Chartis RiskTech Quadrant® for ALM Solutions, 2024
SAS distinguishes itself as a strong category leader in analytics solutions for asset & liability management, as well as being recognized as a category leader with integrated solution offerings for funds transfer pricing, liquidity risk management, capital & balance sheet optimization, hedging & risk management, and financial planning & budgeting.
SAS had the foresight to invest and continues to strengthen its position in the ALM market, as Chartis’ latest analysis reflects. The integration of Kamakura’s robust capabilities into SAS’ broad risk management solutions portfolio on SAS® Viya® brings to market a unified, AI-powered platform capable of integrating data and decision-making across ALM and other risk domains." Sid Dash Chief Researcher, Chartis
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- ホワイトペーパー Modernizing Asset Liability Management
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis RiskTech100 2025
- ホワイトペーパー The balance sheet risk conundrum
- ユーザー事例 リアルタイムの制裁スクリーニングにより、金融犯罪やテロ資金供与に対抗
- e-Book 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning Strategy
- ホワイトペーパー Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis names SAS a Leader in Actuarial Modeling and Financial Planning Systems, 2022
- ホワイトペーパー Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the Challenges
- ホワイトペーパー The balance sheet risk conundrum