Health Care Solutions

Health Care Analytics Solutions for Creating a Resilient Health Care System

Applying lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for the unexpected and move forward with resilience.

How SAS Can Help Create a Resilient Health Care System

The health care industry has been at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the rapid spread of the virus exposing limitations in existing medical resources and public health data systems. Now the focus is on modernizing health care infrastructures and ensuring preparedness for unexpected public health emergencies. Health care analytics solutions from SAS can empower you to better integrate care, monitor diseases, efficiently manage your resources and plan ahead for the future.

How SAS Can Help

Situational Awareness Critical Response Analysis

Rapid response to emerging public health threats requires a comprehensive approach to detecting and assessing outbreaks, identifying characteristics of the threat and determining optimal intervention strategies.

Simplify & automate public health reporting

Automatically integrate health surveillance data from multiple systems, and share that information among health care agencies, providers and the public to increase situational awareness.

Increase transparency into spread & trends

Model the spread of infections based on up-to-date health surveillance data so you can mobilize critical health care resources and understand the effectiveness of mitigation and containment efforts.

Project dates for peak infection & hospital demand

SAS supports customizable epidemiological models and advanced modeling capabilities to predict outbreaks, track model spread and create data-driven responses.


Wake-Up Call: Modernizing Public Health Practices

Learn how analytical insight into trends and forecasts can help agencies prepare for and respond to future public health crises.

Solution Brief

Solutions for real-time disease surveillance and data-driven decision making

Discover how using data and analytics can help health care organizations prepare for and respond to critical health situations and recovery efforts.


Is the great pandemic yet to come?

Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director, shares insights into the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic and talks about funding, the importance of resilience and new infectious diseases.

How SAS Can Help

Epidemiological Modeling

For pandemics such as COVID-19, epidemiological models allow health care professionals to run different virus projection scenarios in order to follow the flow of a population through the stages of an outbreak. They also provide important information to non-health organizations that need to understand the impact on supply chains, product demand forecasts and public policy decisions. Predictive modeling capabilities from SAS can help.

Estimate key parameters

Estimate key parameters of interest, such as disease contagiousness or the average number of people who will catch the disease from one infected person (R0).

Quantify the efficacy of interventions

Use AI and machine learning to quantify the efficacy of interventions – e.g., social distancing, vaccinations – in reducing R0.


Saving Lives During a Global Pandemic

Discover how Cleveland Clinic used analytics to track, treat and inhibit the spread of COVID-19.

Data Models

COVID-19 Epidemiological Scenario and Critical Resource Utilization Prediction Program

Access free models for projecting the spread of COVID-19.

How SAS Can Help

Medical Resource Optimization

Health care systems need to ensure that adequate, quality medical resources are available to protect public health. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the limitations of existing resources, such as medical workforce and equipment shortages. SAS has the relevant expertise in epidemiology, workforce analytics and operations optimization – including supply chain and inventory management – to help.

Optimize, prioritize and allocate resources

Analytics can help predict medical resource needs – including hospital capacity, personnel, critical medical equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) – so you can meet resource demands where and when they are needed.

Proactively manage scarce resources

Continuously monitor supply and demand of scarce resources, and ensure proactive resource management.


Finding Resources in the Chaos: Lessons Learned About Medical Resource Optimization

Explore how to optimize, prioritize and allocate resources to meet current and future demand – and learn how analytical models can inform an optimal hospital restarting plan.

Data Models

Medical Resource Optimization Program

Access free models for formulating an optimal hospital restarting plan.

Solution Brief

Optimize medical resources for rapid and coordinated response

Learn how SAS can help you expand your current capabilities to explore medical resource utilization and predict patient numbers, risks and costs.

How SAS Can Help

Infectious Disease Management

SAS helps public health officials and investigators make sense of overwhelmingly complex disease events, manage the velocity of alerts and understand disease spread. Our comprehensive solution enables you to proactively identify risk contacts for infectious diseases by combining:

Understand the spread of infectious diseases

Confidently establish and visualize links among patients, contacts and locations, and how linkages form over time.

Enrich contact tracing data

Integrate data from many external sources – including employee rosters, phone location data and others – to establish comprehensive links among contacts faster.

Generate intelligent alerts

Create alerts you can use to communicate with a given patient's contacts. The alerts assess health risk and are based on linkages established in the contact tracing database.

Provide public health insights

Use advanced analytical modeling tools to help answer critical questions – e.g., “Who should be tested for the virus?” or, “Which neighborhoods are at greatest risk of experiencing an outbreak?” – that guide the implementation of smart public health policies.

Solution Brief

Contact tracing for public health

Find out how SAS makes contact tracing investigations for public health easier and faster by creating link diagrams that reveal connections among patients, contacts and places.

Ask the Expert Webinar Series

How do I build and analyze patient cohorts using SAS Health?

Watch this webinar to learn how SAS Health enables you to query and build cohorts with temporal relationships using an interactive, drag-and-drop interface – no coding required.

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