Banking Solutions
Banking Risk Management
Establish a risk-aware culture. Optimize capital and liquidity. Meet regulatory demands.
SAS acquires Kamakura Corporation, a leading provider of risk management software and data for the banking and insurance industries.
How SAS Delivers Better Risk Management
Only SAS delivers comprehensive risk solutions, AI and regtech technologies and best practices that help you balance short- and long-term strategies, improve financial performance and build a risk-aware culture throughout your organization. With SAS, you can reduce the time and cost of compliance by ensuring data consistency, transparency and complete traceability.
Regulatory risk management
- Ensure efficient credit risk analysis with timely, accurate RWA reporting and regulatory capital optimization.
- Comply with Basel III/IV requirements for credit risk analytics.
- Create a consolidated data, modeling and reporting infrastructure for measuring and reporting on credit and counterparty risk.
Capital planning
- Reduce stress testing cycle times so you can focus on higher-value activities.
- Uncover opportunities and risks with powerful tools and reporting capabilities that expedite capital planning.
- Go beyond supervisory stress testing to anticipate the path ahead and prepare for the unexpected.
- Improve transparency and auditability with flexible workflow automation and embedded controls.
- Introduce new models, methodologies and scenarios as needs change.
Credit risk management
- Build, back-test and deploy credit risk models faster – without recoding.
- Better manage corporate IP with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to share project artifacts, variables, etc.
- Make better lending decisions using a broad range of scoring methodologies to assess risk exposures.
- Reduce model risk by optimizing performance throughout the model life cycle.
- Deploy scenario-based risk analytics to simulate risk exposures and support capital planning.
- Prepare IFRS 9 and CECL estimates in a centralized, controlled environment.
Risk governance
- Gain a holistic, enterprisewide view of your risk profile and internal control status.
- Ensure transparency and promote consistent standards with a centralized model inventory and model risk management framework.
- Produce accurate, on-demand regulatory and management reports based on high-quality data.
- Manage critical operational risk and compliance processes with a self-documenting solution that ensures auditability and traceability for management and regulators.
Why choose SAS® for risk management?
Put on-demand, high-performance risk analytics in the hands of your CRO and risk professionals. With SAS, you can confidently balance short- and long-term strategies while addressing changing regulatory requirements.
Establish a firmwide risk technology foundation
Update legacy processes with a modernized risk infrastructure that supports scalable, high-quality data, workflow, analytics and reporting.
Integrate risk & finance modeling
A common platform supports IFRS 9 and CECL regulatory requirements, along with enterprise stress testing.
Achieve best-practice model risk management compliance
Full transparency and prebuilt governance processes ease your compliance burden and provide organizational accountability.
Improve regulatory risk management processes for Basel III/IV compliance
SAS supports compliance for all regulatory risk management mandates, including regulatory capital, liquidity risk and BCBS 239.
Enhance credit risk management processes throughout the life cycle
Efficiently and effectively manage the entire credit risk management process – from origination to portfolio management, and from collections to recovery.
Incorporate AI
Use AI and machine learning for credit scoring, capital optimization, backtesting and model validation, and regtech.
Risk Management for Banking Products & Solutions
- Risk Modeling & Decisioning | Powered by AzureAdopt a trusted solution for managing risk models and decision strategies.
- SAS® Allowance for Credit LossAddress CECL and IFRS 9 requirements with a fully governed, automated workflow.
- SAS® CECL를 위한 솔루션모델링, 워크플로우 및 보고를 위한 모범 사례를 통해 새로운 미국 재무회계 기준위원회의 현재 예상 신용 손실(CECL) 표준을 신속하게 충족합니다.
- SAS® Credit Assessment Manager고객별 고위험 대출에 대한 질적 및 정량적 평가를 모두 수행하여 전체 대출 포트폴리오를 평가합니다.
- SAS® IFRS 9을 위한 솔루션이점을 빠르게 실현하고 IFRS 9 표준을 신속하게 충족합니다.
- SAS® Model Implementation Platform 은행 스트레스 테스트 및 기타 기업 수준의 위험 평가에 사용되는 다양한 모델을 빠르고 효율적으로 실행합니다.
- SAS® Risk EngineMake better, faster decisions based on current views of your overall risk exposure.
- SAS® Risk Modeling내부에서 위험 모델을 신속하게 개발, 검증, 배포 및 추적하는 동시에 모델 위험을 최소화하고 모델 거버넌스를 개선합니다.
- SAS® Solution for Regulatory Capital엔드투엔드 위험 관리 환경을 활용하여 타지역의 규제 위험을 사전에 관리합니다.
- SAS® 모델 리스크 관리모델 위험 관리를 통해 모델 위험을 대폭 줄이고, 의사 결정 및 재무 성과를 개선하며 규제 요구 조건을 충족합니다.
- SAS® 스트레스 테스트 솔루션 (SAS Solution for Stress Testing)규제 스트레스 테스트의 과제를 해결하고, 시나리오 기반 계획을 위한 강력한 데이터 및 모델링 환경을 구축합니다.
- SAS® 자산 및 부채 관리 (ALM)투명한 모듈식 클라우드 네이티브 솔루션에 정교한 행동 모델과 맞춤형 현금 흐름 로직을 추가하는 기능을 통해 현금 흐름을 예측하고 가치를 평가하는 방법을 유연하게 활용할 수 있습니다.