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Ideation Game

Kickstart your hack with the Ideation Game

Preparing for your hack just got more fun! In 2024, dive into the excitement with SAS Hackathon Ideation, our custom board game.

SAS Hackathon Ideation Game Box

This game is designed to facilitate idea generation, problem prioritization and data selection, empowering you and your team to strategically map out your path to success.

In the true spirit of gaming, Ideation fosters teamwork and sparks imaginative problem-solving. Collaboration becomes the cornerstone of your journey, unveiling a wealth of possibilities with each roll of the dice. This is the invaluable benefit of the SAS Hackathon – illuminating the substantial value of innovation.

As an integral part of the game, we encourage you to use our Hackathon Lean Canvas document. This template serves as a visual and strategic planning aid to help you organize your use case. It is designed to help you capture insights and ideas as you play.

So, when can you get your hands on Ideation?

Look forward to its arrival at a SAS office near you in June. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding dates and locations.

Contact your SAS Sales Representative for more information.