Young man on top of a mountain watching the sunset

Formation & Préparation à l'examen

Votre guide unique pour vous aider à préparer la certification SAS

En plus de la formation, nous vous recommandons vivement de répondre aux questions types et de vous entraîner avant de passer l'examen.

Examens blancs : Il est possible d'acheter des examens blancs pour certains examens par l'intermédiaire de SAS et de Pearson VUE.
Cliquez ici pour consulter la liste de tous les examens blancs disponibles.

Advanced Analytics Professional

Les candidats obtiendront le titre de SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional une fois qu'ils auront obtenu le titre de SAS Certified Specialist : Advanced Predictive Modeling Using SAS 9.4, le SAS Certified Specialist : SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation and Optimization Using SAS 9.4 et SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 7,13 or 14.

Advanced Programming Professional

Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Statistiques appliquées utilisant l'apprentissage automatique

Base Programming Specialist

Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Clinical Trials Programming Professional

Préparation à l'examen de certification | SAS

Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists


  • Introduction to Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists
  • SAS Data Management Tools and Applications
  • SAS and Hadoop
  • Additional SAS Data Management Tools and Applications

The courses listed above are not available for individual sale. These courses are included as part of the Data Curation Professional Subscription within the SAS Academy for Data Science

Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Data Integration Developer

Data Scientist

Each of these credentials is valuable in itself. But earn a combination and you've put yourself on a path to a data science career. Start with Data Curation Professional, then take either Advanced Analytics or AI & Machine Learning Professional to complete the coursework.

*The SAS Certified Big Data Professional can also meet this requirement.


Forecasting and Optimization Specialist

Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Machine Learning Using SAS Viya

Modèles d'examen

Cet examen pratique est disponible gratuitement. Sélectionnez l'examen ci-dessous pour activer votre formation en ligne gratuite.
(Vous devrez vous connecter à votre profil SAS ou créer un nouveau profil si vous n'en avez pas déjà un).

Predictive Modeler 14


Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Programming Associate


Sample Questions

Statistical Business Analyst

Sample Questions

Practice Exams

This practice exam is available at no cost. Select the exam below to activate your free e-learning.
(You will need to login to your SAS profile or create a new profile if you do not have one already).

Spécialiste de l'administration Viya

Icons in a background

Academic Discounts for Students & Educators

Female student smiling in library

You knew those late nights writing (or grading) assignments would pay off eventually. Being a student, educator or independent learner means you get academic discounts on SAS certification exams, e-learning and more. So now you can crack the books – without breaking the bank.