SAS Big Data Programming and Loading

Exam Content Guide

Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam.
For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.


SAS and Hadoop - 30%

  • Describe the baseline requirements for interacting with Hadoop
  • Use the HADOOP procedure and the Hadoop FILENAME statement to interact with Hadoop from a SAS session
  • Query and manage Hive tables stored in Hadoop using explicit SQL pass-through
  • Work with Hadoop files using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement

SAS DS2 Programming - 30%

  • Write DS2 programs
  • Read data using DS2
  • Work with variables, arrays, and ANSI SQL data types
  • Use expressions and functions in DS2 programs
  • Work with Methods, Packages, and Threads

Hadoop Programming - 15%

  • Describe the Hadoop architecture
  • Manipulate and load data files using command line tools
  • Write Hive programs to create, join, and query data tables
  • Write Pig programs to perform ETL tasks and to analyze large data sets

Data manipulation with the IMSTAT procedure - 25%

  • Execute IMSTAT procedures
  • Perform actions required to produce graphs with PROC IMSTAT
  • Manipulate In-Memory Data
  • Use High-Performance procedures with the SAS LASR Analytic Server

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