Maximize Your Career Success With Pearls of Wisdom from Author, Leader and Mentor Carla Harris
On-Demand Webinar
If you love to be inspired and encouraged, look no further. Join us for powerhouse speaker, renowned author and esteemed businesswoman Carla Harris as she shares sage advice that motivates you to become the person you were meant to be with the career you were meant to have.
The SAS Women in Analytics Network is pleased to bring you this high impact webinar starring Carla Harris, author of Strategize to Win, Vice Chairman of Global Wealth Management and Senior Client Advisor for Morgan Stanley. Harris will share her hard-earned pearls of wisdom, proven strategies and career advice gleaned from nearly three decades on Wall Street.
Discover the importance – and power – of perceptions in the workplace, key relationships needed to ensure your success, and the role authenticity plays in being a powerful leader.
Harris’ long and impressive career achievements include being the first African American to join Morgan Stanley’s management committee in 1987, named by Fortune Magazine as one of “The 50 Most Powerful Black Executives in Corporate America”, and appointed by President Barack Obama to chair the National Women’s Business Council in 2013.
SAS Receives ATHENA Global Organizational Leadership Award
SAS received the 2021 ATHENA Global Organizational Leadership Award, only the third organization ever to be awarded this honor. Previous individual honorees who have received the award include our keynote Carla Harris, astronaut Christina Koch and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
About ATHENA International and the ATHENA Global Leadership Award
ATHENA International is an organization dedicated to the development of women leaders from the classroom to the boardroom. The award program is designed to honor women and men for professional excellence, community service and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills. Learn more about the ATHENA Leadership Award and its recipients and how to become involved in the local ATHENA in TECH chapter.
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