SAS® for ...

Public Sector Analytics Solutions for Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

Supporting law enforcement, criminal justice & corrections with industry-leading analytics and evidence-based practices.

Why choose SAS for law enforcement solutions?

Transform public security data into actionable intelligence.

SAS supports law enforcement, criminal justice and corrections with a single platform that streamlines your operations, enabling you to effectively manage data quality, equip your agency to perform advanced discovery, and deploy your findings securely and transparently.

How SAS Supports Law Enforcement Agencies

SAS enables you to ingest and migrate large volumes of complex data, regardless of source or format, into a single version of the truth. Quality algorithms then cleanse the data so it's ready for analysis. An easy-to-use interface lets public safety professionals use analytics – social network analysis, timelines, text analytics, correlation analysis and more – to analyze the data to glean valuable insights and develop investigative streams.

Better decisions

Create a more-informed workforce that has ready access to intuitive analytical tools with embedded AI to improve decision making and build trust.

Deeper insights

Improve investigative outcomes and operate more proactively, using text analytics, machine learning, predictive analytics and more to gain insights far beyond what can currently be conceptualized.

Greater speed & efficiency

Get the answers you need fast – and without the need for overtime – with powerful tools that minimize labor-intensive tasks and investigative bottlenecks.

Digital transformation

Take advantage of the latest advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to ensure better decisions, which in turn make a better agency.

How SAS for Law Enforcement Works


Ingest key structured and unstructured data assets from internal and external sources.


Integrate and stage data sets for a range of analytics. Apply powerful search, text analytics and entity resolution machine learning algorithms.


Visualize the results of your analytical models and automated investigative techniques executed across many different data sets.


Infuse analytics across the full range of law enforcement needs –investigative decisions, priority offenders, victimization, situational awareness, crime prevention, performance, threat assessment, policy and procedure development, and more.

Featured Solutions for Law Enforcement

SAS provides law enforcement and national security agencies with explainable AI solutions developed for specific use cases using technology that extracts information and risk in line with investigative and agency/force objectives.

Combatting Child Sexual Exploitation

Learn how our child sexual exploitation online investigation tool empowers law enforcement to investigate cases quickly, identify risks and opportunities in information, and facilitate quick, efficient responses.

SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence

SAS offers a complete operational law enforcement platform that provides data management, advanced analytics and operational solutions for gathering and managing intelligence, conducting complex investigations, and improving investigative processes and workflows.

Crime Insights powered by SAS

SAS and Zencos provide a turnkey analytical reporting solution that improves agency performance and reduces risk by unlocking new insights and identifying patterns of criminal activity in the community.

Key Capabilities

Streamline your operations with a single, unified platform. Effectively manage diverse data. Equip your agency to perform advanced discovery. And share your findings across the organization securely and transparently.

Automated data processes

  • Automatically identifies, collects and combines all relevant data – structured and unstructured, internal and external – regardless of format or source.

Link analysis

  • Identifies relationships hidden in multiple datasets.
  • Automatic entity resolution accurately matches records from disparate data sources related to a single entity.
  • Deduplication puts an end to duplicate records.

Text analysis

  • Quickly parses unstructured text to identify key concepts, topics, sentiment and identifying information – phone numbers, addresses, people, etc.

Open-source compatibility

  • Gives you the full power of SAS while retaining the value of your pre-existing open-source models.
  • Empowers analysts, regardless of their analytics expertise, and puts an end to data silos.
  • Enables collaboration to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Early intervention analytics

  • Allows for rule-based alerting combined with an advanced analytical approach to your data.
  • Enables you to monitor the well-being and performance of your staff and citizens to help prevent tragedies before they occur.

Investigations management

  • Provides a user-friendly interface that empowers intelligence analysts and investigators to work more collaboratively and efficiently through configurable workflows, tasks and investigations.
  • Significantly increases investigative efficiency within your existing data environment and without replacing existing infrastructure.

Geographical analysis

  • Adds geographical context to your analyses, investigations and visualizations by combining traditional data with location data.
  • Enables you to highlight intelligence, such as incident locations, gang activity, drug awareness and more.

Interactive, easy-to-configure dashboards

  • Lets you easily visualize your intelligence outputs and answers to evidence-based questions.
  • Meets your agency's unique requirements with an easily configurable and powerful investigative interface with live, up-to-date dashboards, ad hoc reporting and more.

Why do law enforcement agencies choose SAS?

SAS provides a single analytics platform that supports all aspects of modern policing through policing reform, modernization and digital transformation. With SAS, you can:

Find more

Optimize the use of key data resources to keep pace with changing conditions:

  • Access high-quality, timely data – structured and unstructured – regardless of format, source or size.
  • Augment agency data with information from both internal and external sources.
  • Automatically uncover relationships hidden in disparate data.
  • Continually surveil data to identify patterns of risk.

Disrupt more

Quickly analyze and visualize aggregated data to identify risks and proactively mitigate potential harm:

  • Make more proactive decisions and develop strategic policies that underpin disruptive and preventative enforcement actions.
  • Identify the most vulnerable people and those who pose the greatest risk to them.

Prevent more

Respond to and prevent the most serious threats:

  • Get timely, accurate insights into the right hands at the right time.
  • Gain new insights into agency performance.
  • Better understand and replicate good performance.
  • Make better-informed decisions about your workforce.
  • Influence policies and measure the impact of changes.

Engage more

Maintain strong government and community partnerships:

  • Strengthen multi-agency coordination and better understand inter-agency mission scope.
  • Confidently support inter-agency data sharing.
  • Foster collaboration across agencies.

Customer Success

Working Smarter With SAS

  • Delaware State Police

    Solving crime in less time with analytics

    Delaware State Police use law enforcement solutions from SAS – aggregating diverse data into a holistic view of actionable information – to help identify suspects, crack cases and protect communities.

  • Durham Police Department

    Improving police transparency and outcomes

    The Durham (NC) Police Department is using law enforcement technology from SAS to support transparency and improve policing outcomes, public safety and community relations.

  • Promoting people-first policing

    Gloucestershire Constabulary uses SAS to ensure data quality and achieve new levels of business intelligence and reporting, helping improve accuracy and operational efficiency to enhance intelligence-led policing.

  • Florida Department of Corrections

    Identifying potential trouble spots in prison facilities using analytics

    The Florida Department of Corrections uses a comprehensive reporting and analytics strategy driven by SAS to integrate dozens of disparate data sources from a variety of platforms.

  • Reducing prison violence with analytics-based risk assessment

    The Indiana Department of Correction uses real-time data and predictive analytics from SAS to reduce violent attacks on staff by 50%.

  • North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services

    Getting tougher on crime while saving $12 million annually with better data access and process efficiencies

    Find out how the North Carolina Office of Information Technology worked with SAS to develop an integrated criminal justice application to provide fast access to accurate offender information.

    Keeping the Public Safe

    Recognizing the realities of policing in today's world, SAS can help public safety organizations address their biggest challenges around data silos, redundant processes, resource shortages and transparency.

    The SAS for Law Enforcement Difference – Facts & Figures


    combined years of public safety expertise


    years' experience delivering solutions to law enforcement, security & intelligence agencies


    satisfied public safety clients around the world

    Partnering for Better Public Safety


    消弭多樣性、資料素養和負責任 AI 方面的落差

    SAS 已開始支援 30x30 倡議,該計劃旨在推動 2030 年前,將警察招募班中的女性比例增加到 30%。

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