Live Webinar

Model Deployment and Management: What You Didn’t Learn About Machine Learning in School

Create the most value from machine learning by establishing automated and collaborative model management and governance processes.

Sept. 18 • 2 p.m. ET • Cost: Complimentary

About the webinar

Some things are best learned through real-world experience. Machine learning is no different.

Getting machine learning right requires evolving your analytics platform to support moving data science from research into operations. It all begins with repeatable data wrangling processes that support building and deploying models.

It also requires collaboration between data scientists, engineers and business analysts. With the help of tools like SAS® Model Manager, these teams can continuously and automatically train models at scale and ensure the best models are put into production.

Join us as we discuss:

  • Model validation best practices.
  • Model fairness and bias considerations.
  • Various model deployment options including open source models.
  • SAS model scoring and training services at the edge.
  • Orchestrating a continuous learning platform in real time.
  • An end-to-end demo of SAS Model Manager.

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About the Experts

Wayne Thompson, Chief Data Scientist, SAS

Wayne Thompson is the Chief Data Scientist at SAS. One of the early pioneers of business predictive analytics, he is a globally recognized presenter, teacher, practitioner and innovator in the field of predictive analytics technology. He has worked alongside the world's biggest and most challenging companies to help them harness analytics to build high-performing organizations.

Over the course of his 20-year career at SAS, he has been credited with bringing to market landmark SAS analytic technologies. His current focus initiatives include easy-to-use, self-service data mining tools for business analysts, deep learning and cognitive computing.

Thompson received his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Tennessee. During his PhD program, he was also a visiting scientist at the Institut Superieur d'Agriculture de Lille in Lille, France


Lora Edwards, Principal Product Manager, SAS

Lora Edwards has more than 14 years of experience creating great online experiences. Currently she is the product manager for SAS Model Management solutions. In her seven years at SAS, Edwards has focused on quantitative and qualitative product research, competitive intelligence, interface design and evaluation. Her work has covered a variety of SAS solutions that address fraud and risk, as well as mobile BI solutions and the overall SAS product framework.

With a background in UX and design thinking, Edwards brings a customer-driven approach to leading products and features. She received her bachelor’s in graphic design and a bachelor’s in industrial design from the North Carolina State University College of Design.