Ces conférences sont un excellent moyen d’apprendre de nouvelles notions sur SAS, en réviser certaines et rester à jour sur les développements dans SAS et en analyse de données.
La participation aux demi-journées est gratuite mais il est obligatoire de s’inscrire à la ou les demi-journées souhaitées. Réservez votre date dans votre agenda.
Ordre du jour
8H30 - 9H00 | Accueil des participant(e)s |
9h00 - 9h15 | Mot de bienvenue du président du Club |
9H15 - 9h45 | Retour sur le SAS Global Forum – nouveautés, trucs et astuces Jean-François Ducré-Robitaille, MAMOT |
9H45 - 10H15 | SAS Studio vs SAS EG comme interface de développement
10H15 - 10H50 | Quelques fonctions et routines méconnues ou peu utilisées en SAS
10H50 - 11H05 | Pause |
11H05 - 11H45 | Usages avancés de la procédure SUMMARY
11H45 - 11H55 | Assemblée générale annuelle : élection des membres du C.A. du Club SAS de Québec pour le prochain mandat |
11H55 - 12H00 | Mot de la fin et tirages de prix de présence |
Université Laval
Salle IBM 061 du
Pavillon Palasis-Prince
2325 Rue de le Terrasse
Ressources supplémentaires (en anglais)
Quebec City User Group Website
You'll find a presentation archive, information about upcoming meetings and the opportunity to contact members of the Executive Committee.
SAS University Edition
Did you know that the SAS University Edition isn’t just for students? It offers fast access to SAS software at no cost and downloads directly to your computer. This tool can be used by academics, students, and independent learners alike who want to advance their SAS skills. Connect with @SASAcademicCA
SAS Support Communities
Discussion boards focused on solving SAS challenges. If you have a problem, chances are it's been asked - and answered - here before.
Lex Jansen Conference Paper Archives
Repository of all SAS Global Forum, SUGI, and Regional Conferences. Searchable by author, topic or solution.
Access to Programming 1 and Statistics 1 eLearning courses. Refresh your SAS knowledge and sharpen your skills.
SAS Talks
Webinar presentations from SAS experts, instructors, authors and customers about a wide range of topics, all of which are archived for later viewing.
Ask the Expert
Live SAS sessions hosted by experts which allow you to ask questions while they're happening.
SAS Canada Community
Connect with SAS employees and experts who are happy to discuss SAS topics.
SAS Canada Twitter
Articles of interest from business and technical perspectives.
Search for ‘#SASTip’ to find an outstanding collection of tips & tricks submitted by users. The list grows daily, so check back often.
SAS Canada YouTube Channel
Features interviews from Canadian SAS users, thought leaders and staff about all things SAS.
All Analytics: SAS Blog
A community for data management, business intelligence & analytics.
SAS Social Media Portal
Central hub site for videos, blogs, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, SAS communities and more. Provides links to support communities, SAS Global Forum information, certification, newsletters, and much more.
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