The Forrester Wave™: Customer Analytics Technologies, Q2 2024
SAS helps organizations accelerate and monetize their marketing efforts with the power of a best-in-class customer analytics solution.
Reference customers uniformly expressed that they are extremely satisfied with SAS and praised the vendor’s ability to deliver value quickly. Data rich enterprises with strong analytical resources should consider SAS to turbocharge their customer insights."![]()
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- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs, Q4 2024
- e-Book Real-Time Hyperpersonalization in Hospitality
- ホワイトペーパー Navigating the uncertain world of third-party cookies
- e-Book The insurance data and AI revolution
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024
- ホワイトペーパー Creating Meaningful Data-driven Customer Journeys
- e-Book Personalized advertising that you control
- ホワイトペーパー Improving HCP Engagement with Digital Analytics
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023.
- e-Book Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- ホワイトペーパー Retail bank media networks: Monetize customer data with personalized offers and advertising
- e-Book The Path to a Single Customer View
- ユーザー事例 Voetbalmedia社、1,400万人のサッカー選手および愛好家との絆を深めるためにSASのMarTechを活用
- ホワイトペーパー Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022
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- ホワイトペーパー Banking in 2035: three possible futures
- ホワイトペーパー Maximizing Moments of Truth: Creating Meaningful Real-Time Customer Interactions
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- ユーザー事例 Finding your best customers with machine learning
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- e-Book How Customer Intelligence Is Energizing the Utilities Industry
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- e-Book ホワイトペーパー Tomorrow's telco
- e-Book Improving Customer Experience
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- インタビュー Q&A: What's your level of digital marketing maturity?
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- e-Book Brilliant decision?
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- e-Book In-the-Moment Marketing
- e-Book Strategic Marketing: From aspirational to exceptional customer experience
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- ホワイトペーパー Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW!
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- e-Book Operational Marketing: From Hard Work to Heroic Performance
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- ホワイトペーパー Experience Evolution: Staying Ahead of Customer Expectations Through 2030 and Beyond
- ホワイトペーパー Experience 2030: Pulse Report
- e-Book Customer experience - now and into the future
- ホワイトペーパー Delivering Experiences That Win Business and Build Loyalty
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- 記事 SAS Social Media Analyticsでユーザーの声を聞く
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