SAS 9.4 Base Programming — Performance-based exam

Exam Content Guide

Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam.
For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.

Access and Create Data Structures

  • Create Temporary and permanent SAS Data sets.
  • Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures.
  • Access data.
  • Combine SAS data sets.
  • Create and manipulate SAS date values.
  • Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output.

Manage Data

  • Sort observations in a SAS data set.
  • Conditionally execute SAS statements.
  • Use assignment statements in the DATA step.
  • Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step.
  • Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements.
  • Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values.
  • Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa.
  • Process data using DO LOOPS.
  • Restructure SAS data sets with PROC TRANSPOSE.
  • Use macro variables to simplify program maintenance.

Error Handling

  • Identify and resolve programming logic errors.
  • Recognize and correct syntax errors.

Generate Reports and Output

  • Generate list reports using the PRINT procedure.
  • Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures.
  • Enhance reports with user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting options.
  • Generate reports using ODS statements.
  • Export data.

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