On-Demand Webinar

SAS® Certification: Predictive Modeler Using SAS® Enterprise Miner 14 Credential Overview

Learn tips for success in earning the SAS® Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS® Enterprise Miner 14 credential.


About the webinar

Predictive modeling provides insights that drive better decision making. SAS® Enterprise Miner streamlines the data mining process to develop models quickly.

You can demonstrate your ability to create and interpret these models with the SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 certification exam. During this performance-based exam, you will access SAS software, create models and answer questions about your results. Join this webinar to learn more about this challenging and rewarding exam.

What you'll learn:

  • How to become a SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14.
  • Overview of the exam, including type of content tested and explanation of performance-based assessment methods.
  • Resources to help you prepare for the exam and achieve certification success.
  • An exploration of newer exam content: cluster analysis.

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About the Experts

Mark Stevens, Senior Certification Developer, SAS

Mark Stevens is a member of the SAS Global Certification team. He has 15 years of experience in the education and assessment industry and specializes in the development of performance-based exams. Stevens has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology and has been at SAS for nine years.

Jeff Thompson, Senior Analytical Training Consultant, SAS

Jeff Thompson is a member of the Advanced Analytics team within the Education Division. Thompson’s first exposure to SAS came in the early ’90s while working toward his undergraduate degree. He used SAS extensively for both research and educational duties as he earned his master’s degree and PhD in statistics.