Four businessmen working on a puzzle

Visual investigations to supercharge
crime prevention

Tracing trends and relationships between events, people, organisations can be hard work. Join this panel to see how case workers and investigators can improve productivity and discovery through visual analytics.


Discussion triggers

  1. What are the biggest challenges facing case managers and crime investigators?
  2. Why are self-service features important in any investigation capability?
  3. How does life-cycle support for any investigation, search or inquiry determine success?
  4. What role do alerts and event management play in improving investigation outcomes?
  5. What design considerations should be considered when building investigative workspaces?

Further reading

Make short work of complex investigations

Beyond NLP: Operationalizing Text Analytics

World leader in AI and advanced analytics announces expansion of its Glasgow R&D Centre

SAS adds automated machine learning to make AI-powered decisions even easier

Innovative SAS Hackathon winners solve big problems through AI and analytics

Visual Investigation: the emerging role for Audit, Compliance, Safety & Security, Health and Financial Crime Departments

Analytics can help combat the horrors of human trafficking