Woman drinking coffee and using a laptop in home

Learn SAS®

From e-learning to video tutorials, learn SAS in the way that works best for you.

Naucz się technologii SAS®

Od szkoleń typu e-learning do video tutoriali, ucz się SASa w formie najwygodniejszej dla siebie.

Twoja edukacja SAS zaczyna się tutaj. Wybierz kurs, rozwijaj swoje umiejętności, zdobądź certyfikat i odkryj nowe możliwości.

Your SAS education starts here.

Take a course, advance your skills, get certified – and discover new opportunities.


Gain a coveted skill in the business world by mastering SAS technology.


Validate your knowledge and boost earning power.

Academic Programs

Access resources for students and educators to meet academic needs.


Read books by SAS experts to understand technology and trends.

Jeżeli nie wiesz, od czego zacząć, wypróbuj jeden z naszych bezpłatnych kursów.

Desk, or desktop? Choose which learning style suits your needs.

Digital training

Find curated courses, hands-on labs and certification prep designed to build specific skills and earn a certification. 

Live classes

Ask your questions and interact with an instructor during online or in-person classes.


Hire a subject matter expert for on-the-job coaching and fast results. 

Video tutorials

Strengthen your skills with hundreds of free video tutorials developed by SAS instructors. 

Learn more about all our learning formats.

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