Mathematical optimization
The OPTMODEL family of procedures provides:Flexible algebraic syntax for intuitive model formulation. Transparent use of standard SAS functions. Direct invocation of linear, nonlinear, quadratic, network, and mixed integer solvers. Support for the rapid prototyping of customized optimization algorithms, including named problems and subproblems. Ability to run other SAS code within PROC OPTMODEL with the SUBMIT block. Ability to execute solver invocations in parallel with the COFOR loop.
Aggressive presolvers to reduce effective problem size. Multithreading in underlying technologies for improved optimization performance. Linear programming solvers:Primal simplex, dual simplex and network simplex. Interior-point with crossover.
Parallel branch-and-bound mixed-integer programming solver with cutting planes and primal heuristics. Option tuning for mixed-integer programming. Decomposition algorithm for linear and mixed-integer programming. General nonlinear programming solvers:Interior-point trust region method with line search. Active-set trust region method with line search. Multistart capability.
Quadratic programming with state-of-the-art solver tailored for large-scale optimization. Multiple network diagnostics and optimization algorithms. Parallel hybrid global/local search optimization, including multi-objective optimization. Grid enablement. Constraint programming capabilities with scheduling and resource features.
Discrete event simulation
Versatile, graphical modeling capabilities; create and save custom components. Ability to model both static and mobile resources. Automated experimental design and input analysis via integration with JMP software. Ability to drive models with historical data in SAS data sets or JMP tables. Integration with SAS or JMP for analysis of results. Support for large models and large experiments. Search facility enables search of all blocks in model. Hierarchical modeling: compound blocks and submodel blocks.
Project & resource scheduling
Critical Path Method and CPM-based resource-constrained scheduling. Calendars, work shifts and holidays for determining resource availability and schedules. Full support for nonstandard precedence relationships. Ability to include PERT estimates of duration. Versatile reporting, customizable Gantt charts and project network diagrams. Earned Value Management analysis for project tracking execution. Decision analysis:Create, analyze and interactively modify decision tree models. Calculate value of perfect information (VPI) and value of perfect control (VPC).
Bill of material (BOM) processing:Read from standard product structure data files and part master files, or combined files. Produce single- or multiple-level bills of material, including indented and summarized BOM. Produces summarized parts, listing items and quantities required to meet the specified plan.
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