The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022
SAS achieved an almost perfect score of 4.85/5 on its current offering.
In its current AML offering, the vendor provides an overall robust solution. Key management for encrypting data is explicitly configurable. Rules based and AI/ML based risk scoring is nice and functional. The solution can also provide rule recommendations. Workflow for model building is also very nice. Case management screen customization and usability is superior.![]()
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- Article Model risk management: Vital to regulatory and business sustainabilitySloppy model risk management can lead to failure to gain regulatory approval for capital plans, financial loss, damage to a bank's reputation and loss of shareholder value. Learn how to improve model risk management by establishing controls and guidelines to measure and address model risk at every stage of the life cycle.
- Технический документ Detect and Prevent Identity Theft The explosion in e-commerce and online account opening has created new convenience and choice for consumers. At the same time, large-scale data breaches have created new opportunities for fraudsters, fueling an 8-percent increase in identity theft in a single year. Find out how to fight back, without hindering your good customers.
- Технический документ Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the ChallengesAs regulatory stress test regimes mature, financial institutions are looking for ways to harness investments they made in stress testing programs to gain additional business value.
- Article ИИ в банковской сфере: опрос раскрывает факторы успехаЧто банковские руководители говорят о своем опыте работы с ИИ? На чем они сосредоточены сегодня? Что работает? Какие у них планы на будущее?
- Технический документ Decision science: From automation to optimizationThis white paper explores decision science and automation and the efficiencies it brings, and offers insight into why automation – married with adaptable analytics – is now crucial.
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- Article Insights Page Why banks need to evolve their approach to climate and ESG riskManaging environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk is important to banks, regulators, investors and consumers – yet there are many interpretations of how to do it. To thrive, organizations must evolve their risk management practices – including those affected by ESG risk.
- Технический документ Outrunning risk with cloudBy employing cloud-based risk modeling and decisioning capabilities, banks can make faster, more sophisticated risk calculations that keep them one step ahead of existing and emerging threats.
- E-Book Reimagining risk, modeling, and decisioningThe eBook addresses how SAS and Microsoft are modernizing credit risk modeling and decisioning for better customer experience.
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- Вебинар Найти иголку в стоге сена: разрушаем стереотипы о сложности выявления внутреннего мошенничестваВ рамках этого вебинара мы поделимся теми наработками, которые уже помогают нашим клиентам бороться с мошенничеством, и продемонстрируем на практике, как математика и углубленная аналитика используются с целью выявления мошенничества.
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- Article Предотвращение мошенничества в процессах заключения договоров и закупокКакие бы инструменты и процессы ни применялись на сегодняшний день, всегда есть возможность перейти на более высокий уровень, чтобы обеспечить более точное обнаружение фактов мошенничества на более ранних этапах, своевременное оповещение, а также сокращение количества ложноположительных результатов.
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- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024SAS is a category leader in Chartis' RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024. According to Chartis, SAS' AML transaction monitoring solutions emphasize speed, volume and performance.
- Технический документ Rethinking customer due diligenceHelp evaluate your organization's CDD processes and technology relative to current industry risks and regulatory requirements.
- Технический документ Retail bank media networks: Monetize customer data with personalized offers and advertisingThe creation of a “retail bank media network” can drive more valuable next-best offers, generate new ad revenue, offset revenue shortfalls and increase shareholder value.
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- Аналитический отчет SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022SAS Anti-Money Laundering, which helps fight money laundering and terrorist financing with AI, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced network visualization, is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave.
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- Технический документ Migrating Analytics to the Cloud: It's About Time In this paper, SAS and the International Institute for Analytics (IIA) explore how to maximize the performance and value of analytics in the cloud, weigh the options, and choose the right approach to migration.
- Технический документ Compete and win with better model risk managementAs explored in this paper, models can degrade over time, and sound model risk management (MRM) is the key to managing this risk.
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- Технический документ 2021 State of Insurance Fraud Technology StudyAs fraud continues to frustrate survey respondents, it's not surprising that the adoption of insurance anti-fraud technologies among respondents grew since the 2018 survey.
- E-Book Personalized advertising that you controlBanks that control their own personalization models, data and ad delivery ultimately deliver a better customer experience.
- Аналитический отчет SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- Технический документ Payments Without BordersMitigating fraud risks in cashless payments by holistically understanding your customers across all channels.
- Технический документ Protect the Integrity of the Procurement FunctionProcurement fraud affects nearly one-third of organizations, and it is often perpetrated by the most trusted, longtime employees, the ones you’d least suspect. Learn from two white-collar crime specialists about common flavors of procurement fraud, striking examples from recent headlines, four fundamental ways to get better at detecting and preventing fraud, and how to take procurement integrity to the next level.
- Технический документ Maintaining Customer Trust with Martech in Small and Medium-Sized BusinessesFor small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), marketing technology is essential for staying competitive and building customer trust. A recent Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey found that 81% of respondents believe martech has a significant impact on fostering trust with customers. It helps SMBs tackle challenges like limited budgets, measuring ROI and team alignment, enabling them to deliver consistent messaging, personalize experiences and work more efficiently. Looking ahead, generative AI is opening up new opportunities for SMBs to evolve their marketing strategies, innovate and stay ahead in an ever-changing market.
- Технический документ Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Customers of a digital business create an intricate online footprint as they transact online. Businesses that capture and truly understand a complete identity based on online and offline attributes can seamlessly authenticate good customers and reliably spot the fraudulent or hijacked identities – in real time.
- Технический документ Anti-Fraud Technology As criminals find new ways to exploit technology and target potential victims, anti-fraud professionals must adopt new technologies to effectively navigate the evolving threat landscape.
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- Article Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to knowМашинное обучение является важной частью инструментария обнаружения мошенничества. Вот что вам нужно для начала работы.
- Article Shut the front door on insurance application fraud!Как выявить, что вас обманывают агенты и страхователи, а также распознать первые признаки будущего мошенничества.
- Технический документ Keys to robust credit risk modeling and decisioning for better customer experienceModernizing and automating the end-to-end process for origination and servicing – from data management to model development to credit decisions – can reduce credit losses and boost performance. This paper explores how infusing machine learning into this process supports more effective credit decisions for individuals, products or portfolios.
- Аналитический отчет How Data Science Teams Leverage Machine Learning and Other Advanced AnalyticsGartner's 2017 customer reference survey for data science and machine learning platforms reveals how many organizations are undertaking data science initiatives.
- Article What was your data doing during the financial crisis?Financial institutions usually survive a crisis, then react to prevent it in the future. SAS' Mazhar LeGhari explains how data can help you break that cycle.
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- Customer Story Fast analytical defenseDeutsche Kreditbank AG combats fraud and money laundering with SAS.
- Article CECL: Are US banks and credit unions ready?CECL, current expected credit loss, is an accounting standard that requires US banking institutions and credit unions to estimate life-of-loan losses at origination or purchase.
- Технический документ Managing Models and Their RisksComputational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline.
- E-Book Public procurement integrity at riskFraud, waste and abuse (FWA) take many forms, from duplicate invoices, ghost vendors and fake invoices to overbilling billing for goods. This e-book explores the procure-to-pay lifecycle, obstacles to spotting FWA, how to strengthen government procurement, hat's possible in the real world and how a data and AI-driven approach leads to greater productivity.
- Аналитический отчет Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- Технический документ The balance sheet risk conundrumHow SAS and Microsoft are modernizing asset liability management and liquidity risk management in turbulent times.
- Технический документ What Lies BeneathThe prevalence of and approaches to procurement fraud in global business.
- Вебинар Современная антифрод система: что выбрать и как внедрить?На вебинаре специалисты расскажут о том, как кросс-канальная антифрод-система поможет защититься от транзакционного мошенничества. И почему так важно грамотно подойти к самому процессу внедрения системы?
- Технический документ AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism See how artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) are helping firms overcome the challenges, improve results and make AML/CFT programs more efficient and effective.
- Article frtb: a wait and see strategy could be riskyFRTB, fundamental review of the trading book, is a regulation that changes how banks analyze market risk in the trading book to address systemic challenges.
- Технический документ Proactive anti-financial crime strategies to improve compliance and reduce riskIn today’s fast-changing landscape, become more effective across all stages of AML investigations by following this framework and shift to a proactive, risk-based approach.
- E-Book High velocity decisions. Trusted outcomes.Protecting against fraud, money laundering and public security challenges requires making intelligent decisions that guide swift, effective actions.
- Customer Story Preventing crime and ensuring compliance at 120 Nordic banksSDC enables small and medium financial institutions in four Nordic countries to stay compliant.
- Article Аналитика как инструмент для борьбы с зависимостью от рецептурных сильнодействующих препаратов и незаконно приобретенных наркотических веществШтаты и подразделения Medicaid, осуществляющие мошеннический контроль, теперь имеют аналитические инструменты, необходимые для изменения траектории кризиса опиоидов путем анализа данных и прогнозирования проблемных точек - будь то у пациентов, врачей, дистрибьюторов или производителей. Инструментарий от УГИ с бесплатным программным кодом SAS® делает это возможным.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Watchlist and Adverse Media Monitoring 2024
- Технический документ Generative AI in Health Care: Opportunities and CautionsLearn how GenAI will affect all aspects of health care, from cost containment to patient care., and the importance for organizations to recognize both the potential and the limits of this new technology and be alert to how it’s being used to perpetrate fraud.
- Технический документ Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending PerspectiveWhat will it take for banks to trust artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with judgments about data accuracy and leverage it for commercial lending process automation?
- E-Book 5 Tips for Using GenAI to Improve Customer ExperienceImagine predicting customer needs, automating tasks and generating personalized content — all while improving your bottom line. Generative AI is reshaping how businesses use data, enabling smarter decisions and streamlined operations. This guide offers actionable advice on how to harness GenAI's full potential, covering key tips for data management, governance and transparency. Ready to transform your business? Download the e-book now to discover how SAS and AWS can help you harness the power of GenAI.
- Аналитический отчет Risk Technology Awards 2020Consumer credit modelling software of the year – SAS
- Customer Story Modernizing consumer lending in VietnamVietCredit aims to revolutionize the consumer finance market with SAS.
- Технический документ Value and Opportunity: An Executive Guide to Procurement IntegrityProcurement integrity (PI) represents a broader problem and bigger opportunity than most businesses recognize. Comprehensive PI programs continuously validate purchasing transactions, using data and analytics to trace patterns, spot anomalies, and reduce fraud, waste and abuse.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions 2022SAS is named a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions, 2022.
- Research Containing health care costs: Analytics paves the way to payment integrityFor payment integrity, health care organizations need to uncover a wider range of abuse, waste and errors and data-driven analytics is making that possible.
- E-Book Your journey to a GenAI future: A strategic path to success in bankingAs generative AI (GenAI) stands on the brink of revolutionizing how the world does business, the banking industry is starting to capitalize on it. Data is at the center of everything in banking. GenAI offers the potential to generate more value from this data by enabling new efficiencies and unlocking untapped value – and many banks are already reaping the benefits. From enhancing the customer experience to thoroughly transforming fraud detection, risk and compliance management and more, banks are beginning to realize the productivity and efficiency gains GenAI offers. The pressing questions for banking leaders now are how and where they can use GenAI most effectively going forward, and how to ensure it is fully adopted and scaled. Our research findings are based on a new survey of 1,600 organizations across the globe from a wide range of industries. To better understand the banking industry perspective on GenAI, we examined responses from 243 senior leaders in the banking sector who are responsible for making decisions on GenAI strategy or data analytics. This report reveals: ● How banks are implementing GenAI compared to other sectors. ● Which areas banks are seeing benefits in, and where banks feel less confident. ● How the banking sector’s investment in GenAI stacks up against other sectors, and where it is being spent. ● How banking firms can proactively prepare for the challenges of implementing GenAI to ensure a strong ROI.
- Вебинар Обзор решений SAS для противодействия мошенничеству в нефинансовом сектореВ рамках нашего вебинара мы хотим развеять миф о том, что SAS антифрод-платформа может быть полезна только для выявления мошенничества в финансовых институтах. Это не так – антифрод-платформа от SAS мульти-индустриальная, главное – данные.
- Вебинар «ЗСК платформа» ожидания и реальность. Влияние на процессы и требования к автоматизацииРассмотрим вопросы, связанные с внедрением функционала ЗСК платформы, выявим процедуры, требующие доработок со стороны финансовой организации и типовые проектные сложности реализации таких доработок.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis names SAS a leader in both Model Risk Governance and Model Validation, 2023.Chartis names SAS a leader in both Model Risk Governance and Model Validation, 2023.
- Customer Story Бразилия борется со страховым мошенничеством с помощью ИИ и аналитики.CNSeg полагается на SAS, чтобы препятствовать мошенникам, и повышает точность оповещения на 67%
- Технический документ Safer communities, trusted law enforcementThrough an analytics-based approach to officer readiness, SAS can help law enforcement ensure public safety and reestablish a culture of trust.
- Article Банки проверяют все операции на предмет отмывания денегНесколько лет назад в интернете можно было найти массу жалоб на несколько банков, которые слишком буквально восприняли нормы закона 115-ФЗ, и начали блокировать практически все крупные транзакции.
- Технический документ Keeping Fraud Detection Software Aligned With the Latest ThreatsLearn how SAS enables end users to keep fraud detection software current and able to detect new threats.
- Технический документ Effective fraud analytics: 10 steps to detect and prevent insurance fraudInsurers that follow the 10 steps outlined in this paper offer the best chance for detecting both opportunistic and organized fraud.
- Article Risk data aggregation: Transparency, controls and governance are needed for data quality and reportingFinancial institutions’ data aggregation and reporting techniques and systems are receiving increased attention both internally and externally. Find out how to take a comprehensive approach to BCBS principles and risk data aggregation and management.
- Технический документ Next-generation AMLSix tips to modernize your fight against money laundering.
- Article Как ИИ и углубленная аналитика влияют на отрасль финансовых услугВедущие эксперты SAS обсуждают темы, которые волнуют мошенников и не дают спокойно спать руководителям компаний.
- Customer Story Making faster, better lending decisionsLocal Government Federal Credit Union sees efficiency gains with SAS.
- E-Book Fearless Decision? The most successful banks of the future will be those who can see their customers as individuals, appreciate their unique journeys and make decisions accordingly — across all associated business functions.
- Article Ситуационная осведомленность определяет нашу реакциюМногие обстоятельства требуют ситуационной осведомленности, то есть осознания того, что происходит вокруг. Пандемия COVID-19 усилила эту потребность, поскольку лидеры во всех отраслях использовали аналитику и визуализацию, чтобы получать ситуационную осведомленность в реальном времени и быстро реагировать на важные решения.
- Article Equifax uses trended data to better qualify loan applicantsMachine learning for credit scoring has helped Equifax analyze consumer data over time to determine which borrowers are trending in a positive direction and develop a more accurate measure than credit scores.
- Технический документ The Escalation of Digital FraudThis Javelin Research report is based on 120 independent interviews of payment and security executives in 20 countries and delivers a clear picture of how digital fraud has changed the global operating environment for financial institutions.
- Customer Story Thai bank safeguards customers while managing fraud detection in real timeKrungsri Consumer uses SAS® Fraud Management to find fraud faster and reduce revenue losses.
- Article Under siege: Improving customer experience in bankingBanks are ranking low in customer satisfaction, but improvement is possible says Digital Banking Report owner and publisher Jim Marous.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Asset and Liability Management, 2024SAS is named a category leader in Chartis Research's 2024 RiskTech Quadrant for ALM solutions, FTP solutions, LRM and reporting technology solutions, capital and balance sheet optimization solutions., hedging and risk management solutions, and financial planning and budgeting solutions.
- Технический документ From Crisis to Opportunity: Redefining Risk ManagementHow a more automated approach to risk management can transform banks’ performance, during the pandemic and beyond.
- E-Book Faces of FraudLearn how strong, AI-enabled fraud detection can help businesses rise to their customers’ expectations and gain a competitive edge.
- Article Data quality: The Achilles' heel of risk managementGiven the tightly regulated environment banks face today, the importance of data quality cannot be overstated. Beyond the obvious benefits of staying one step ahead of regulatory mandates, having accurate, integrated and transparent data will drive confident, proactive decisions to support a solid risk management foundation.
- Customer Story Поиск лучших клиентов с помощью аналитикиSeacoast Bank enhances customer value using AI and SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya.
- Технический документ Using Hybrid Cloud Capabilities for True Omnichannel MarketingSeamless, agile customer interactions require a marketing system that can collect data about a customer’s interactions and behavior across all touch points, regardless of underlying technology. Learn how SAS Customer Intelligence 360 lets you use both cloud and on-site channels and data to create an omnichannel marketing solution.
- Article Online payment fraud stops hereBillions of dollars each year are lost to online payment fraud through channels that provide convenient – yet vulnerable – ways to shop and bank. See how to fight back and win with advanced analytics.
- Технический документ Detect and prevent digital banking fraudDiscover how banks can fight identity-based fraud attacks using proven analytical methods to detect the fraudsters while expediting service for legitimate customers.
- Article Шесть способов усовершенствовать обработку заявок на выплату страхового возмещенияПочему необходимо включить аналитику в стандартную процедуру обработки заявок? Применение аналитических инструментов в течение жизненного цикла заявки на выплату страхового возмещения поможет повысить окупаемость вложений и сократить затраты.
- Article Будущее банковского стресс-тестирования с аналитикой SAS в AzureУзнайте о вызовах, с которыми сталкиваются компании при стресс-тестировании, и о преимуществах перехода в облако.
- Article Strengthen your payment fraud defenses with stronger authenticationThe rapid growth of digital wallets and payment applications ushered in many new payment fraud threats. Today, it’s more critical than ever to authenticate users. Learn four innovative to ways strengthen your authentication defenses while reducing false positives and protecting customers’ assets.
- Article Доверяй, но проверяй: как бороться с внутренним мошенничеством в ритейлеКак торговым сетям, имея бесконечные метражи складов и торговых залов, выявлять факты внутреннего мошенничества и в перспективе предотвращать их?
- E-Book Adapting to the New Age of Risk AnalyticsRapid advancements in technology are leading to a new age of risk analytics. The availability of commercial and open source software – coupled with significantly improved integration using industry standard tools – has made analytics more user friendly, expanding its reach to a broader range of business professionals.
- E-Book On the Road to Accelerating Claims AutomationMore than ever, insurance companies need to provide customers with seamless interactions that save them time, minimize hassle, and make them feel seen, understood, and cared for. Many are also exploring the use of AI for claims prevention – for example, by creating new risk mitigation services. All of this requires investment in digital technologies that work together to enable intuitive, Amazon-like customer experiences. This ebook explores how insurers can make the leap to digitally transformed, intelligent claims processes that customers love and increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.
- Технический документ Seven trends that will transform bankingAdvanced analytics and big data are enabling smarter decisions and more efficient processes, from credit to compliance and risk management.
- Технический документ Top Trends: Why Tax Administrators Are Adopting New Data and Analytics StrategiesDespite best efforts, governments lose several trillion dollars annually to the economic crimes of tax evasion and noncompliance. Learn about the top five trends shaping the future for tax administrators.
- E-Book Protecting the PaymentsAs unemployment insurance claims increased dramatically because of pandemic job losses, incidents of fraud have also grown exponentially in federal and state government systems.
- Customer Story Advanced analytics can detect and prevent insurance fraud before losses occur | SAS
- Технический документ Managing Fraud Risk in the Digital Age The rise of mobile and online transactions introduces new fraud risks. Retailers and payment processors must adapt their anti-fraud defenses, augmenting them with stronger, analytics-driven authentication, proactive detection and mitigation tools.
- Аналитический отчет IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor AssessmentLearn why SAS is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide responsible artificial intelligence for integrated financial crime management platforms.
- Вебинар Управление нефинансовыми рисками в свете новых требований Банка России и роль внутреннего аудитаНовые требования Банка России к системе управления операционным риском обязывают финансовые организации привести практики управления в соответствие с нововведениями. Чтобы правильно выстроить приоритеты задач и разобраться в тонкостях вышедших требований, приглашаем вас на вебинар.
- Технический документ Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk ManagementGlobal Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and SAS survey drew more than 2,000 responses from across the financial services industry to answer questions about the current and future state of AI in risk.
- Аналитический отчет Top Strategic IoT Trends and Technologies Through 2023In this report, Gartner examines 10 longer-term IoT technologies and trends that will be important in the 2018 through 2023 time frame.
- Аналитический отчет SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023.The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023 recognizes SAS for seamlessly integrating world-class analytics for decisioning.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Credit Risk Solutions 2020
- Технический документ The balance sheet risk conundrumDiscover five key elements required to achieve the most possible value from a modernized ALM and liquidity risk management program.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Enterprise Fraud Solutions, 2023: Vendor AnalysisChartis RiskTech Quadrant for Enterprise Fraud Solutions, 2023 has named SAS a category leader for enterprise fraud solutions.
- Технический документ Tackle the Complexity of IFRS 9 and CECL StandardsThe US standard for CECL increases the complexity of the allowance estimation process. Outside the US, IFRS 9 is having the same effect. Learn about best practices for getting this right.
- E-Book Seven trends shaping the future of taxOur industry experts identified seven megatrends shaping the future of tax and how SAS can help you tackle them. Also, learn how other agencies around the world are addressing the challenges and looking ahead.
- Article 5 steps to sustainable GDPR complianceFollow these steps to achieve GDPR compliance by the May 2018 deadline – and get added benefits along the way.
- Технический документ Artificial Intelligence for ExecutivesThis paper outlines the SAS approach to AI and explains key concepts. It also provides process and implementation tips if you are considering adding AI technologies to your business and analytical strategies.
- Технический документ Data and Analytics to Combat the Opioid EpidemicThis research brief from the International Institute for Analytics and SAS explores how data and predictive analytics can help develop better treatment protocols, both for initial pain and for remediation when patients become dependent on the drugs.
- Технический документ Text Analytics for ExecutivesThis paper looks at how organizations in banking, health care and life sciences, manufacturing and government are using SAS text analytics to drive better customer experiences, reduce fraud and improve society.
- Технический документ The Value of Credit Risk Transformations and the Role of AIAs banks seek continued progress in their credit risk transformation journey, the insights gathered by SAS and GARP reveal the obstacles they face.
- E-Book Unifying Model Management Across the BankHow banks can empower all departments to manage model risk effectively across the entire model life cycle.
- Технический документ How Public Sector Agencies Can Use Analytics to Lead Through CrisisWhen public service leaders need to make vital decisions quickly – to guide people through a crisis and save lives – data analytics is essential.
- Технический документ AML ModernizationThis white paper explores current organizational challenges, outlines the benefits of new AML technology adoption, and identifies how to embark on a journey of discovery and modernization.
- E-Book Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk ManagementThis e-book from SAS and Argyle explores some of the ways that top-performing organizations are undertaking scenario-based risk assessment to develop and manage their business strategies.
- Технический документ Fighting Insurance Application Fraud Learn about the advantages of using analytics-driven methods for authenticating applicants to reveal customer gaming, agent gaming and potential future claims fraud.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech100 2025SAS ranks #2 overall in the prestigious Chartis RiskTech100, 2025. Six category wins are AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
- Технический документ Managing the Intelligence Life CycleBecause terrorists and other criminals are already using technology to carry out their missions, intelligence professionals need to access all available, appropriate information, to extract important elements and process, analyze and disseminate it quickly to keep ahead of potential threats.
- Вебинар Практика управления нефинансовыми рисками в свете новых требований Банка РоссииУзнайте как правильно выстроить приоритеты задач и разобраться в тонкостях вышедших требований Банка России к системе управления операционным риском
- Вебинар Основные тренды 2020 года в ПОД/ФТКак снизить издержки и увеличить эффективность ПОД/ФТ процедур?
- Технический документ Fraudsters love digitalBy incorporating fraud analytics as a first line of defense, insurers can build in safeguards for all of their digital programs. In turn, they can spot emerging fraud rings, emerging fraud trends, and make real-time decisions on claims recovery to reduce leakage.
- Вебинар Новый всплеск страхового мошенничества после COVID-19Вебинар основан на богатом практическом опыте SAS в области создания Аналитических Антифрод-систем для российских и международных страховых компаний.
- E-Book 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning StrategyIn an era of unprecedented technology-driven disruption, banks are facing a dual challenge: Meeting rising customer expectations while navigating increasingly complex regulatory demands. To remain competitive, banks must not only innovate but also streamline operations and foster greater collaboration across departments, breaking down traditional silos and working toward innovation. How can banks simplify their operations, future-proof their services, and drive growth? Enterprise customer decisioning is the answer. This ebook describes five important steps to making better decisions faster with enterprise customer decisioning.
- E-Book Customer experience - now and into the futureExperience 2030: Research reveals 5 key themes driving customer experience. Build a forward-looking customer experience framework.
- Технический документ Analytics Platform and Program: Keys to Success for Regulatory Compliance in Financial ServicesAdvanced analytics is at the heart of regulatory compliance processes in financial services. This paper discusses data enormity and preparation for analysis; flexibility in computing platforms; and a comprehensive program for data, analytics and models.
- Технический документ Risk-Aware Finance and the Changing Nature of CreditNew research by Chartis and SAS highlights how financial institutions must align finance and risk departments to accurately assess future risks and bolster budgeting and forecasting capabilities. This paper explores how risk-aware finance is becoming essential to meeting future regulatory and competitive demands.
- Технический документ Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk ManagementA road map for those who are starting to build – or are rethinking their approach to – their stress testing infrastructure and strategy.
- Технический документ Banking in 2035: global banking survey reportWhat trends do banking leaders consider to be the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities? What internal and external barriers stand in their way? What technologies will help them harness the opportunities ahead? Download the report to explore.
- Article Detecting health care claims fraudHealth care claims fraud could represent as much as 10 percent of total claims cost. Learn how to fight back with analytics.
- Технический документ Leveraging Analytics to Combat Digital Fraud in Financial OrganizationsInternational Institute for Analytics summarizes key questions and answers about financial fraud in the digital age.
- Технический документ CECL: Don't Neglect the FundamentalsFirms that proactively implement a CECL process that is controlled, efficient, collaborative and sustainable will find themselves with a competitive advantage over time. This paper discusses the long-term benefits of this holistic approach.
- Article Online fraud: Increased threats in a real-time worldOnline and mobile banking is convenient for customers -- and an opportunity for fraudsters. With fraud methods constantly evolving, an analytical approach is a must for banks seeking early, accurate detection.
- Article Analytics for prescription drug monitoring: How to better identify opioid abusePrescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) are a great start in combating abuse of prescription drugs, but they could be doing much more. Better data and analytics can inform better treatment protocols, provider education and policy decisions – and save lives.
- Article Marketing optimization: Five lessons learned at a major US bankHow does a bank know what you need when you visit its website, open the mobile banking app or walk into the branch? For one of the largest banks in the US, the answer is marketing optimization. Here are five lessons they’ve learned.
- Article Как визуализация данных помогает в борьбе с преступностьюПравоохранительные органы по всему миру все больше используют технологии визуализации данных. Так, в Северной Америке полицейские активно работают с системами видеонаблюдения, которые в реальном времени собирают сводки о преступлениях, сведения о дорожной ситуации, геопространственные, метеорологические и другие данные. Решения принимаются на основе достоверных и надежных сведений, что позволяет своевременно выделять необходимые ресурсы для результативного вмешательства и предупреждения преступлений. Визуализация данных открывает широкие возможности. Воспользуйтесь ими и вы!
- Article IFRS 9 and CECL: The challenges of loss accounting standardsThe loss accounting standards, CECL and IFRS 9, change how credit losses are recognized and reported by financial institutions. Although there are key differences in the standards for CECL (US) and IFRS 9 (international), both require a more forward-looking approach to credit loss estimation.
- Article Непрерывный мониторинг как способ предотвращения мошенничества в закупкахМошенничество с закупками молча отнимает у предприятий в среднем 5% расходов ежегодно. И даже когда организации вкладывают средства в методы обнаружения, они их часто подводят. Узнайте, что такое постоянный мониторинг и почему этот проверенный аналитический метод является ключом к борьбе с таким видом мошенничества.
- Технический документ Basel IV: The push you neededIn a landscape of great uncertainty and the economic crisis sparked by COVID-19, financial institutions must address the challenges Basel IV will bring. An integrated risk management approach is the best path forward to meeting ever-evolving regulatory needs.
- Article Мобильные платежи, смурфы и новые угрозыИнновации охватили весь мир – даже где-нибудь в глухой кенийской деревне мобильный телефон служит местному жителю виртуальным кошельком. Но почему эта новая технология может стать потенциальным препятствием в борьбе с отмыванием доходов?
- Технический документ Machine Learning Model GovernanceBanks are rapidly expanding their use of machine learning-enabled (ML) models, because they can provide step-level improvements in accuracy. But ML models need even more rigorous governance than traditional models. This paper explores what's required to implement effective ML model governance.
- Технический документ Fraud in CommunicationsIn a digital world where everything is available via the web, there’s a whole new level of fraud. Today’s communications providers must be vigilant. This white paper explains how organizations can implement the tools and methods to detect and combat emerging fraud methods.
- Article Аналитика SAS поможет страховым компаниямКак применять углубленную аналитику и машинное обучение в медицинском страховании?
- Технический документ Achieving program integrity for health care cost containmentLearn how taking an enterprise approach to payment integrity – one that combines advanced data management and sophisticated analytics – can help payers detect and prevent fraud; effect positive change in how providers, employees and patients behave; and substantially reduce health care costs.
- Технический документ Using Modern Analytics to Save Government Programs MillionsNext-generation analytic tools from SAS cut across data and program silos and empower investigators to go on the offensive with fraud operators – without disrupting the efficient and timely delivery of benefits, services or tax refunds.
- Article Improving customer experience with digital marketingAdvanced analytics can help bankers predict customer behavior and deliver personalized offers to customers just at the moment they're most open to receiving them.
- E-Book Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SASEffectively battling dynamic financial crime threats requires new capabilities for AML defense – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced visualization.
- Технический документ How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money LaunderingMachine learning can play a big role in the defense against money laundering, either to automate tasks that formerly required human intervention, such as managing the data to train models, or detect more financial crimes risk that rules and more basic analytic techniques might miss.
- Аналитический отчет Matrix: Payment Integrity In HealthcareAccording to this 2021 report on healthcare payment integrity from Aite, SAS' stability as a vendor, its brand recognition and its desirable product features outpace those of its peers.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech100 2024SAS climbs to No. 2 in the prestigious Chartis RiskTech 100®, 2024, and bested seven technology award categories, including AI for Banking, Behavioral Modeling and Enterprise Stress Testing.
- Технический документ Designing the Infrastructure for Credit Risk Model DevelopmentExplore the most common problems organizations face when setting up infrastructure for analytics – and credit risk modeling specifically – and learn about ways to increase productivity and reduce problems through better planning and design.
- E-Book Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovationsThis e-book features top solutions showcasing how global Hackathon teams used SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop innovative approaches that save time, money, and entire ecosystems, such as the world's coral reefs.
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