SAS kann Dinge tun, die Sie nie für möglich gehalten hätten. Machen Sie sich bereit für Ihre persönliche Reise mit SAS!
Unsere Experten haben eine Reihe von User Journeys zusammen gestellt - mit den besten SAS Tipps, Techniken und Best Practices für Ihre speziellen Anforderungen. Kein Fachchinesisch - sondern echtes Expertenwissen für neugierige Köpfe. Und das alles kostenlos.
Die "SAS Journeys" beinhalten eine Reihe von einfach zu befolgenden Schritten , die Sie mit auf den Weg nehmen, um Großartiges mit SAS zu tun - von uns regelmäßig in Ihre Inbox geliefert.
In einer Minute erklärt: Choose Your SAS Journey
Wählen Sie die für Sie passende Route
Become a SAS Data Ninja
Data Wrangling ist eines von vielen SAS' Spezialgebieten. Egal wo Sie sich auf der Wegstrecke mit Ihrem Datenmanagement befinden, wir haben jede Menge Tipps die Ihnen helfen, ein wahrer "Data Ninja" zu werden.
Structured along the Data Analytics lifecycle, we'll share hidden gems that will save you time.
To become a Data Ninja we'll share hidden gems that will save you time:
- What’s new with SAS Programming?
- Latest programming interfaces & tricks.
- Data Import tips & techniques.
- Data preparation best practices.
- SAS Processing & Code optimisation.
- Integration with Open Source.
- Deep-dives on Graphs, reporting and Data Analysis.
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Getting Started with SAS Viya
SAS Viya ist unsere leistungsstarke neue Plattform. Eine Herausforderung kann aber sein, den passenden Startpunkt zu finden.
This programme takes coders, analysts and data scientists on a fast-track journey to becoming a SAS Viya expert.
Become a SAS Viya expert with our fast track journey:
- Why Viya is different and how it will help you.
- Migrating your SAS 9 code and projects.
- How Data Preparation has been improved.
- How reporting, dashboarding and data exploration is more powerful.
- Integrating Viya with Open Source.
- Starting wth advanced ML in Viya.
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Become a Viya Admin Superhero
Sie sind ein IT-Experte, der SAS Viya administriert oder architektonisch gestaltet? Dann wird Sie dieses Programm in kürzester Zeit auf den neuesten Stand zu SAS Viya bringen. Werden Sie zum gefragten Superhelden für Ihre SAS Nutzer.
Topics in this journey include:
- Viya architectural principles.
- Top Viya Admin tasks.
- Security in Viya.
- Diagnosing Performance Issues.
- Cloud & Container deployments.
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
The Art of Data Visualization
Auf dieser Reise finden Sie die wirkungsvollsten Wege, um Daten in Geschichten zu verwandeln und Erkenntnisse innerhalb Ihrer Organisation zu teilen.
If you think you've only scratched the surface of SAS Visual Analytics, this is the perfect fast-track.
Topics in this journey include:
- Data Storytelling concepts.
- Preparing data in SAS Visual Analytics.
- Creating interactive reports.
- Telling a story through a dashboard.
- Using advanced analytics to develop models.
- Geo-location data in dashboards.
- Sharing your insights.
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Next Gen AML & Transaction Monitoring
Wenn Sie ein AML-Analyst, Ermittler oder Manager sind, ist es Ihr Anspruch, Ihre Strategien ständig weiterzuentwickeln, um Geldwäschern und Betrügern einen Schritt voraus zu sein.
This journey helps you optimize your AML scenarios with advanced analytics & techniques.
In this programme, you’ll learn using SAS Analytics & AML tools to:
- Improve your AML Strategies to reduce false positives.
- Tune AML scenarios and prioritise alerts.
- Introduce AI & Machine Learning into your AML use cases.
- Prepare for the future of AML using SAS.
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
SAS Starter Kit
Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein neuer Benutzer sind oder Ihre SAS Kenntnisse auffrischen möchten - hier finden Sie alles für einen schnellen Start!
With our onboarding programme, we’ll orientate you on how to find the best services, expert advice and learning tools - those resources which have proven popular with SAS users like you.
To assist you in the early days of your SAS use, this journey will share a number of resources that will provide you with inspirational resources, such as:
- Effective ways to jump-start your learning experience.
- Best practices and hands-on tips and tricks from savvy experts.
- Multiple ways to leverage our support resources.
- How to engage with other (new) SAS users in a worldwide community network.
- Our ambassador program for novice SAS users and seasoned specialists.
Unmasking Fraudsters in Banking
Als Betrugsanalytiker, Manager, Ermittler oder Data Scientist im Bankwesen müssen Sie Ihre Strategien ständig weiterentwickeln, um Betrügern einen Schritt voraus zu sein.
If you're looking for ways to detect and prevent new fraud typologies, this journey will give you insights for developing better fraud prevention strategies, reducing false positives and improving your investigations. This journey is mostly aimed at customers using SAS Fraud Management (SFM).
In this seven-step programme, you will learn about Next Generation Fraud Detection in Banking.
- Understanding Fraud Trends
- Understanding Fraud Trends (Part 2)
- Basics of Fraud Detection Strategies
- Building Fraud Detection Strategies (Part 2)
- Analyse and Investigate Alerts
- Improve Investigations
- Plug-In Fraud Analytics to detect complex frauds
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Data Scientist Fast Track
Sind Sie angehender Data Scientist und möchten mehr darüber erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten auf SAS-Technologien anwenden können? Dann starten Sie hier durch!
From the fundamentals of the Data Scientist role to advanced Machine Learning, we'll take you on a journey on what you need to know to succeed as a SAS Data Scientist.
- The role of a Data Scientist
- Developing the skills you need
- Modern Feature Engineering in SAS
- Advanced Statistical Techniques in SAS
- Machine Learning in SAS
- Using Open Source with SAS
- Advanced AI & Text Analytics with SAS
- Advanced Machine Learning with SAS
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
The Agile SAS Environment with DevOps
Wenn Ihre Entwickler SAS verwenden und Sie eine DevOps-Strategie verfolgen, ist diese Reise genau das Richtige für Sie.
Learn how to automate your SAS code and data lifecycle with GIT, Jenkins and DevOps principles.
This journey is structured around the DevOps lifecycle and CI/CD principles:
- Planning
- Code development and management
- Build with APIs
- Test Automation
- Release and artifact repository
- Deployment
- Release and monitoring
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Risk Lab Evolution
Maschinelles Lernen und KI trifft auf regulatorische Compliance und Entscheidungsfindung - unsere Journey für Kreditanalysten und Modellierer.
Our journey focuses on the applicability of advanced techniques like Machine Learning to the Credit Risk landscape.
- Artificial Intelligence in Risk
- AI and Regulatory Compliance
- Machine Learning in Credit Risk
- New Challenges on Data Preparation
- Modelling for Debt Collection
- Intelligent Credit Decisioning
- Climate Risk Modeling
Have a sneak peek how the first step of your journey looks like
Please note: All journey content is delivered in English
We will be adding more journeys over the next weeks and months, so check back regularly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While the vast majority of content in this journey is completely free, some of the recommended e-Learning training courses have a cost associated. All of these e-Learning courses are, however, available completely for FREE for a period of 7 days when you sign up for a trial of the SAS Learning Subscription.
Please note that a SAS Profile may only sign up for the Learning Subscription trial once. If your trial has already expired, you will receive the following message when trying to sign up again, “We're sorry. Your license period has expired and the activation code is no longer valid.”.