

AI를 이용한 비즈니스 혁신

About This Report

Businesses must react to rising consumer demand for online services that deliver on speed and convenience, both of which are beginning to rival price when it comes to choosing a provider. But consumers insist that speed cannot come at a cost to service quality or failure to complete the task in hand. Businesses therefore need to deliver fast, frictionless online services which are supported by technology capable of intelligent decision-making at every step in the process.

This requires hyperautomation, which is the simultaneous use of digital operating systems, workflow, robotic process automation, and artificial intelligence – typically via the cloud - to deliver high value autonomous processes through intelligent decisions. This not only meets customer expectations but will deliver a host of other business benefits – improved workforce productivity, cost savings, employee satisfaction and better integration of front and back-office functions.

Read this report for in-depth insight into what is driving the move to hyperautomation.

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