K-12 Education Financial Management

Monitor school funding and expenditures. Provide transparency to stakeholders.

How SAS Delivers Education Financial Management Capabilities

SAS offers a robust, centralized data platform that transforms disparate data sources into usable information to support states in their efforts to ensure equity and transparency of K-12 education funding.

Educational investment transparency

  • Understand the investment of federal, state and local funds in K-12 education.
  • Identify how grants and tax dollars are being allocated.
  • Ensure that funding is being used as it was intended.

Scenario modeling

  • Mitigate potential gaps by forecasting finances tied to funding formulas and local investments.
  • Provide tools to make data-driven decisions on where resources are most needed.
  • Verify that assumptions of funding priorities result in the intended outcomes.

Financial reporting compliance

  • Meet federal requirements by reporting on per pupil expenditures down to the school level.
  • Adhere to new state and federal regulations around reporting.
  • Integrate data from multiple financial reporting systems at the school, district and state levels.

Why does education choose SAS® for better financial management?

Student programs. Human resources and payroll. Operations. Transportation. Special education services. Libraries. These are a just few of the different data systems every school and local education agency operates. SAS enables states to combine data from student information and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, resulting in the ability to analyze and report the information to the public at school and district levels.

Integrate data sources

Collect and integrate data from multiple sources of public-school spending data scattered across different systems.

Create standards

Develop reporting tools using a standard data model – such as CEDS, Ed-Fi and SIF – which is imperative for accurate, meaningful and useful financial reporting.

Report on the data

Create static and interactive reports that educational leaders and stakeholders can easily access and use.

As the elected leader of North Carolina’s public schools, I want to encourage constructive discussions about our education system. A subject as important as our public schools deserves all the transparency we can provide. Mark Johnson State Superintendent of Public Instruction North Carolina

Customer Success in K-12 Education

Working Smarter With SAS®

  • North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

    Pulling data together quickly and linking disparate data sources

    SAS partnered with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to integrate and consolidate disparate data from financial, human resources, student information and teacher licensure systems. A web portal provides a powerful, yet easy-to-navigate tool for citizens, parents, educators, policymakers and taxpayers to explore the types of funding schools get and how those funds are being spent.

  • Michigan Department of Education

    Using a statewide longitudinal data system to help feed children in need

    During the COVID-19 school shutdowns, which cut many kids off from their only consistent source of food, Michigan was able to quickly identify eligible kids and distribute funds to more than 900,000 families thanks to its SLDS, which was built using SAS software.

  • Optimizing bus routes and funneling cost savings back to schools

    Boston Public Schools turned to SAS for help in safely cutting transportation costs and improving the quality of service to students while using fewer buses.

  • Ensuring that school districts are properly funded

    The South Carolina Department of Education depends on SAS for smart data exploration to advance K-12 public education programs.

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