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Beschaffungsbetrug stellt ein immer größeres Problem dar und es gibt nicht genug Kontrollen, um dem entgegenzuwirken. In diesem White Paper wird untersucht, wie Sie das ändern können.
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- Article Big data in government: How data and analytics power public programsBig data in government is vital when analyzed and used to improve the outcomes of both public and private sector programs – from emergency response to workforce effectiveness. The vast volumes of data created every day are the foundation of insightful changes for government agencies across the globe.
- E-BOOK Public procurement integrity at riskFraud, waste and abuse (FWA) take many forms, from duplicate invoices, ghost vendors and fake invoices to overbilling billing for goods. This e-book explores the procure-to-pay lifecycle, obstacles to spotting FWA, how to strengthen government procurement, hat's possible in the real world and how a data and AI-driven approach leads to greater productivity.
- White Paper Leveraging Analytics in Environmental ComplianceLeveraging Analytics in Environmental Compliance Discover how analytics help state agencies streamline environmental compliance, tackle workforce challenges and meet growing regulatory demands. Why read? Learn how data and analytics can streamline the permitting process. See how compliance efforts can be more focused and impactful. Explore insights on balancing environmental and economic needs. Understand strategies to manage workforce shortages effectively. About the white paper: This white paper examines how state environmental agencies can leverage advanced data and analytics to streamline compliance processes, address staffing shortages and navigate evolving regulations. Our SAS experts highlight strategies to ensure environmental protections while balancing economic activity. Discover how analytics can enhance efficiency and improve outcomes in the environmental compliance sector. About the expert guests: Dan Childers, Solutions Advisor, SAS Julie Espy, Sr. Industry Consultant, SAS Jeremy Ray, Sr. Industry Consultant, SAS
- White Paper Solving the public services productivity puzzleIn Global Government Forum’s survey, 91% of public service respondents said they face a productivity challenge, with 56% characterizing it as significant or very significant.
- E-BOOK Intelligent decisioning in governmentGovernments can incorporate AI-driven decisioning into existing business processes to take advantage of digital transformation benefits. Through automated processes, deeper insights and the ability to act quickly, governments can innovate service delivery, drive efficiency and help build a better future.
- Analyst Report SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- E-BOOK Seven trends shaping the future of taxOur industry experts identified seven megatrends shaping the future of tax and how SAS can help you tackle them. Also, learn how other agencies around the world are addressing the challenges and looking ahead.
- E-BOOK Danger in the digital realm: Protecting children from predatorsIncidences of child sexual exploitation are skyrocketing around the world, creating backlogs of cases for already overwhelmed law enforcement organizations. Learn about new technologies that can help law enforcement work more efficiently to protect children from harm, catch offenders faster, and eliminate backlogs -- all while reducing the negative impacts of distressing cases and content on officer well-being.
- Solution Brief Child sexual exploitation online investigationLearn about how SAS empowers officers to thoroughly investigate more child sexual exploitation cases faster for better outcomes.
- E-BOOK Rising Waters and Rapid ResponsesGet an insider’s view of the tools and strategies that some leaders in flood management are already deploying to better protect their citizens, as well as case studies that show how these approaches work in real-world applications.
- E-BOOK The future of public health: Building more resilient infrastructure for better health outcomesModernizing management and analysis of public health data can help drive better decisions and health outcomes at every level and enable unparalleled efficiencies and strategies in a new era of public health.
- Solution Brief Law enforcement and public safety crime insightsGain faster insights from NIBRS data to help solve and prevent crime.
- CUSTOMER STORY Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residentsJakarta and SAS team up to create an award-winning approach to public services and disaster management.
- CUSTOMER STORY Advanced analytics helps hospital put patients at the heart of improved outcomes San Martino Polyclinic Hospital uses SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya for more patient-focused operations and decisions.
- Blogbeitrag Meet the women fighting child exploitationGet to know the women who have poured their energy into SAS' investigation tool for fighting child sexual exploitation.
- White Paper Governments adapting to changeTop tips for shifting to an enterprise analytics strategy.
- White Paper Enforcing Tax Compliance in a Turbulent WorldIIA spoke with SAS experts to explore innovative ways to use data and analytics to improve operational efficiency, taxpayer engagement, and smart decisions throughout the revenue and compliance process.
- Article Intelligent policing: Data visualization helps crack down on crimeLearn how data visualization can give police real-time views of locations enriched with other data to help them make intelligent, fact-based decisions.
- Solution Brief Environmental compliance in governmentRead how SAS can help you expedite permit processing and improve facility compliance.
- Solution Brief Location intelligence for governmentDiscover how you can make evidence-informed policy and administrative decisions using location-based data.
- Solution Brief Reimagining public healthLearn how SAS helps you strengthen resiliency with streamlined data processes, dynamic surveillance and forecasting, and disease investigation and monitoring.
- CUSTOMER STORY Customer Story Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizensAscertaining the ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ of potential tax changes before regulations are implemented.
- CUSTOMER STORY Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in NorwayHelse Nord uses SAS to automate its hospitals’ processes and halves their workload.
- Article Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
- CUSTOMER STORY Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safetyThe West Virginia Fusion Center uses SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence on Microsoft Azure to manage data, share information and help agencies solve and prevent crimes.
- Article Know your blind spots in tax fraud preventionTax agencies sometimes miss fraud that's happening right under their noses – despite robust external fraud prevention efforts. Find out where traditional tax fraud prevention and detection efforts fall short, and how analytics can change that.
- CUSTOMER STORY Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experienceItaly’s largest service distribution network relies on predictive analytics from SAS to detect fraud with greater precision and reduce losses.
- E-BOOK Innovate, protect and serveSee how governments are using analytics to solve public safety issues.
- Solution Brief Drogenmissbrauch mit Advanced Analytics bekämpfenSAS bietet eine integrierte Analyseplattform, die Daten aus verschiedenen Behörden zusammenführt und so eine integrierte, behördenübergreifende Reaktion auf Drogenmussbrauch ermöglicht.
- Analyst Report Celent: Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions: Health Insurance, 2022 EditionSAS was named a Luminary in Celent's Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions: Health Insurance, 2022 Edition, excelling in both Advanced Technology and Breadth of Functionality.
- White Paper An Inflection Point for OpioidsData and analytics are crucial as governments confront the evolving drug crisis.
- CUSTOMER STORY Enhancing road safety with advanced analyticsBelgium’s FPS Justice uses insights from SAS Visual Analytics to crack down on excessive speeding and take more effective action against traffic violators.
- Article 10 ways analytics can make your city smarter From child welfare to transportation, read 10 examples of analytics being used to solve problems or simplify tasks for government organizations.
- CUSTOMER STORY Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysisThe North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center uses SAS Viya on SAS Cloud to improve data accessibility and efficiencies in gathering and reporting state and county criminal justice statistics to stakeholders, policymakers and citizens.
- Solution Brief Stärkung des Vertrauens und der öffentlichen Sicherheit durch zuverlässige, behördenübergreifende InformationenErfahren Sie, wie SAS zuverlässige Daten und Ergebnisse liefert, wenn die Zeit drängt, egal ob Ermittler proaktiv Verbrechen verhindern oder reaktiv Verbrechen aufklären, die bereits geschehen sind.
- Solution Brief Kontrollierte und dennoch transparente Verwaltung verdeckter menschlicher InformationsquellenErfahren Sie, wie SAS einen systematischen, geregelten Weg bietet, um das gesamte Spektrum der CHIS-Operationen anzugehen und alle Arten von Risiken zu reduzieren - für Menschen, Beamte und die Organisation.
- Solution Brief Positive Beeinflussung der Strafverfolgung und der Ergebnisse für die Gesellschaft bei gleichzeitiger Verbesserung der TransparenzUntersuchen Sie, wie Führungskräfte der Strafverfolgungsbehörden Polizeireformen umsetzen können, die den Forderungen der Öffentlichkeit nach mehr Rechenschaftspflicht und Transparenz entsprechen.
- Solution Brief Verbesserung der Untersuchungsergebnisse durch datengestützte Erkenntnisse und EntscheidungenErfahren Sie, wie SAS zuverlässige Daten und Ergebnisse liefert, wenn die Zeit drängt, egal ob Ermittler proaktiv Verbrechen verhindern oder reaktiv Verbrechen aufklären, die bereits geschehen sind.
- Article Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory floodWhat are the challenges of a risk data infrastructure and how can they be addressed? Here's what you need to know to build an effective enterprise risk and finance reporting warehouse that will effectively address compliance requirements.
- Solution Brief Natürliche Sprachverarbeitung für mehr Effizienz in der VerwaltungErfahren Sie, wie NLP-Funktionen von SAS Ihnen helfen können, aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und schnellere, bessere Entscheidungen aus großen Mengen textbasierter Daten zu treffen.
- CUSTOMER STORY Making prisons and communities safer with data visualizationIowa Department of Corrections uses SAS Viya on SAS Cloud to better manage supervised populations, make informed decisions and improve public safety.
- Solution Brief Aufdeckung und Verhinderung von unzulässigen Zahlungen zur Verbesserung des StaatshauhaltesDurch die Konsolidierung von Daten aus internen und externen Quellen über Leistungserbringer und Leistungsempfänger - gekoppelt mit Advanced Analytics - bietet SAS eine umfassende Lösung, um die Bemühungen der heutigen ausgeklügelten Pläne und Methoden zu vereiteln.
- Solution Brief Modernisieren Sie Ihren Beschaffungsprozess, um seine Integrität zu erhalten und die Kosten zu senken.Erfahren Sie, wie SAS Sie dabei unterstützt, Daten aus unterschiedlichen externen Quellen zusammenzuführen und Ihnen so ein besseres Lagebild zu verschaffen, damit Sie schnell entscheiden können, ob Rechnungen, Zahlungen oder Bestellungen gestoppt werden sollen.
- CUSTOMER STORY Analytics helps major public health system run efficient programs and improve patient careThe Los Angeles County Department of Health Services relies on advanced analytics from SAS to meet federal regulations, ensure financial viability and better serve a diverse population of more than 10 million people.
- CUSTOMER STORY Analytic models spotlight risky loansItaly’s Ministry of Economy and Finance uses advanced analytics on SAS Viya to quickly calculate risk on financial guarantees.
- Article Unemployment fraud meets analytics: Battle lines are clearly drawnMany fraudsters seized opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the crisis, unemployment fraud became a battleground between international criminal networks and government agencies. Learn how analytics can save billions – and deliver benefits to those truly in need.
- Solution Brief Entwicklung und Bewertung datengestützter Strategien und Programme zur Verringerung der RückfälligkeitErfahren Sie, wie SAS Ihnen helfen kann, spezifische Faktoren zu identifizieren, die am ehesten die Rückfälligkeit einzelner Straftäter verringert.
- CUSTOMER STORY Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemicFPS Public Health uses SAS to forecast hospital bed occupancy, predict infection rates and ensure sufficient medical staffing during global health crisis.
- Solution Brief Das Unvorhersehbare vorhersehbar machen: Einsatz von KI und Streaming-Analysen zur Vermeidung von Hochwasserschäden und zur Vorhersage von HochwassermusternErfahren Sie, wie SAS Ihnen dabei helfen kann, potenzielle Hochwasserereignisse vorherzusagen, das Problem frühzeitig anzugehen und Ihre Bürger und Infrastruktur zu schützen.
- Solution Brief Investigations Management für BehördenEntdecken Sie, wie SAS Ihnen helfen kann, Governance, Vertrauen und Transparenz durch umfassende, datengestützte Audits und Inspektionen zu verbessern.
- CUSTOMER STORY Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight California's Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission uses analytics and data management to better serve residents and increase community well-being.
- CUSTOMER STORY Solving crime in less time with analyticsDelaware State Police use law enforcement solutions from SAS to help identify suspects, crack cases and protect communities.
- Article Finding COVID-19 answers with data and analyticsLearn how data plays a role in optimizing hospital resources, understanding disease spread, supply chain forecasting and scientific discoveries.
- Article Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisisMany circumstances call for situational awareness – that is, being mindful of what’s present and happening around you. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened this need, as leaders across industries used analytics and visualization to gain real-time situational awareness and respond with fast, critical decisions.
- Webinar Transportation Forecasting in the Age of Disruptive TechnologyThis webinar is focused on how disruptive technologies are affecting the transportation industry and how forecasting can improve operational efficiencies.
- Article The transformational power of evidence-based decision making in health policyState health agencies are under pressure to deliver better health outcomes while minimizing costs. Read how data and analytics are being used to confront our biggest health care challenges head on.
- Solution Brief Verbesserung der Genauigkeit bei der Bewertung von ImmobilienErfahren Sie, wie SAS die Bewertung von Wohnimmobilien in einer Behörde schnell und präzise vornimmt.
- CUSTOMER STORY Identifying potential trouble spotsFlorida DOC turns to SAS Analytics to help improve citizen safety.
- Article Applying technology to ensure voter integrity in electionsVoter integrity is becoming a serious concern for many elections. Recent disclosures of foreign influence campaigns using social media highlight the potential impact on the integrity of the democratic process. In monitoring your systems, technology can identify both legitimate and fraudulent activity; the balancing act is to minimize the impact on legitimate activity while preventing acts of cyber-criminals and fraudsters.
- White Paper Using Modern Analytics to Save Government Programs MillionsNext-generation analytic tools from SAS cut across data and program silos and empower investigators to go on the offensive with fraud operators – without disrupting the efficient and timely delivery of benefits, services or tax refunds.
- Solution Brief Einsatz von Analysen zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit innerhalb der BevölkerungErfahren Sie, wie ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz in der Gesundheitsfürsorge den Regierungen auf Bundes-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene ein umfassenderes und genaueres Verständnis der Bedürfnisse (und der Hindernisse für die Gesundheitsfürsorge) ermöglicht und die Leistungserbringer in die Lage versetzt, die gesamte Person zu behandeln, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen und alle Vorschriften zu beachten.
- White Paper Artificial Intelligence for ExecutivesThis paper outlines the SAS approach to AI and explains key concepts. It also provides process and implementation tips if you are considering adding AI technologies to your business and analytical strategies.
- White Paper Behavioral Health in the Health Care IT EcosystemThe imperative to advance infrastructure and analytics to move toward whole-person care
- White Paper Text Analytics for ExecutivesThis paper looks at how organizations in banking, health care and life sciences, manufacturing and government are using SAS text analytics to drive better customer experiences, reduce fraud and improve society.
- Article What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common?Law enforcement and public safety agencies must wrangle diverse data sets – such as data from drones – in their proactive policing operations. To be most effective, they need modern tools that support AI techniques like machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing.
- White Paper The impact of data and analytics on local governmentGlobally, data and analytics usage for local governments is on the rise. From planning to operational impact, municipalities benefit from data-driven decision making and data sharing. And the ultimate winners are its citizens, offering better use of taxpayer funding and improved living conditions.
- White Paper Managing the Intelligence Life CycleBecause terrorists and other criminals are already using technology to carry out their missions, intelligence professionals need to access all available, appropriate information, to extract important elements and process, analyze and disseminate it quickly to keep ahead of potential threats.
- Article How to prevent procurement fraudPerpetrated in several ways, procurement fraud is difficult to detect. Arm yourself with hybrid analytics that offer various approaches for cross-pollination of data and analysis.
- Article Improve child welfare through analyticsWith tremendous potential for child welfare agencies to use data and analytics to prevent child abuse and improve outcomes for children and families, child welfare advocates discuss the benefits of using data and establishing a data-driven culture to advance practice and policy.
- Article Proactive detection – A new approach to counter terrorTo counter terror, investigative teams can better utilize the data they already have by applying a fresh approach with these steps to proactive detection.
- White Paper Achieving program integrity for health care cost containmentLearn how taking an enterprise approach to payment integrity – one that combines advanced data management and sophisticated analytics – can help payers detect and prevent fraud; effect positive change in how providers, employees and patients behave; and substantially reduce health care costs.
- E-BOOK Doing good with government dataFrom child welfare and public health to combating prescription abuse and improving education, analytics is improving government programs around the world.
- White Paper Protect the Integrity of the Procurement FunctionProcurement fraud affects nearly one-third of organizations, and it is often perpetrated by the most trusted, longtime employees, the ones you’d least suspect. Learn from two white-collar crime specialists about common flavors of procurement fraud, striking examples from recent headlines, four fundamental ways to get better at detecting and preventing fraud, and how to take procurement integrity to the next level.
- Article Taking pre-emptive action to stem the tide of VAT fraud lossesEU countries lost an estimated €159.5 billion in VAT revenues to VAT fraud in 2014. The solution? Hybrid fraud analytics technology.
- White Paper Government Procurement OfficesFind better ways to address fraud, waste and abuse – and respond more effectively to budget cuts – by using SAS to help you achieve new levels of fiscal responsibility.
- White Paper Using analytics to proactively deter insider threatsReduce organizational risk with stronger controls and faster identification of malicious activity.
- White Paper Workforce AnalyticsThis paper explores how government HR functions can use advanced analytics, machine learning and AI to develop effective plans to meet hiring, retention and performance goals.
- Article How can analytics change the world of 'Narcos'?Surveillance, wire-taps, interrogations, informants… all valuable intelligence gathering techniques. But modern law enforcement and federal agents are now aided by a new technology to zero in on drug trafficking: analytics.
- Article Analytics for prescription drug monitoring: How to better identify opioid abusePrescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) are a great start in combating abuse of prescription drugs, but they could be doing much more. Better data and analytics can inform better treatment protocols, provider education and policy decisions – and save lives.
- E-BOOK Innovation driven by strategyFrom curing diseases to studying the sun, innovative uses of analytics are changing the world. Download this e-book to see where tomorrow’s technologies are happening today. You’ll find out how analytics technologies are being used for cybersecurity, machine learning, the Internet of Things and more. If you’re looking for inspiration, see where this e-book takes you.
- White Paper Data and Analytics to Combat the Opioid EpidemicThis research brief from the International Institute for Analytics and SAS explores how data and predictive analytics can help develop better treatment protocols, both for initial pain and for remediation when patients become dependent on the drugs.
- E-BOOK Four Use Cases Show Real-World Impact of IoT This TDWI e-book explores in detail what IoT means and how different industries are taking advantage of it.
- CUSTOMER STORY Conservation efforts take flight with analyticsThe Royal Society for the Protection of Birds uses SAS to help safeguard wildlife.
- Article Small-time cheats and organized crime: Benefits fraud re-examinedTo combat benefits fraud, better utilize resources and improve ROI, analytics can detect organized crime rings rather than just small-time fraudsters.
- CUSTOMER STORY Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parentsCalifornia’s Orange County Child Support Services uses analytics from SAS to empower caseworkers to help parents make decisions that benefit their children.
- Article Putting an end to pay and chaseSophisticated technology-driven approaches can not only root out fraud in social benefits programs, but find it before payment is made. A proactive approach can reduce the 5 to 7 percent of government dollars that end up in fraudsters’ pockets.
- White Paper Closing the OODA Loop: Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Decision MakingCompress decision cycles and operate proactively by assessing and clearly defining goals and timelines before applying analytics to your most valuable data.
- Article The municipality’s analytical journeyOdense – one of Denmark’s largest municipalities – is working toward becoming more analytical, with a goal of integrating analytical thinking on every level. Learn how their efforts are improving welfare and other programs in the region.
- Article Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threatsM-payment remittances are replacing traditional banks and money services that have historically charged high fees for small transfers. Former US Treasury Special Agent John Cassara maps what he sees in the road ahead and gives advice for protecting your firm.
- White Paper The Road to Value-Based Health CareThis paper describes the transformative tools that use advanced analytics to help health care organizations balance the goals of cost reduction and quality improvement through analysis of episodes of care.
- Article How big data analytics can be the difference for law enforcementThe real value in big data analytics is that you don’t have to know what you’re looking for before you start. This is a huge benefit to law enforcement agencies that are facing tighter budgets and scarcer resources.
- Article How police forces can use data to prevent crimePolice need to be given better access to data that will drive actionable intelligence and free up time to concentrate on investigating crime on the front line rather than dealing with time-consuming administrative tasks behind the scenes
- CUSTOMER STORY Knowing the who, informs the whatThe New Zealand Ministry of Health established the Virtual Data Registry to more accurately identify diabetes sufferers and citizens likely to contract diabetes. They'll use the database to inform policy and spending decisions that will ensure better care for those patients.
- INTERVIEW Is open data the next step in digitization?Norwegian Tax Director Hans Christian Holte has seen how the state benefits from opening data sources to public analysis. How could it benefit you?
- Article Doing good with dataDespite the tremendous opportunity to use data for good, there is significant potential for data abuse and misuse. Learn how technology, governance and legislation can help.
- Webinar Analytics to Fight Public Health ThreatsThis webinar discusses how data, analytics, epidemiological models and modernized contact tracing techniques can help safeguard public health.
- Webinar AI for Supporting Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingThis webinar is focused on using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to tackle big data related to vaccine development.
- Webinar Wake-Up Call: Modernizing Public Health PracticesNow is the time to recognize trends and changes in public health and face down challenges by adapting and modernizing
- Webinar One Step Ahead: Fight Fraudsters With Cutting-Edge TechnologyLearn about the anticipated trends, challenges and best practices for integrating technology – including AI, advanced analytics and robotic process automation – into your organization’s fraud management strategies.
- Webinar Finding Resources in the Chaos: Lessons Learned About Medical Resource OptimizationThis webinar, part of our Analytics in 20 series, discusses how analytics can inform an optimum hospital restarting plan by allocating resources effectively.
- Webinar Creating PDF Reports That Meet Accessibility Compliance StandardsJoin us for this webinar to see how SAS® 9.4M6 lets programmers create PDF reports that fully meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 requirements.
- Webinar Zeroing in on property values with machine learningJoin us for a webinar focused on how Wake County and SAS built cloud-based machine learning models to accurately forecast the housing market and property values.
- Webinar Making a Difference in the Opioid Epidemic: Data and AnalyticsThis webinar, part of our "Analytics in 20" series, takes a look at the issues surrounding the opioid crisis and real-world examples of how analytics can help.
- Webinar Creating Accessible Reports With SAS Visual Analytics in SAS ViyaJoin us for this webinar to learn how you design modern, interactive reports that meet the standards for digital accessibility.
- Webinar Health Care in the Post-Honesty EraIt's time for health care payers to assess payment integrity practices and develop a strategy around advanced analytics to modernize and thrive.
- Webinar Transformative Technologies for Next-Gen PolicingExplore the growing importance of data and insights in establishing a new generation of policies, training and approaches for law enforcement, including a focus on officer wellness.
- Webinar Top Trends for Tax Administrators Learn how advanced analytics helps tax administrators across the globe effectively manage the five top trends shaping the tax administration in 2020.
- Webinar Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Why Program Integrity Is Essential As the opioid epidemic continues to overwhelm our systems and communities, advanced analytics is critical to combating this crisis.
- Webinar Fighting the Opioid Crisis at the Source: Pharmacies and Physicians Learn how advanced analytics is being used to fight the opioid crisis on the provider side of the epidemic starting with the source: physicians and pharmacies.
- Webinar Putting AI and Machine Learning to Work in Human Resources This webinar discusses how HR executives who succeed with AI and machine learning will be best positioned to lead their organizations in crisis and recovery.
- Webinar Workforce Analytics: A Vital Resource in HRDuring this webinar you’ll learn how to tackle attrition prediction, incentive analysis, human capital optimization and other issues affecting HR.
- E-BOOK Government and education: Leading through changeExplore the collected wisdom and stories of government and education leaders who are rising to the challenges of our times and applying analytics to drive evidence-based decision making.
- White Paper Top Trends: Why Tax Administrators Are Adopting New Data and Analytics StrategiesDespite best efforts, governments lose several trillion dollars annually to the economic crimes of tax evasion and noncompliance. Learn about the top five trends shaping the future for tax administrators.
- White Paper The Growing Need for Intelligent Border ControlIn a world growing increasingly hesitant about the benefits of globalization, the management of national borders is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly complex. The control of borders is a top priority for every nation. In recent years, this task has become more complex as authorities find themselves dealing with multiple challenges. A steadily increasing demand for border crossings was interrupted by the global Covid-19 pandemic, then restarted due to the economic pressures of lockdowns. This paper examines the challenges facing border control authorities of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states, the need for rapid and efficient clearance of international passengers while maintaining security, the solutions available (including their drawbacks), and the expected outcomes.
- White Paper How Public Sector Agencies Can Use Analytics to Lead Through CrisisWhen public service leaders need to make vital decisions quickly – to guide people through a crisis and save lives – data analytics is essential.
- White Paper Top tips for making the shift to evidence-based policingLearn from criminal justice experts and people in the field of law enforcement what it takes to make the transition to EBP successful.
- White Paper Data Unlocks Solutions for Safer CommunitiesBreakthroughs in data science and technology have given public safety organizations throughout government an opportunity to unleash data that has been trapped in data siloes for decades and use it to address a host of public safety and law enforcement challenges.
- White Paper Fusion Centers: Evolving Roles, Expanding Capabilities, Continuing ChallengesFusion centers have evolved far beyond their original role in counterterrorism and now safeguard and serve the public on many fronts. Experts share their experiences and perspectives on how fusion centers succeed in their missions today and tomorrow.
- White Paper Safer communities, trusted law enforcementThrough an analytics-based approach to officer readiness, SAS can help law enforcement ensure public safety and reestablish a culture of trust.
- White Paper Data-Driven PerformanceAgency program executives need to know a lot about their programs beyond whether the spending rate results in a balanced budget execution.
- White Paper Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine LearningLearn how you can make robotic process automation smart by adding machine learning to it.
- E-BOOK Protecting the PaymentsAs unemployment insurance claims increased dramatically because of pandemic job losses, incidents of fraud have also grown exponentially in federal and state government systems.
- Executive Brief Analytics for Medical Resource OptimizationThis summary paper of a 2020 global HIMSS survey, in partnership with SAS, asked health care organizations to rate their current use of analytics, as well as their future implementation plans.
- White Paper Fighting the Rising Tide of Medicaid FraudMedicaid fraud has jumped dramatically in the era of COVID, as increasing complexity of delivery and payment models, along with increased funding, has created openings for fraudsters, including organized crime.
- E-BOOK Governments leading through changeIn this e-book, SAS has collected the wisdom and stories of the government agencies that are rising to the challenges of our times and applying analytics to drive evidence-based decision making. These stories are pulled from every sector of government and are relevant across all sectors because they each share innovative new ways to respond to a changing landscape.
- White Paper From cradle to career: A modern SLDSModern statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) that meets the needs of students and their communities are an essential part of a strong educational framework.
- White Paper Anti-Fraud Technology As criminals find new ways to exploit technology and target potential victims, anti-fraud professionals must adopt new technologies to effectively navigate the evolving threat landscape.
- White Paper Modernizing Analytics for Law Enforcement Vast new sources of electronic data and advanced analytical methods offer opportunities to quickly resolve individual investigations and discover patterns of activity to exploit in crime prevention.
- White Paper Digital audit and investigation: Keys to success for government oversightExplore how digitalization has fundamentally changed what needs to be monitored and the new tools and processes needed to detect threats from organized fraud and unintentional errors proliferated by process automation.
- CUSTOMER STORY Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumptionUnlocking the power of data with SAS® helps Repsol journey toward sustainable energy
- CUSTOMER STORY Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050Erste Group extends its SAS Solution for Regulatory Capital to help understand and reduce impact of climate change on its portfolios
- Solution Brief Verbesserung der nachrichtendienstlichen Abläufe durch datengestützte Erkenntnisse und EntscheidungenErfahren Sie, wie unsere branchenführende Technologieplattform große Datensätze zusammenführt und den Nutzern eine einzige Sicht auf die Wahrheit bietet, mit der sie jede beliebige Einheit analysieren können.
- Solution Brief Advanced Analytics Fight Opioid MisuseCombat opioid abuse with a unified, data science based approach.
- White Paper An Inflection Point for OpioidsData and analytics are crucial as governments confront the evolving drug crisis.