FORUM 2020

September 8, 2020


September 8, 2020 
Live broadcasted from the NBC Conference Centre in Nieuwegein

Get the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cloud in only 90 minutes.

Do Great Things. With Data.
With Analytics. With SAS.

Take a Sneak Peek 

SAS Analytics Forum on September 8th was entirely in 2020 style: online, fast and diverse.
In only 90 minutes, a complete up to date with the latest developments in
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cloud.


You’ll learn how to use data and analytics to make better and smarter decisions.

Get inspired, surprised and informed with power talks, live interviews with customers, renown keynote speakers, H(AI)ghlights .

SAS Vision & Cloud

Customer Power Interviews

Office Depot

(fun) facts & figures about AI


Project MARCH and D[N]A Lab



The theme of SAS Analytics Forum is: Do Great Things. With Data. With Analytics. With SAS.
You'll learn how to use data and analytics to make better and smarter decisions.

We offer a high-quality program. Our two moderators Vivianne Bendermacher and Jim Stolze will guide you through 90 very engaging minutes. Visionary stories from thought leaders, power talks, H(AI)ghlights and customer interviews make sure you are completely up to date with the latest developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud. Get inspired and informed in 90 minutes.

Hoor van topsprekers en experts hoe je data kunt omzetten in betere beslissingen.

Leer van de praktijkervaringen van toonaangevende organisaties.

Ontdek de nieuwste technologieën tijdens de super demo's.

Ervaar SAS software op een andere manier in de Tech Zone.

Talk of the Geeks

Korte presentaties van data scientists en -analisten over de uitdagingen en
kansen die zij dagelijks tegenkomen.

Talking Points

Hoor van onze experts het allernieuwste over de producten en services van SAS.

Tech Zone

Interactieve Experiences
met SAS software
in de Tech Zone.


Break-out sessies met presentaties van uiteenlopende organisaties over hoe je analytics succesvol kunt toepassen.


SAS Nederland
Phone. +31 (0)35-699 69 00

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