SAS® Information Governance
Regardless of source, where the data is stored, or how large and complex it is, SAS Information Governance makes it faster and easier for data users to find, catalog and protect the big data that is most valuable for analysis. Metadata-oriented search results show detailed information about each data asset. In turn, business users can evaluate the data’s fitness for purpose with less reliance on IT while avoiding rework and making more informed choices.
Recommended Reading
- White Paper IoT success depends on data governance, security and privacyThe IoT puts intense demands on the data management life cycle. Learn from 10 common mistakes organizations have made with IoT endeavors.
- Article Sensing a disturbance in the dataAs IoT data unites with event stream processing (ESP), these combined forces will automatically sense data pattern deviations and trigger immediate response.
- Article Using Hadoop as an Analytics CatalystLearn how to get the most out of Hadoop by developing a sound strategy for analyzing data in this new storage environment.