Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 Awards
SAS ranks #2 overall – with six category wins

SAS is ranked second overall in the world's foremost ranking of the Top 100 risk management and compliance technology providers. SAS also bested six technology award categories, including AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
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- Solution Brief
- Технический документ Revealing the paths to 2040: global insurance survey report
- E-Book Reimagining risk, modeling, and decisioning
- Solution Brief Real-Time Watchlist Screening
- Solution Brief Risk Platform Transformation
- Solution Brief Risk Modeling and Decisioning
- Solution Brief Model Risk Management
- Solution Brief Regulatory capital management
- E-Book 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning Strategy
- Solution Brief Stress testing and scenario analysis
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech100 2025
- Solution Brief Effective ALM and liquidity risk management
- Solution Brief Expected credit loss process optimization
- Solution Brief Detect and prevent application and identity fraud in real time across the customer journey
- Технический документ Pioneering Ethical AI: The Crucial Role of Property and Casualty Insurers
- Технический документ The balance sheet risk conundrum
- E-Book The insurance data and AI revolution
- Технический документ How to compete in the new era of customer-centric insurance
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech100 2024
- Технический документ Insurers: Are you ready for IFRS 17?
- Технический документ The balance sheet risk conundrum
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Asset and Liability Management, 2024
- Технический документ Modernizing Asset Liability Management
- Аналитический отчет SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023.
- Аналитический отчет Chartis names SAS a leader in both Model Risk Governance and Model Validation, 2023.
- Article Insights Page Why banks need to evolve their approach to climate and ESG risk
- Технический документ Banking in 2035: global banking survey report
- Технический документ Decision science: From automation to optimization
- Технический документ Banking in 2035: three possible futures
- Аналитический отчет Chartis names SAS a Leader in Actuarial Modeling and Financial Planning Systems, 2022
- Article Model risk management: Vital to regulatory and business sustainability
- Article Будущее банковского стресс-тестирования с аналитикой SAS в Azure
- Article frtb: a wait and see strategy could be risky
- Вебинар Гибкий подход к автоматизации задач управления рисками: вопросы прогнозирования, оптимизации и подготовки отчетности
- Article CECL: Are US banks and credit unions ready?
- Вебинар Управление нефинансовыми рисками в свете новых требований Банка России и роль внутреннего аудита
- Вебинар Управление моделями и автоматизация процессов валидации
- Article Beyond IFRS 17 – what's next?
- Article Препятствий для построения моделей с помощью технологий искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения нет
- Вебинар Практика управления нефинансовыми рисками в свете новых требований Банка России
- Вебинар Правильные решения в условиях кризиса: как организовать работу с аналитическими моделями в быстро меняющейся среде с помощью принципов ModelOps
- Аналитический отчет Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Credit Risk Solutions 2020
- Аналитический отчет Risk Technology Awards 2020
- Article Страховой Дом ВСК: «Страховым компаниям сегодня жизненно важны IT-инновации»
- Вебинар Как удержать позиции на рынке медицинского страхования в условиях экономического спада.
- Вебинар COVID-19: управление рисками корпоративных клиентов во время нестабильности
- Article Фокус – на контроль
- Customer Story Modernizing consumer lending in Vietnam
- Customer Story Making faster, better lending decisions
- Article МСФО 17: нет времени на раздумья
- Article Сценарное стресс-тестирование: выходя за пределы нормативных требований
- E-Book Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk Management
- Технический документ Keys to robust credit risk modeling and decisioning for better customer experience
- Технический документ Risk-Aware Finance and the Changing Nature of Credit
- Технический документ Designing the Infrastructure for Credit Risk Model Development and Deployment in Utilities
- Article Аналитика SAS поможет страховым компаниям
- Аналитический отчет How Data Science Teams Leverage Machine Learning and Other Advanced Analytics
- Article Генеральный регламент по защите данных (GDPR): от проблем к возможностям
- Технический документ Tackle the Complexity of IFRS 9 and CECL Standards
- Технический документ Designing the Infrastructure for Credit Risk Model Development
- Технический документ CECL: Don't Neglect the Fundamentals
- Технический документ Analytics Platform and Program: Keys to Success for Regulatory Compliance in Financial Services
- Article Credit risk management is the answer
- Article IFRS 9 and CECL: The challenges of loss accounting standards
- Технический документ Firmwide Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing
- Article Risk data aggregation: Transparency, controls and governance are needed for data quality and reporting
- Article Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory flood
- Article Data quality: The Achilles' heel of risk management
- Article A new arms race: Analytics for commodity market compliance
- Article Credit Risk Management: What it is and why it matters
- Article Liquidity Risk: What it is and why it matters
- E-Book Adapting to the New Age of Risk Analytics
- Технический документ Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the Challenges
- Технический документ Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
- Оперативная сводка Climate Risk
- Технический документ The Value of Credit Risk Transformations and the Role of AI
- Технический документ Seven trends that will transform banking
- Технический документ LDTI: Finding a solution for today and tomorrow
- Технический документ Basel IV: The push you needed
- Технический документ Compete and win with better model risk management
- Технический документ Machine Learning Model Governance
- Технический документ Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management
- Технический документ Outrunning risk with cloud
- Технический документ Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending Perspective
- Event Collateral Технический документ Model Risk Management: Today's Governance and Future Directions
- Технический документ Managing Models and Their Risks
- Технический документ Intelligent Decision Automation for Telecommunications in the Digital Age
- Технический документ From Crisis to Opportunity: Redefining Risk Management