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Procurement fraud is a growing problem and there aren't enough controls in place to stop it. This paper explores how you can change that.
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- White Paper
- E-BOOK Intelligent decisioning in government
- RELATÓRIO DE ANÁLISE SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- E-BOOK Seven trends shaping the future of tax
- E-BOOK Danger in the digital realm: Protecting children from predators
- E-BOOK Rising Waters and Rapid Responses
- E-BOOK The future of public health: Building more resilient infrastructure for better health outcomes
- História do cliente Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residents
- História do cliente Advanced analytics helps hospital put patients at the heart of improved outcomes
- White Paper Governments adapting to change
- White Paper Enforcing Tax Compliance in a Turbulent World
- História do cliente Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligence
- História do cliente História do cliente Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizens
- História do cliente Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in Norway
- História do cliente Fazendo conexões através de dados de alta qualidade para aumentar a segurança pública
- Artigo Know your blind spots in tax fraud prevention
- Artigo Know your blind spots in tax fraud prevention
- História do cliente Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experience
- E-BOOK Innovate, protect and serve
- RELATÓRIO DE ANÁLISE Celent: Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions: Health Insurance, 2022 Edition
- White Paper An Inflection Point for Opioids
- História do cliente Enhancing road safety with advanced analytics
- História do cliente Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysis
- Artigo Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory flood
- História do cliente Making prisons and communities safer with data visualization
- História do cliente Analytics helps major public health system run efficient programs and improve patient care
- História do cliente Analytic models spotlight risky loans
- Artigo Unemployment fraud meets analytics: Battle lines are clearly drawn
- Artigo Unemployment fraud meets analytics: Battle lines are clearly drawn
- Artigo Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernization
- História do cliente Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemic
- História do cliente Detran-PA usa tecnologia analítica no combate a fraudes
- História do cliente Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight
- História do cliente Solving crime in less time with analytics
- História do cliente A data-driven approach to whole person care
- Artigo Finding COVID-19 answers with data and analytics
- Artigo Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisis
- História do cliente Prison violence dramatically drops with analytics-based risk assessment
- Artigo The transformational power of evidence-based decision making in health policy
- História do cliente Identifying potential trouble spots
- Artigo Applying technology to ensure voter integrity in elections
- Artigo Applying technology to ensure voter integrity in elections
- White Paper Using Modern Analytics to Save Government Programs Millions
- White Paper Artificial Intelligence for Executives
- Artigo Big data in government: How data and analytics power public programs
- White Paper Behavioral Health in the Health Care IT Ecosystem
- White Paper Text Analytics for Executives
- Artigo What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common?
- Artigo What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common?
- White Paper The impact of data and analytics on local government
- White Paper Managing the Intelligence Life Cycle
- Artigo How to prevent procurement fraud
- Artigo Improve child welfare through analytics
- Artigo Proactive detection – A new approach to counter terror
- White Paper Achieving program integrity for health care cost containment
- E-BOOK Doing good with government data
- White Paper Protect the Integrity of the Procurement Function
- Artigo Taking pre-emptive action to stem the tide of VAT fraud losses
- White Paper Government Procurement Offices
- White Paper Using analytics to proactively deter insider threats
- White Paper Workforce Analytics
- Artigo How can analytics change the world of 'Narcos'?
- Artigo Analytics for prescription drug monitoring: How to better identify opioid abuse
- E-BOOK Innovation driven by strategy
- White Paper Data and Analytics to Combat the Opioid Epidemic
- E-BOOK Four Use Cases Show Real-World Impact of IoT
- História do cliente Conservation efforts take flight with analytics
- Artigo 10 ways analytics can make your city smarter
- História do cliente Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parents
- Artigo Putting an end to pay and chase
- White Paper Closing the OODA Loop: Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Decision Making
- Artigo Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threats
- White Paper The Road to Value-Based Health Care
- Artigo How police forces can use data to prevent crime
- História do cliente Knowing the who, informs the what
- Entrevista Is open data the next step in digitization?
- Artigo Doing good with data
- E-BOOK Government and education: Leading through change
- White Paper Top Trends: Why Tax Administrators Are Adopting New Data and Analytics Strategies
- White Paper The Growing Need for Intelligent Border Control
- White Paper How Public Sector Agencies Can Use Analytics to Lead Through Crisis
- White Paper Top tips for making the shift to evidence-based policing
- White Paper Data Unlocks Solutions for Safer Communities
- White Paper Fusion Centers: Evolving Roles, Expanding Capabilities, Continuing Challenges
- White Paper Safer communities, trusted law enforcement
- White Paper Data-Driven Performance
- White Paper Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning
- E-BOOK Protecting the Payments
- Resumo executivo Analytics for Medical Resource Optimization
- White Paper Fighting the Rising Tide of Medicaid Fraud
- E-BOOK Governments leading through change
- White Paper From cradle to career: A modern SLDS
- White Paper Anti-Fraud Technology
- White Paper Modernizing Analytics for Law Enforcement
- White Paper Digital audit and investigation: Keys to success for government oversight
- História do cliente Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumption
- História do cliente Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050