On-Demand Webinar

An Artificial Intelligence Framework to Combat Human Trafficking

How text analytics and visualization can shine a light on one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time.


About the webinar

Human trafficking is a global epidemic. The scale, complexity and borderless nature of the abuse can stymie law enforcement, victim support programs and prevention efforts. Data from agencies and organizations focused on human trafficking is vital to these efforts.

However, the amount, variety and unstructured nature of the data can hinder timely, effective responses by organizations with notoriously limited resources.

What if we could use the power of AI to fight for the powerless?

Join SAS public sector expert and text analytics practitioner Tom Sabo as he describes an AI framework for countering international human trafficking.

Learn about:

  • Applying text-based machine learning and rule-based text extraction to generate training for modeling efforts.
  • Enabling investigators, stakeholders and analysts to tap all the relevant data to inform better decisions.
  • How to extend the AI framework as new techniques and information become available.

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About the Expert

Tom Sabo, Principal Pre-Sales Solutions Architect, SAS

Tom Sabo is a Principal Solutions Architect at SAS. Since 2005, he has been immersed in the field of text analytics as it applies to federal government challenges. Sabo presents work internationally on diverse topics including modeling applied to government procurement, best practices in social media analysis, and using analytics to leverage and predict research trends. He also served on a panel for the Institute of Medicine’s Standing Committee on Health Threats Resilience to inform DHS/OHA on social media strategies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in cognitive science and a master’s in computer science, both from the University of Virginia.