Clinical Data & Trial Transparency

Get easy, controlled access to clinical trials data.

How SAS Delivers Clinical Data Transparency

SAS provides controlled access to patient-level data for valid research purposes, along with the ability to analyze data from the clinical trials on which regulatory decisions are based.

Secure data access

  • Grant authorized researchers access to deidentified patient-level clinical trials data through a secure clinical trials data repository.
  • Provide access to data sets and information from participating sponsor companies and analyze it using statistical routines to reconfirm analyses performed.
  • Combine data across a series of studies and explore medical questions.

Analytics for research

  • Analyze clinical trials data using industry-leading analytics for clinical research.
  • Generate new medical knowledge, improve the efficiency of clinical trials, verify trial results and improve health care using embedded analytic technologies.
  • Gain the power and flexibility to access data and produce presentation-ready statistical analyses.

Flexible implementation options

  • Consolidate historical data from internal and external sources – claims systems, watch lists, third parties, unstructured text, etc.
  • Have the flexibility to support your company’s data transparency initiative or to provide shared access to clinical trials data from multiple companies.

Why SAS® for clinical data transparency?  

Establish a secure clinical trials data repository. Give authorized researchers access to the data and powerful analytics. And rely on a company that life sciences organizations have trusted for more than three decades.    

Give researchers access to the data they need

A secure clinical trials data repository ensures that authorized researchers have access to specified clinical trials data for their research purposes.

Empower researchers with embedded analytics

Industry-leading analytics with embedded AI and the ability to work with one's programming language of choice – including SAS, Python, R and Lua – enable researchers to derive greater insight from clinical trials data.

Take advantage of more than four decades of industry experience

SAS is globally recognized as the industry leader in business analytics and the de facto standard for clinical trials data analysis and reporting in life sciences. And we bring all that expertise to you.

How does a global pharmaceutical corporation promote openness and collaboration in the pharmaceutical industry?  

SAS helped the pharmaceutical giant:

  • Successfully migrate new clinical trials data for uninterrupted execution of research and operations.
  • Make its post-decision clinical trial data available to independent researchers, thus enhancing its reputation as a good corporate citizen.
  • Provide researchers with access to data from multiple companies through a single site, saving time and allowing them to develop new medicines in a shorter period.

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