proc Python vor und zeigt Ihnen u.a. live, wie Sie Ihre Python Skripte in SAS integrieren können und umgekehrt.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich aus SAS® Viya auf Daten aus SAP, Oracle und anderen Datenquellen zugreifen?Unser Experte Torsten Röhner zeigt Ihnen, wie die Access Schnittstellen in SAS Viya deployed werden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Auf welche Cloud Datenbanken kann ich mit SAS®9 und SAS®Viya zugreifen? Wie sieht die Integration aus?SAS Experte Günter Greulich zeigt Ihnen, mit welcher SAS Version welche Cloud Datenbanken unterstützt werden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich beliebte Fehler vermeiden? Tipps und Tricks für erfolgreiche SAS® ProgrammierungIn diesem kostenlosen Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen beliebte Fehler, die immer wieder in Programmen auftauchen und helfen Ihnen diese zu vermeiden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie komme ich vom Enterprise Miner zum Model Studio?In diesem Webinar lernen Sie unter anderem wie aktuelle Enterprise Miner Projekte in Model Studio weiter verwendet werden können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie konfiguriere ich Berichte für den VA Table Editor?SAS Experte Kashif Din zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie beim Einsatz des Visual Analytics Table Editor vorgehen sollten und welche Fallstricke Sie besser vermeiden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Was sind die Top 10 Tipps für die Best Practice der SAS 9.4 Administration?Wir zeigen Ihnen live, wie Sie Ihre 9.4 Plattform besser, nachhaltiger und einfacher betreiben.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Datengesteuerte und benutzerdefinierte Berichte mit SAS - wie Sie die Messlatte hochlegenLernen Sie von unserer SAS Expertin Tülay Stecher wie Sie benutzerdefinierte, interaktive Berichte und Dashboards erstellen – auch unter Einbindung von Third Party Grafiken.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kommuniziere ich meine Analyseergebnisse wirkungsvoll?Unsere SAS Experten geben Ihnen praktische Tipps, wie Sie Fehler und Missverständnisse bei der Kommunikation Ihrer Analyse Ergebnisse vermeiden.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich Versionskontrolle in SAS® nutzen? In diesem Ask the Expert Webinar zeigt Ihnen SAS Experte Günter Greulich live, wie Sie sowohl in SAS 9 als auch in Viya die Versionierung über GIT nutzen können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Proc SQL oder Proc FedSQL: Was sollte ich als Programmierer benutzen?SAS Experte Michael Herrmann zeigt Ihnen wie man Proc FedSQL benutzt und wann das die bessere Wahl ist im Vergleich zu Proc SQL oder dem Data Step.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie migriere ich von SAS® 9.4 nach SAS® Viya? SAS Experte Heino Rust beschreibt die Vorbereitungen und das Vorgehen für die erfolgreiche Migration von SAS 9.4 auf SAS Viya. Er zeigt welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen und wie man Fallstricke vermeidet.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich meine SAS® Enterprise Guide Projekte in SAS® Studio nutzen? Unser Experte Gregor Herrmann gibt Ihnen live Tipps für Konzept, Vorgehen und Status der Migration.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Ein Streifzug durch die SAS® Programmierung: Tipps, die Sie selten in den Kursunterlagen finden.Begeben Sie sich mit uns auf einen Streifzug durch die SAS-/Makro-/SQL-Programmierung, der Ihnen Ihre tägliche Arbeit erleichtern wird.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kommt mein SAS 9 Data Warehouse nach SAS® Viya? SAS Daten Integration in neuem Gewand.Unser SAS Experte Günter Greulich gibt Ihnen praktische Tipps, wie Sie ihren DI Job nach SAS Studio migrieren, und was Sie dabei beachten müssen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie vermeide ich Security Fallstricke? SAS® Viya 4 in der „nicht so public“ CloudUnser SAS Experte Phillip Manschek zeigt Ihnen live wie SAS® Viya in privaten/gesicherten Cloud-Umgebungen deployed und betrieben werden kann.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie kann ich mein bisheriges Ad-hoc und Standard Reporting mit SAS Visual Analytics auf SAS® Viya aufwerten?Unsere SAS Expertin Tülay Stecher zeigt Ihnen live, wie sich SAS mit Visual Analytics in eine moderne, offene und intuitive analytische Welt entwickelt hat.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Welche Best Practices gibt es bei der Entwicklung benutzerdefinierter Tasks in SAS® Studio?SAS Expertin Tamara Fischer zeigt, wie Sie in wenigen Schritten benutzerdefinierte Tasks in SAS Studio entwickeln können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie implementiere ich Model Lifecycle Prozesse mit dem SAS® Workflow Manager?In diesem kostenlosen Webinar zeigt Ihnen die SAS Expertin Tamara Fischer, wie ModelOps Prozesse mit dem SAS Workflow Manager automatisiert und orchestriert werden können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Data Preparation für Data Science: Womit Sie „DATA=“ in den analytischen Procedures von SAS am besten füttern – Teil 1Experte Gerhard Svolba wird Ihnen in diesem kostenlosen Webinar veranschaulichen, dass Datenvorbereitung für Data Science viel mehr ist als nur Codierung oder analytische Datenverarbeitung.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Programmieren mit dem SAS® Data Step: Optimiert für die CloudIn diesem kostenlosen Webinar zeigen Ihnen die SAS Experten Michael Herrmann und Günter Greulich Tricks und Kniffe, wie Sie Ihren bewährten SAS Code für zukünftige Cloud-Architekturen optimieren.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie programmiere ich meinen SAS Code effizienter? Ausgewählte Tipps und Tricks Ärgern Sie sich auch manchmal über die langen Laufzeiten Ihres Codes und fragen sich, ob man das nicht verbessern kann? Diese und andere Fragestellungen beantwortet dieses kostenlose Webinar.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Was sind die Top Tipps für SAS® Viya Administratoren?In diesem kostenlosen Webinar mit den SAS Experten Paul Scheenaart und Christian Wolf wollen wir Ihnen Wege aufzeigen und Tipps an die Hand geben, mit denen Sie Ihre Viya Umgebung aktiv monitoren und kontrollieren können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar SAS Viya on Azure – wie funktioniert SAS mit AKS & DevOpsSAS Experte Senad Jukic gibt Ihnen in diesem Webinar einen Überblick über die neue SAS Viya Architektur auf Azure und erläutert die Vorbereitung auf das Kubernetes Deployment.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Welche Inhalte aus SAS 9.4 kann ich nach SAS Viya migrieren?Das Content Assessment ist der erste Schritt, um einen Wechsel von SAS 9.4 auf SAS Viya zu planen. Der SAS Experte Günter Greulich stellt den Teilnehmern vor, wie ein Content Assessment vorbereitet werden muss und welche Ergebnisse erzielt werden können.
- Ask the Expert Webinar SAS und Open Source: Top Tipps für SAS® Viya Programmierung mit PythonLernen Sie in diesem kostenlosen Webinar mit dem SAS Experten Michael Gorkow die Leistungsfähigkeit von SAS mithilfe von Open Source Technologien zu nutzen bzw. zu erweitern.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Wie arbeite ich effizient mit dem SAS Enterprise Guide? 20 Tipps in 20 MinutenEs gibt einen Unterschied zwischen Programmieren und effizientem Programmieren. Beim SAS Experten Gregor Herrmann lernen Sie 20 Tipps für die Arbeit im SAS Enterprise Guide kennen.
- Ask the Expert Webinar Was sind die Best Practices für das Upgrade auf SAS 9.4?SAS Administratoren stehen vor der Herausforderung zu planen, wann das Upgrade einer SAS Plattform auf ein neues Maintenance Release sinnvoll ist. Unser Experte Heino Rust erklärt es.
On-Demand Webinare auf Englisch
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- Mittelständische Unternehmen
- From Data to Insights: Leveraging SAS Visual Investigator Scenarios For Anomaly DetectionJoin this webinar to learn how to use SAS Visual Investigator to identify suspicious anomalies in data.
- How To Make Your LLM Work For YouJoin this webinar to explore core techniques for effectively building with large language models (LLMs).
- Beyond Macro – Data-Driven Programming in SAS® Viya®Join this webinar to learn how to use the CAS programming language for writing automated, self-modifying, data-driven programs.
- 2025 Trends in Global BankingDiscover the pivotal trends shaping the future of global banking in 2025 – and beyond.
- Getting ROI From AI With Modern Data ManagementRealizing the full potential of AI and analytics is crucial to achieve real-world business objectives.
- The Future of AI - Why Trust and Governance MatterHear from SAS and Intel experts on why trust must be the foundation of your GenAI integration.
- Beyond the Tipping Point: Tackling Interest Rate and Liquidity Risk for Future-Ready BankingLearn from top experts and discover what’s needed for a stronger, more resilient banking sector.
- Real-Time Watchlist Screening: Unlocking Efficiency and Compliance With SAS and NeteriumTransform compliance with AI-powered, real-time watchlist screening that keeps pace with evolving risks.
- How To Accelerate Governed Decision Delivery With SAS ID WorkflowsJoin this webinar to learn new ways to assign workflows in order to manage and govern decision assets.
- Easily Turn Your Automated Explanation Into a Predictive ModelJoin this webinar to learn just how easy it is to build a predictive model from an automated explanation.
- What Can Formats Do For You?Join this webinar to learn about formats and how this “hidden” tool can help SAS programmers in a variety of ways.
- How Do I Assess and Mitigate Models Bias With SAS Fair AI Tools?Join this webinar to learn how to assess and mitigate model bias using SAS® Viya®.
- 5 Tips for Using GenAI to Improve Your Customer ExperienceLearn how generative AI is reshaping CX for businesses across industries.
- Report Design in Action – Applying Report Design Best PracticesJoin this webinar to learn tips and tricks to ensure your reports are both useful and compelling.
- Leveraging Snowflake With SAS Container Runtime + SAS Intelligent DecisioningJoin this webinar to learn how to seamlessly integrate decisioning processes and achieve faster insights from your data.
- How Do I Perform Customer Segmentation With SAS Intelligent Decisioning?Join this webinar to learn how to collaborate with your team and manage outcomes in your SAS Intelligent Decisioning segmentation trees.
- Building Data Visualization Applications Using Python and SASBuilding custom web applications using Python as a programming language and SAS to provide data has never been this easy.
- Trustworthy AI: Understanding the Liability and Consequences of AI Models in Production Discover how to navigate evolving regulations and tackle the unknowns, all while protecting your institution and customers.
- Unlocking Greater Productivity for Data and AI Teams: Insights From the Latest Futurum Group Study Struggling with a shortage of AI talent? You’re not alone! Join our upcoming webinar to explore how to boost productivity in the data and AI life cycle despite the skills gap.
- Optimizing the Use of Marketing Technology to Build Customer TrustMartech leaders using analytics, AI and other tools can optimize their marketing, build customer trust and derive greater value from their efforts.
- Leveraging R for Statistical Analysis in LSAFJoin this webinar to learn how using R in the Life Sciences Analytics Framework (LSAF) enhances the analytical capabilities of life science researchers.
- How Can I Geocode Address Data Using SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to learn how to turn location-based data into actionable insights.
- How Can I Process Scanned Document Images in SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to learn how SAS document vision helps ensure efficient workflows and results in significant time savings compared to manual reviews.
- How Do I Clean My Data Using SAS Programming: Part 2Join this webinar to learn why cleaning your data is one of the first steps in data analytics and to see examples of how to clean data using SAS programming.
- Fostering Trustworthy AI Using a Model CardJoin this webinar to learn how to create a model card in order to build trustworthy AI models.
- Unite MarTech and Adtech for Deeper Customer EngagementLearn how a customer data platform can transform the way you connect with your customers.
- EnerjiSA Modernization Story: SAS is so Much More Than an AI Platform. Discover the Power of Business Intelligence!Join this webinar to explore real-world use cases and hear a SAS modernization story, showcasing how SAS® Viya® transforms BI capabilities for greater impact.
- Modernize to SAS® Viya® with HPE GreenLake High-Performance, On-Premises, Pay-As-You-Go SolutionJoin this webinar to learn how you can bring the cloud experience to where your data lives.
- Why SQL Dictionary Tables are a Game-Changer for Data ScientistsJoin this webinar to discover why dictionary tables are a true game-changer for data scientists and learn the number 1 rule for data specialists: know the data.
- Generative AI Meets AML: Elevating Compliance Standards in Banking Join us as we explore real-world examples, key insights and what the future holds for GenAI in AML compliance.
- Moving to SAS® Viya® from SAS®9Join this webinar to learn the necessary steps to move your SAS®9 content to SAS Viya.
- Market Pulse on GenAI: How to Achieve Enterprise ROI Gain actionable insights to harness GenAI effectively, ensuring you avoid costly pitfalls.
- Improving Manufacturing Product Quality With Bayesian Computation in SAS® Viya®Join this webinar to hear how companies are using advanced analytics to improve manufacturing quality, safety and timelines.
- Revolutionizing Customer Insights: Harnessing the Power of SAS Customer AnalyticsTransform customer insights and boost ROI with versatile analytics solutions from SAS.
- Executing SAS Analytics From R Shiny ApplicationsJoin this webinar to learn how to achieve seamless connectivity between R and SAS sessions.
- Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Models in SAS® OptimizationJoin this webinar to learn how multi-objective optimization provides practical guidance for solving business problems with multiple competing objectives.
- Real-Time Next-Best Offer SuccessOptimize your next-best offers in real time to improve revenues and conversions using the SAS Real-Time Recommendation Engine.
- Why Democratizing Analytics Will Lead to Faster Innovation and Digital TransformationThis webinar will demonstrate how critical it is to enable analytics skills at all tiers of your organization.
- Spearheading Productivity: How SAS® Viya® Turns Productivity Gains Into Concrete ValueJoin us as our business productivity experts discuss how to gain real value from what might otherwise seem like a very abstract concept.
- Realizing Value From Your Cloud Analytics Faster Learn how to accelerate time to value from your cloud analytics investment.
- Public Comment Analysis for Federal Rulemaking Gets a Boost From NLP and Generative AIJoin this webinar to hear how SAS and Booz Allen Hamilton have partnered to enhance the federal rulemaking public comment analysis process through natural language processing (NLP) and GenAI.
- Maximize the Business Value of AI With Modern Data ManagementJoin this webinar to learn the data management path to AI and analytics success.
- The Economic Imperative of Responsible InnovationJoin this webinar to learn how generative AI is bringing a sense of urgency to organizations seeking enhanced productivity without comprising security.
- Your Next Analytics Project: Aligning Business Needs With Time, Cost and RiskJoin this webinar to discover strategies to ensure a successful analytics upgrade.
- Maximizing and Preserving Value Across Your OrganizationJoin this webinar to learn how to mitigate risk and optimize return when choosing a new analytics platform.
- SAS’ Generative AI Strategy for Enterprise TransformationJoin this webinar to discover SAS’ generative AI transformative power, product strategy and vision for the future.
- Analytics for Everyone: Finding the ‘80/20’ to Faster Time to ValueLearn how to accelerate and scale your organization’s problem-solving ability by empowering professional coders and noncoders alike.
- Exploring the Environmental Impact of AI and Analytics in the CloudJoin this webinar to learn how you can assess the carbon footprint of your analytical workloads in the cloud and ways to optimize it.
- Planet, People and Profit: The Role of Data and AI to Drive SustainabilityJoin this webinar to discover strategies to save the planet while improving your bottom line.
- Understanding the Critical Role of Data Modernization on Analytics TransformationJoin this webinar to learn how data modernization is an integral part of your analytics upgrade.
- Common Mistakes With Analytics Upgrades and How to Avoid ThemJoin this webinar to hear case studies and lessons learned to improve your analytics journey.
- Better Analytics with Automation in SAS® Viya® Join this webinar to discover how analytics automation can lead to faster insights, better quality and time savings.
- Advance Your Data Engineering and Analytics Skills With SAS® Studio on SAS® Viya® 4Join this webinar to explore the latest technology and how you can develop your data engineering skills to reimagine your analytics experience.
- Workload Orchestration in SAS® Viya® 4Join this webinar to learn how SAS Workload Management will extend the power of SAS Analytics.
- AI in Health Care: Enhance Clinical and Operational Decision MakingAI is revolutionizing the health care sector. Join SAS and Microsoft to explore innovative AI solutions for better patient outcomes and efficient care delivery.
- Generative AI for Financial Services: Leveraging Large Language Models + Natural Language Processing for Problem SolvingLearn how financial institutions use innovative natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs) to drive tangible results.
- How Do I Clean My Data Using SAS Programming?Join us as we explore programming tips and tricks for cleaning your data using SAS programming.
- Top Tips for SAS®9 Programmers Moving to SAS® Viya®Join this webinar to get the knowledge and confidence you need to embrace the evolution of SAS.
- Using SAS With Microsoft 365: A Programming ApproachJoin this webinar to learn how to unlock new power and flexibility by using Microsoft from your SAS programs.
- What are the Top 10 Tips for SAS® Viya® Administrators in 2024?Join this webinar to learn the topmost useful tasks in our checklist for SAS Viya administrators.
- Jupyter Notebook: Your Coding CanvasJoin this webinar to explore the power and flexibility of Jupyter Notebook within the SAS® Viya® environment.
- SAS® Viya® WorkbenchJoin us to learn more about this highly scalable, cloud development environment that allows data scientists to rapidly build high-performance models in the language they choose.
- How Can I Use SAS® Optimization From Python?There are several ways to use SAS Optimization from Python. The trick is to decide which is best for you.
- SAS® Viya® Workbench on AWS MarketplaceJoin this webinar to learn about SAS Viya Workbench, a developer canvas for building AI models in a cloud-native, scalable environment.
- Generative AI May Pose One of the Greatest Compliance Challenges for Tax Agencies. What Can Be Done?Join SAS experts Teya Dyan and Alexandre Negadi for a live webinar as we explore how GenAI fuels tax fraud and how tax agencies can combat it.
- ModelOps: Why Data Matters – Building Efficient FoundationsJoin this webinar to discover how to elevate your ModelOps strategy by integrating data with both agility and effectiveness.
- Are You Ready for MarTech 2024?Join our experts as they cover lots of ground, from AI-driven customer journeys to soaring customer expectations.
- Using Templates to Create Reports Quickly in SAS Visual AnalyticsJoin this webinar to learn how you can create reports in SAS Visual Analytics more efficiently using page and object templates.
- How Do I Streamline AI Project Workflows?This webinar will showcase the flexibility, efficiency and scalability of combining SAS Event Stream Processing with ONNX Runtime and Microsoft Azure, addressing common challenges in AI model deployment and execution.
- Optimizing Logistics Operations Using Customized SolutionsJoin this webinar to learn how you can optimize logistics routing operations to improve operational efficiency.
- Generative AI in Fraud and Financial CrimesChallenges and opportunities for financial institutions
- What’s New in SAS Optimization?Discover more about how SAS Optimization continues to improve on its powerful modeling language with unified access to a broad suite of solvers.
- SAS Life Science Analytics FrameworkSAS Life Science Analytics Framework delivers an open, cloud-native statistical computing environment for clinical research that more efficiently delivers trial results to regulatory authorities.
- Take Back Control of Your Advertising Efforts: Here’s HowLearn how to reclaim your data and ad revenue – and to rethink how to connect with audiences.
- Generative AI: Transforming Drug Development in Life SciencesHow GenAI is benefitting pharmaceutical development today and where it may lead in the future
- SAS Enterprise Guide is Now Integrated with SAS® Viya® 4Learn more about the benefits of running SAS Enterprise Guide on Viya 4.
- How Can You Use Deep Learning for Personalized Pricing and Revenue Optimization?Join this webinar to learn how to harvest the power of machine learning and how you can apply its capabilities for personalized pricing.
- From Zero to SAS: Using SAS Studio to Summarize and Manipulate Your DataJoin us as we explore how nonprogrammers today use SAS Studio to accomplish data-cleaning tasks.
- Why Do I Need SAS Intelligent Decisioning and SAS Model Manager to Achieve Analytics Success?Join us as we explore how the integration between these SAS solutions helps MLOps engineers, data scientists and business users improve analytics success by working together.
- Predictive Maintenance: A More Proactive and ROI-Driven Business ModelIncrease uptime and reduce unnecessary capital expenditures with predictive maintenance
- Real-Time Predictive Analytics: Uncovering Opportunities and Barriers at the Speed of Data FlowJoin us as we discuss how SAS® Event Stream Processing can help organizations uncover data anomalies instantly, before trouble starts or opportunity passes
- Using AI to Build a Better Insurance IndustryJoin us for an exploration into the digital transformation of insurance companies, unveiling how AI accelerates speed, efficiency and precision in all facets of the industry.
- Enhance Forecasting Accuracy With Time-Series Segmentation and Machine LearningCalling all forecasters, analysts and data scientists: There’s important information coming your way to help you do your job better.
- Boosting Retail & CPG Profits: Are Your Promotions Optimized?Join us as we discuss some of the tools that collect, visualize and interpret data so you can boost sales and profits even while enhancing customer engagement.
- Advanced Analytics: The Chief Risk Officer’s PerspectiveExplore insurance risks and solutions in this webinar as we hear the CRO’s perspective on AI pitfalls, tech risks and effective communication strategies.
- Advanced Analytics: Walk in the Insurance Regulator’s ShoesDive into the regulatory world of AI in insurance as we explore insights on collaboration strategies and future trends in AI regulation.
- Advanced Analytics: Insurers’ Fiduciary Responsibilities Learn how to navigate the complex intersection of AI and insurance responsibilities and get insights into regulations, duties of care and future trends.
- Advanced Analytics: Generative AI for the Insurance IndustryAn introduction to how generative AI can help improve decision making and save money for property and casualty and life insurers
- AI and the Board: Bias, Control and TrustLearn about AI and advanced analytics trends transforming the insurance industry and how insurers can implement technology to mitigate risks.
- Generative AI: What Boards of Directors Should ConsiderLearn effective, cost-efficient and compliant ways to implement generative AI and large language model analytics.
- Insuring the World’s Food Supply: How Analytics Is Changing Agricultural InsuranceLearn how insurers can stay competitive with advanced analytics for agricultural insurance.
- Tips and Tricks: Improve Forecast Accuracy Using Interactive Modeling in SAS® Visual ForecastingJoin this webinar to learn effective use of interactive modeling capabilities in the SAS Visual Forecasting user interface to further improve forecast accuracy for individual time series.
- Diving Deeper: How Many Ways Can You Join SAS® Tables?Join this webinar to learn about various join algorithms and see comparisons between them.
- Boosting Casino Revenue: Optimizing Player Reinvestment With AI-Driven Next Best ActionsJoin us as we explore how gambling operations can maximize revenue with minimal marketing spending by using AI to analyze patron data
- Top Trends in 2024 The Pressure Test on Health Care and Life SciencesPressure mounts on health care and life sciences as the industry transforms. Keep up with the ever-changing landscape with these top trends for 2024.
- How Do I Use SAS® Intelligent Decisioning to Its Full Potential?Join this webinar to see the newer innovations of SAS Intelligent Decisioning and understand how and why users can best apply these features.
- Discover the Possibilities: SAS® Visual Studio Code ExtensionJoin this webinar and learn how to become more proficient and productive when coding in SAS.
- Have It Your Way – Forecasting With SAS® and Open SourceJoin this webinar to get a high-level overview and interactive demo of the new Distributed Open Source Code (DOSC) node recently made available within SAS Visual Forecasting.
- How Does SAS® Viya® Integrate With My Favorite Microsoft Products?Join this webinar to learn how to easily access your SAS Viya environment from your favorite Microsoft products like Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint using SAS for Microsoft 365.
- Insights for Optimizing Your Cloud SpendDuring this webinar, you’ll receive advice and strategies for optimizing your organization’s cloud spend.
- AI-Driven Transformation – Generating Insights for the CustomerJoin this webinar to learn the importance of data-driven insights to assist clients with decisions for SAS® platform modernization
- How to Develop Better Forecasts With SAS® Visual ForecastingJoin this webinar to learn about the breadth of features available in SAS Visual Forecasting and how they can help improve both the quality and reliability of your forecasts.
- How to Think About Trustworthy AI in 2024 and BeyondLearn how trustworthy AI works and how to best use it to your organization’s advantage while avoiding common pitfalls.
- Diving Deeper: How to Make VMware Perform With SAS®Join this webinar to learn how to configure and tune VMWare virtual machines for performant SAS usage.
- Introduction to Making VMware Perform With SAS®Join this webinar to learn the basic operations, benefits and difficulties in employing SAS applications on VMware.
- How Many Ways Can You Join SAS® Tables?Join this webinar to learn various join algorithms and address comparisons between them.
- How Do I Use SAS® Intelligent Decisioning?Join this webinar to learn how to use capabilities offered in SAS Intelligent Decisioning.
- Deploying SAS® Viya® on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® HardwareJoin this webinar, where Intel will share lessons learned from deploying and testing SAS Viya on 4th Generation Xeon Processors on-premises and in the cloud.
- Creating Oncology Figures Using ODS GraphicsJoin this webinar to learn the capabilities of the ODS graphics system for creating graphics used to display oncology data.
- How Do I Get My SAS®9 Codes Running in SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to discover the smoothest way to transition your SAS®9 code and flows to SAS Viya 4 with minimal effort.
- Working With SAS® Viya® DataJoin this webinar to explore the ways in which SAS Viya turns your data raw resources into valuable assets.
- Ethics in AI: Building Responsible AI SystemsJoin this webinar to learn how to build and maintain responsible AI systems by embedding the trustworthy AI principles of inclusivity, transparency and security.
- AI: Practical Applications in Health Care and Payment Integrity What exactly are AI, ML and GAI, and how are they applied in health care and payment integrity? Let’s explore current uses and potential future threats.
- Trustworthy AI Using SAS®: A Technical DiscussionJoin this webinar to learn how a trustworthy AI approach injects fairness and oversight at every step of the AI and analytics journey.
- AI and Machine Learning in Action Using SAS® Viya®: A Detailed Use CaseJoin this webinar to learn how SAS Viya uses embedded AI capabilities to benefit an organization’s operations.
- Digital Transformation in Health & Life Sciences: Fact or FictionUnderstand what’s possible and make the most of digital evolution.
- 10 Tips for Simulating Data With SAS®Join this webinar to learn 10 tips that enable you to write efficient simulations in SAS.
- The Lost Art of Reading and Loading Raw Data Into SAS®Join this webinar to learn the critical step of uploading your valuable data into SAS.
- Still Talking Supply Chains? Solving for Manufacturing Disruption in Health Care and Life SciencesJoin us as we discuss ways your organization can use technology and analytics to mitigate supply chain challenges across health care and life sciences.
- Modernize Your Graphs Using ODS GraphicsJoin this webinar to learn about the new methods for controlling colors and symbols and inserting tables into your graphs.
- How Can I Create Custom Geo Maps in SAS® Visual Analytics?Join this webinar to learn how to create rich, customizable maps in SAS Visual Analytics.
- Baking With Arrays Versus Cooking With Hash: In-Memory Lookup TechniquesJoin this webinar to learn the difference between these two in-memory techniques.
- SAS® Viya® and Azure Confidential ComputingJoin leaders from SAS and Microsoft in this webinar to learn about the possibilities and uses that can change your organization in the year ahead.
- Anti-Fraud and Financial Crime Key Trends Pulse CheckJoin us for this midyear pulse check as we discuss emerging threats and the most effective ways to combat them.
- Accessing Database Data in SAS® Viya®Join this webinar to learn how you can use your SAS®9 programming skills in the SAS Viya compute server.
- SAS® Viya® and R IntegrationJoin this webinar to learn how R users can embrace high-performance SAS Analytics without a full dive into the SAS programming language.
- To Trust AI, Understand AITo successfully deploy AI, you must first become familiar with the lexicon and learn about the role of foundational concepts such as trust and ethics.
- Solving the Analytics Puzzle From BI to AILearn how you can put together a picture of analytics that enables you to uncover deeper insights and deliver more value.
- To Err is Human. So is AI.Learn how to manage uncertainty in AI by improving transparency and accountability.
- Model ExplainabilityDiscover how you can see into the black box and explain what is happening with your algorithms.
- Solving the Analytics Puzzle From BI to AI: Illustrated SolutionsSee clear illustrations of how to combine analytics capabilities to solve any data-driven challenge.
- 5 Ways to Maximize Your Analytics ROILearn how to effectively communicate the value of your analytics investments to ensure they get full credit for their positive affect on ROI.
- Five Imperatives for the Analytic ExecutiveLearn what it takes to capitalize on the analytics economy and generate substantial business value.
- Finding the Sweet Spot: The Nexus of Data, Analytics and Business StrategyLearn how to clearly outline your data and analytics strategies – and then put them into action.
- Determining the FATE of AIJoin us as we explore ways to consider AI fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics (FATE) and how to address these issues as you grow your AI strategy.
- Building the Foundation for Analytic SuccessLearn about organizational best practices for analytics and what it takes to build a thriving analytics culture.
- Beyond Dashboards: Analytics in Action WebinarYou’ve got dashboards. So many dashboards. Some are even smart. What next?
- Geocoding and Mapping in SAS®Join this webinar to learn about the great mapping capabilities of SAS and its recent additions.
- Building and Maintaining Data Science TalentHear diverse perspectives on how to address the data science skills shortage through talent development programs, partnerships with academic institutions and more.
- SAS® Visual Analytics Stories Are Data With a SoulJoin this webinar to learn examples of generating emotion with your visualizations, analytics, reports and dashboards.
- How to Use JSON Data in SAS®Join this webinar to learn how to use SAS to read JSON data sources and create JSON output within SAS programming.
- From Idea to Action: The Keys to Real-World Evidence and AnalyticsReal-world data is the latest industry buzz, but is it that valuable? Without the power of analytics, it might not be.
- How can I Integrate SAS® and Open Source for Analytics and Machine Learning?Join this webinar to learn how, through a use case starting with raw data, you can use SAS® Viya® and open source together to create and deploy superior models to drive your organizational goals.
- Alignment: The Harmonic Convergence of Banking CXLearn how banks can use data and analytics to adapt and act in real time and provide better customer experiences.
- Engaging With Smart and Immersive Tech: Your Customers Are Ready – Are You?Learn how you can make the most of new, emerging technology to start creating better customer experiences.
- Empathy and Understanding: Driving Loyalty Through Data and AnalyticsLearn how to go beyond loyalty programs and instead create personalized interactions throughout every step of the customer journey.
- Data Management and Real-Time Customer ExperienceLearn how to make peace with your data and take advantage of the unsung hero in your company – data management. Get tips for unifying your customer experience and data management teams and improving CX initiatives.
- Mastering Decisioning to Stay in the CX GameLearn how to achieve real-time data collection and analysis to proactively meet and exceed customer requirements.
- Data and AI: Accelerators of Banking CXJoin us for this webinar featuring experts in financial services, digital marketing and customer experience as we discuss ways to use analytics to your advantage in banking.
- Are You Finding The Right Solutions To Fix Your Hospital Challenges?Join this webinar to learn from experts such as Endrit Meta, Director of Technology & Data at The Center for Health Affairs, how to help address this.
- Creative Methodologies for Vulnerable PopulationsJoin this webinar to learn how to integrate data and ask new questions to gain better insight into the needs of vulnerable populations living in rural areas, improving their access to services and outcomes.
- Get Started: Using CAS Programming Language for Distributed Computing in the SAS® Viya® PlatformJoin this webinar to learn how to get the most from the SAS Viya platform's high-performance, in-memory, distributed analytics computing engine, Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) using CAS’s native programming language, CASL.
- Banking Breakdown: Are P&C Insurers’ Early Warning Systems Good Enough?Join us as we discuss the uncertainty insurance companies are feeling in the current economic climate and how analytics and early-warning systems can help improve their financial footing.
- Upgrading to the Latest Version of SAS® 9.4 M8Join this webinar to learn both the best practices and importance of upgrading to SAS 9.4 M8.
- Quantifying the Impacts of Clinical Intervention Programs Using Propensity Score Matching in SAS®Join this webinar to learn how propensity score matching methods can be applied within SAS to control for confounder biases often present in historical clinical/claims data.
- Biotech, Pharma, Med Device Leaders: Re-Think Commercialization With Analytics Join this webinar to learn trends in stakeholder engagement preferences and key considerations for digital first strategies
- Composite AI Using Machine Learning in Optimization FormulationsJoin this webinar to learn how to incorporate ML models into optimization formulations to solve complex business problems.
- Using SAS® With Microsoft 365: A Programming ApproachJoin this webinar to learn how to use SAS programs to reach into Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint Online to read and update your files.
- Banking Breakdown: The Wider Implications and What to Do NextJoin us for a discussion of the current banking turmoil and how risk technology and analytics can help improve stability during market volatility.
- How Can I Collaborate With My Coworkers in SAS® Viya® to Build Better Models?Join this special edition webinar to learn how to gain insights into your data faster than ever!
- Tips and Tricks For Better Forecasting With SAS®Join this webinar to learn the importance of data preparation prior to forecasting and see effective methods to tackle common data issues to enhance forecasting results.
- Advancing a Healthy Risk Culture With AnalyticsUnderstand the power of analytics in helping your organization profit from risk in this brief webinar.
- Composite AI Using Forecasting and OptimizationJoin this webinar to learn how forecasted values can be integrated into an optimization model to provide practical guidance and decision making under uncertainty.
- Playing With FHIR: How Many Ways Can You Read JSON Data in SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to learn how to use both SAS and Python to make RESTful API calls to retrieve data sets and parse FHIR-conformant JSON data.
- SAS® Viya® Deployment Overview With a Zoom on the Open Source Kubernetes DeploymentJoin this webinar to learn about SAS Viya deployments in Kubernetes.
- How Excellus BCBS Moved From SAS® Enterprise Guide® to SAS StudioJoin this webinar to hear Excellus BCBS share lessons and a demo from its move from SAS Enterprise Guide to SAS Studio.
- Top 5 Change Drivers for the Year of the “Non” PatientDiscover how advanced analytics can change the future of health care.
- How to Increase Speed to Analytics-Driven Decisions: SAS® Viya® With SingleStoreJoin this webinar to learn how to use the power of SAS Viya with SingleStore and SAS Cloud Analytic Services.
- Toward Responsible AI: Creating Fair Machine Learning Models Discover how to put responsible AI into practice with SAS® Viya®.
- Predicting Customer Value Using Advanced Analytics Learn how advanced analytics and predictive models give you a clear view of your customer’s lifetime value.
- Catch a Fraudster: Finding the Needle in the Haystack With AILearn how Prime Therapeutics, the pharmacy benefit manager that Fast Company named among the world’s most innovative companies for 2020, uses SAS® AI to fight fraud, waste and abuse.
- Jobs in SAS® Viya® 4: The Next Generation of Stored ProcessesJoin this webinar to learn about SAS jobs in SAS Viya and how they are similar to – and different from – stored processes in SAS 9.4.
- From Mad Men To MadtechAn encore presentation from the ANA B2B Marketing Conference
- How Do I Use SAS® Model Manager?Join this webinar to learn how to get started using SAS Model Manager.
- A SAS®9 Customer’s Journey to SAS® Viya®Learn how the University of North Texas migrated from SAS®9 to SAS Viya
- What Are Current Challenges and Opportunities in Analytics?Learn about the analytics process model.
- Take Your SAS® Visualizations to the Next LevelJoin this webinar to learn how to create visualizations in a low code/no code manner and how you can share them via different channels.
- Go-To List of SAS® Support ResourcesCut to the chase with our list of the most helpful SAS support resources.
- Getting Data Into SAS® Viya® – What Data Fits and How?Learn how to make data available for use in the SAS Viya Cloud Analytic Service.
- Data Preparation Best Practice Approaches for Deriving Better Insights From AnalyticsExplore data preparation ideas to help drive better insights from analytics. This webinar is for data scientists, data engineers, data stewards and analysts.
- But I Love Open Source – Why Do I Need SAS® Viya®?Learn how SAS Viya works with open source to deliver faster business value and accelerate innovation.
- Best Practices for Data Scientists and Analysts: Communicating Your ResultsThis webinar will introduce some of the best practices to consider when presenting your analytics findings to colleagues and decision makers.
- AI-Embedded IoT Analytics: Getting StartedJoin us to learn the basics of AI-embedded IoT analytics, including exploring and understanding IoT data in a new light.
- How Do You Use Open Source With SAS Event Stream Processing?Learn how to use SAS with open source to extract value from streaming data.
- How Do I Access the SAS Training Resources That Best Suit My Needs?Join SAS Technical Training Consultant Anna Rakers to find out how to access the SAS training resources that best suit your current needs as well as prepare for future career advancement.
- How Do You Manage Your SAS Projects With Git?Join SAS expert Chris Hemedinger as he discusses SAS integration with Git for collaborative projects in your teams.
- How Do You Use Events to Improve Your Forecasts in SAS Viya Visual Forecasting?Learn how to use Events in SAS Visual Forecasting to have a simple but powerful tool to improve the accuracy of your forecasting models.
- How Do I Move SAS Applications to a Public Cloud?Learn how to get the best performance from SAS®9 and SAS® Viya® when hosted in any of the available public clouds.
- What’s New in SAS® Studio 5.2?Get an in-depth view of the SAS Studio 5.2 interface and utilities.
- Why Do I Have Missing Data and How Do I Fix it?Learn how to handle missing values in your data.
- How Can I Visualize Global COVID-19 Survey Data?Analytics can be a tool in the fight against COVID-19. Learn to prepare data for analysis and how to create reports from your data using SAS® Visual Analytics.
- How Do You Use SAS® to Access Data and APIs From the Web?Learn how to access data and APIs from internet sources, all from within your SAS programs.
- What Are Best Practices for Upgrading to the Latest Version of SAS®9?Learn the best practices for upgrading to the latest version of SAS®9 and why it’s important to upgrade this year.
- How Do I Migrate SAS® Event Stream Processing Workloads to Microsoft Azure?Learn how SAS and Microsoft work together to seamlessly migrate SAS Event Stream Processing workloads to Microsoft Azure.
- How Can I Save Time and Build Trust With My Data Preparation?Learn how to use AI and machine learning to save time and build trust in your data preparation techniques.
- What Are Best Practices for Using SAS® Survey Procedures?Learn how to utilize the power of SAS survey tools to design and analyze big survey data scientifically
- PROC SQL or PROC FedSQL: Which Should a Programmer Use?Learn when and how to use PROC FedSQL and when it offers benefits over PROC SQL.
- How Do I Migrate Data From One Database Management System to Another?Learn best practices to migrate from one database management system to another.
- How Do You Promote Content Between Your SAS® Platforms?Learn the steps of moving content within SAS® Viya® and from SAS 9.4 to SAS Viya using promotion tools.
- How Can I Create Graphs Using SAS®?Harness the power of SAS to create meaningful graphs using Statistical Graphics procedures and Graph Template Language.
- Why Is the Log Report a Programmer’s Best Friend?Learn why it’s so important to review the log to ensure your programs run without errors and deliver the desired results.
- Top 10 Syntax Errors and How to Fix ThemLearn the top 10 SAS syntax errors and how to fix them.
- How Do I Start My ModelOps Journey With SAS® Model Manager?Learn to put your SAS and open source models into action
- What Are the Ways to Diagnose Infeasibility?Diagnose and understand why an optimization problem is infeasible
- How Do You Work With APIs in SAS® Viya®?Learn how to use SAS APIs to build web applications and integrate with open source technologies.
- What Do I Need to Know About SAS® Viya® Security?Learn the basics of SAS Viya security, including the two-tier authorization model.
- How Do I Fix Common Problems in Output From ODS Graphics?Learn how to avoid common pitfalls when using ODS Graphics procedures.
- How Do I Democratize Data and Govern Information?Discover how you can significantly reduce time and manual labor spent trying to find the right data with the right quality.
- How to Use Popular PROCS in SAS/STAT®Learn how to use Bayesian analysis, high-dimensional variable selection and survival analysis.
- How to Use Popular PROCS in SAS/STAT® – the SequelLearn how to use Power and Sample Size Analysis, Categorical Data Analysis, and Quantile Regression.
- What Do I Need to Know About SAS® Viya® Data Management?Learn how to jump-start your data and analytics efforts with the interactive development environment and modern data catalog found in SAS Viya.
- 3 Approaches to SAS® Cloud MigrationLearn how best to plan, execute and ultimately succeed on your migration journey to SAS® Cloud.
- Tips and Tricks for Sending Emails Using SAS® Learn how to send emails using SAS.
- How Do I Use SAS® Event Stream Processing With ONNX Models?Learn how SAS Event Stream Processing supports ONNX format models for inferencing using ONNX Runtime technology.
- 10 Things You’ll Love About SAS® Viya®Learn how SAS Viya can help your organization see your data, customers and operations in new ways that encourage innovation and confident decision making.
- Top 5 Handy PROC SQL TipsJoin this webinar to learn five tips you may not know about PROC SQL.
- How Do I Build and Analyze Patient Cohorts Using SAS® Health?Learn how SAS Viya works with open source to deliver faster business value and accelerate innovation.
- How Are SAS®9 and SAS® Viya® Administration Different?Join this webinar to learn the similarities and differences between SAS®9 and SAS Viya administration.
- Tips for Statistical Communication and VisualizationJoin this webinar to learn ways to improve visualizations and clarify statistical concepts.
- Is SAS® Studio Replacing SAS® Enterprise Guide®?Learn the differences between SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Studio and how to move your current projects and jobs to SAS Studio.
- Can I Call CAS Actions Using REST APIs?Join this webinar to learn how to call CAS Actions via REST using the CAS REST APIs.
- How Can Manufacturers Optimize Process and Throughput With SAS®? Join this webinar to learn how to improve quality and operational performance while lowering the cost of poor quality.
- How Do I Use Python in SAS® Viya®? Join this webinar to learn how to process, analyze and visualize data using Python in SAS Viya.
- How Do I Use Regular Expressions in SAS®? Join this webinar to learn the universal pattern language for regular expressions, the SAS specific syntax, and the pros and cons of this tool.
- How Do I Read and Write Excel Files Using SAS®? Join this webinar to learn a quick, convenient method to bring in Microsoft Excel data on any SAS platform.
- What Is Deep Learning?Join this webinar to learn the fundamentals of deep learning and how to use deep learning in SAS.
- How Do We Make Our Data a Trusted and Reusable Asset?Join this webinar to learn about common data quality challenges and how to improve your data quality.
- SAS® Studio Flows and StepsJoin this webinar to learn about SAS Studio Flows and Steps on SAS® Viya®. This popular part of SAS® Enterprise Guide® is back in SAS Studio.
- When Do I Use SG Procedures vs. Graph Template Language?Join this webinar to learn the pros and cons of SG Procedures and Graph Template Language along with a process for deciding which method to use.
- How Do I Debug SAS® DATA Step?Join this webinar to learn how to use the SAS DATA Step Debugger in SAS® Enterprise Guide® and SAS Studio.
- How Do I Combine Data in SAS®?Join this webinar to learn various methods for combining data in SAS and when you should use each method.
- Tips and Tricks for Working With Dates and Times in SAS®Join this webinar to learn how to effectively work with SAS dates, times and datetime values.
- Why Is SAS®9 Content Assessment Key in Migrating to SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to learn how to plan your migration to SAS Viya using SAS®9 Content Assessment.
- Why Are Data Catalog and Data Governance So Important?Join this webinar to learn about data catalog and other data governance areas to help you improve the delivery of analytic insights.
- Getting Started With SAS®Join this special edition Ask the Expert webinar, where SAS experts will share helpful tips and tricks, best practices and showcase the latest analytical tools.
- Why Choose Between SAS® DATA Step and PROC SQL When You Can Have Both?Join this webinar to learn which tool will better help you in reading raw data and in joining, accumulating, aggregating and managing data.
- When Should I Use Dummy Variables With PROC Report?Join this webinar to learn when to use dummy variables to get your desired output from PROC REPORT.
- How Can I Advance My Machine Learning Applications? Join this webinar to learn the key benefits of using SAS® Visual Machine Learning and how SAS supports your migration to this platform.
- What Are Convolutional Neural Networks and How Are They Used for Computer Vision?Join this webinar to learn the building blocks of a convolutional neural network and how to apply one to solve computer vision tasks.
- How Do I Use Open Source With SAS® Viya®? Join this webinar to learn the many ways SAS Viya integrates with open source.
- What Are the Analytical Capabilities of SAS® Visual Analytics? Join this webinar to learn the analytical capabilities of SAS Visual Analytics. Get deep, detailed statistical insight in a user-friendly way.
- How Can SAS® Intelligence and Investigation Management Support Homeless? Join this webinar to learn how modern policing can use data and analytics to better serve and protect vulnerable populations.
- Getting to Know SAS® Viya®Join this special edition Ask the Expert learning event to get an introduction to SAS Viya.
- Can I Deploy SAS® Viya® On-Premises Using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform? Join this webinar to learn how SAS Viya supports deploying on OpenShift on VMware, giving you an on- premises deployment option.
- Getting Started With SAS® Visual Text Analytics Join this webinar to learn the best practices for analyzing large-scale unstructured text data using SAS Visual Text Analytics.
- Data Cleaning Tips and TricksJoin this webinar to learn how to check for possible data errors in numeric and character data.
- How Do I Build a Report in SAS® Visual Analytics on SAS® Viya®? Join this webinar to learn how to build a report quickly in SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya.
- How Do I Get My Data Into and Out of SAS®?Join this webinar to learn how to make data available for use in SAS®9 and SAS® Viya® platform Cloud Analytic Services (CAS).
- How Do I Use the Bootstrap Method in SAS®?Join this webinar to learn about the bootstrap method and when it should be used.
- An A to Z Overview of Forecasting in SAS®Learn how you can build time series forecasting models with SAS, allowing you to automatically generate large quantities of high-quality forecasts.
- How Do I Perform Simple Linear Regression in SAS®?Join this webinar to learn the mechanics behind simple linear regression and how to perform it using both SAS®9 and SAS® Viya®.
- How Does SAS® Viya® Integrate With My Favorite Microsoft Products?Join this webinar to learn how you can easily access your SAS Viya environment from your favorite Microsoft products using SAS for Microsoft 365.
- How Do I Migrate From SAS®9 to SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to get an overview of the migration process, review the SAS®9 content assessment and learn how to modify your SAS®9 programs for Viya.
- How Do I Modify SAS®9 Programs to Run in SAS® Viya®?Join this webinar to learn how existing SAS®9 programs can be modified to execute in SAS Viya.
- A Day in the Life of a SAS® Viya® AdministratorJoin this webinar to learn about different tasks that should be done on a regular basis to keep your SAS Viya environment healthy and secure.
- How Do I Use Git With My SAS® Projects?Join SAS expert Chris Hemedinger as he discusses SAS integration with Git for collaborative projects in your teams.
- What Are the New Capabilities of SAS® Analytics Pro Advanced Programming?Join us to learn what’s new in SAS Analytics Pro and see a full end-to-end demo of SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming.
- Applying Continuous Delivery to Industrialize Data Pipeline DeploymentDiscover how data engineers, quality assurance and DataOps teams can collaborate efficiently and deploy high-quality data pipelines to production.
- Enabling Fast-Paced Innovation: Lessons Learned from a HackathonLearn how data and analytics can enable innovation and lessons learned from a business, data science and architecture point of view.
- Data for Good: Achieving Net ZeroExplore how analytics can help organizations transition to clean energy and a sustainable future.
- Big Data, Small Footprint: How to Optimize Your Data and Analytics Infrastructure Learn how SAS and SingleStore are creating a unified engine to manage and modernize the life cycle and governance of your data and analytics initiatives.
- Five Things Every Agriculture Executive Should Know About AnalyticsWhy do so many ag data projects crash and burn? In just 20 minutes, our expert explains – and offers advice on avoiding future fails.
- Scaling Digital Health to the EnterpriseDiscover how to scale health offerings in a saturated market.
- Rapidly Shifting Consumer Demand and Supply Chain Uncertainty: How Retailers Can Adapt With Analytic AgilityJoin our experts as they explain how retailers can use analytics to adjust to changes in shopping behavior and more.
- How do you develop your analytics skills to generate business value?Join this webinar to learn about Analytics Value Training and if it’s a worthwhile investment of your time and company’s resources.
- Best Practices With Modern ForecastingDiscover how to improve forecasting processes and future planning using a consistent and scalable framework.
- The Future of Retail in the New Era of Supply Chain RiskIn just 20 minutes, experts examine shifting global supply chain risks and recommend strategies smart leaders should use to navigate them.
- Enterprise Fraud and Financial Crimes Compliance: How Banks Need to AdaptAs fraud and financial crime grow more sophisticated in the digital landscape, learn how emerging tech is helping banks respond faster and build a more effective, proactive strategy to stay ahead.
- Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Why Program Integrity Is Essential As the opioid epidemic continues to overwhelm our systems and communities, advanced analytics is critical to combating this crisis.
- Digitalization and the Decentralized Future of Clinical TrialsCreate more efficient, more resilient decentralized clinical trials with improved patient experience and access
- Journey to AML ModernizationEmbracing new technology and innovation around anti-money laundering programs offers financial institutions the opportunity to outpace financial crime.
- Time to Insight: Running Analytics in the CloudExplore how analytics in the cloud accelerates decision making and is good for business.
- Predicting Patient No-Shows Sometime patients just don’t show up. Learn how to better anticipate patient no-shows to optimize resources and improve care.
- Driving 204% ROI With SAS® Viya® on Microsoft AzureLearn results from a Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study, presented by SAS and Microsoft, and how this powerful partnership drives results.
- Data for Good: Enhancing the Partnership of Public Service and Mental HealthLearn how SAS empowers public service to help those suffering from mental health and homelessness
- Tax Administration: Top Trends for 2022The world of tax administration is changing. Learn about the latest trends in tax administration and how best to prepare.
- Ten 2-Minute Tips to Analyze This Year’s Field DataIn just 20 minutes, we will show 10 tips to maximize the impact of agriculture research data.
- Boost CX + Find Hidden Revenue Opportunities With Real-Time AnalyticsIn just 20 minutes, learn how real-time analytics offers a genuine competitive edge as the hospitality and gaming industry finds its way forward.
- The Three Keys to Evaluating the True Economic Value of Cloud AdoptionUnderstand and evaluate the true economic value of analytics and why it is necessary in your journey to the cloud.
- AI Acceleration and the Future of InnovationDiscover what leading technology experts are saying about AI today and what we can expect in the future
- Enhancing your members’ health care experience and engagement in a digital-first worldDelivering the experience your members expect
- ModelOps with SAS® Model Manager and Azure Machine LearningBuild in SAS, deploy anywhere in the Microsoft Cloud
- How the Smartest Companies Align Their Brand to Customers’ WorldviewJoin this Jay Baer webinine – a short-form webinar – to learn why bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to the total audience of potential customers you reach.
- Introducing DataOps Into Your Data and Analytics DisciplineExplore how SAS® can connect all aspects of the analytics life cycle, including DataOps, AI and ModelOps, to get the most value from your investment.
- Marketing in 20: Digital TrustJoin SAS and Accenture for Part 2 of our conversation series as we explain why data privacy must be at the forefront of your business and at the heart of every customer strategy.
- Marketing in 20: The Digital CustomerJoin SAS and Accenture for Part 1 of our conversation series. We’ll explore ways to create an immersive digital customer strategy that is tech-focused and human-driven.
- Did COVID Bring an End to Customer Loyalty? What Smart Marketers Do to Keep Customers Coming BackJoin this webinine – a short-form webinar – for a quick discussion on the balance of digital transformation and empathetic customer service.
- Exploring the Evolution of Data Transparency and Its Impact on Patient Outcomes Join us as our expert guests explore the evolution of data transparency, the maturity and challenges of the movement today, and what’s in store for the future.
- Identifying the Next Best Action in Health Care Hear use cases from companies who have used advanced analytics to improve quality, patient satisfaction and efficiency.
- For Marketers and CX Pros, What's the Right Balance Between Automation and Empathy?Join this webinine – a short-form webinar – for a quick discussion on the balance of digital transformation and empathetic customer service.
- Accelerate Innovation With Responsible AILearn how to approach responsible AI with data protection, bias mitigation and governance.
- Customer Experience Lessons Learned in a Pandemic: Notes From Retail and BeyondJoin this Jay Baer webinine – a short-form webinar – for a quick discussion on which retail shifts from the pandemic are here to stay.
- Unlocking analytics for business process improvement and patient safety
- Now, Next, Future: What Consumer Brands Need to Unleash Profitable CreativityIn just 20 minutes, experts explain how successful consumer goods companies use digital technologies to create meaningful (and profitable!) relationships with shoppers.
- Banking Under Siege: Avoiding the Trust and Customer Experience Collision CourseLearn why protecting data privacy is critical to earning customers’ trust – and what banks must do to meet the latest regulations.
- AI and Banking: Survey Reveals Success FactorsWhether you are a business or technology leader in banking, this must-attend webinar will give you a clearer, current, data-driven picture of the state of AI in banking and where it’s heading.
- Hands out of the cookie jar! Satisfy your sweet tooth for customer insights – without cookies.Discover new methods to personalize messages, optimize campaigns and measure performance.
- Composite AI: What It Is and Why You Should CareLearn how to apply the best combination of AI technologies and techniques to solve the unique challenges you face.
- Identity Theft – Who’s Who in Health Care Health care identity theft is on the rise and becoming a core component of health care fraud. Join us and learn more about how to stem the growing tide of cases.
- Confident decisions at every stage of the customer journeyLearn how to optimize marketing efforts with open source analytics, machine learning and intelligent decisioning powered by SAS® Customer Intelligence 360.
- From Zero to 360: Modernizing Marketing for a Better Customer ExperienceJoin experts from SAS and Munvo to learn the steps SMBs can take to modernize marketing technology and create a better customer experience.
- An SMB’s Journey to the Cloud: Analytics Case StudyJoin experts from Stratacent, Alliant and SAS as they discuss the accelerated operational efficiencies and improved CX gained by Alliant’s move to the cloud.
- Securing Growth for SMBs: How Analytics Makes a DifferenceJoin experts from SAS, Quantworks and the National Center for the Middle Market as they share insights on how SMBs can use analytics to drive business growth in any economy.
- Optimize CX by Embedding AI Into Your MarketingIncrease marketing speed with embedded AI and machine learning
- Making the Case: The ROI of Demand ManagementLearn how to evaluate and communicate the value of improving the credibility of the demand plan, complete with expert tips on quantifying and documenting ROI.
- Evolving Customer Experience for Manufacturers in 2021Applying connected technologies even beyond the factory floor adds value and drives efficiency.
- What’s a Data Hero to Do?This webinar addresses how various roles can use big data – which is bigger than ever – in the most effective way using AI and analytics.
- Accelerate Open Source Forecasting With SAS®Learn how SAS® Visual Forecasting provides an open forecasting ecosystem for quickly and automatically producing reliable forecasts.
- SAS Identity Series: Your Identity Risk Management Strategy: From Obstacles to ActionJoin our experts in part 2 of the SAS Identity Series as we discuss how to effectively move your identity risk management strategy forward in the organization – from next steps to overcoming obstacles to successful execution.
- Modernizing Manufacturing: Why Digital Innovation Is Critical NowHow do digital innovators ponder and plan for true transformation in manufacturing? We’re glad you asked.
- Drive Industrial Transformation With Analytics That MatterHear findings from LNS Research’s latest survey, including in-depth analysis of how manufacturers are using analytics and specific recommendations for improvement.
- AI Snapshot: Three Key Developments Shaping AI Strategies Right NowTune in to hear AI experts unpack recent developments in AI and what they mean for software investments, resource allocation, talent recruitment and more.