On-Demand Webinar

Improving Online Engagement in Pharma During COVID-19

This webinar, part of our Analytics in 20 series, will discuss the role of engagement analytics in optimizing channel activity and digital sales strategies.

If you missed the Part 1 overview, catch up now (no registration required) then register for the Part 2 demo.

About the webinar

By the end of the first quarter of 2020, nearly all commercial pharma communications were forced online. This shift quickly tested pharma’s ability to effectively engage with health care professionals.

Engagement analytics plays a critical role in helping leaders understand behavior online and apply those insights to improve the performance of their online initiatives during the pandemic and beyond.

Hear from AstraZeneca Commercial Digital and IT VP Nick Passey about how they quickly shifted to digital engagement with providers in response to the pandemic, what insights they gleaned from analytics along the way and the resulting reimagination of their future digital strategy.

Why attend?

  • Make better decisions about your strategy during the crisis with engagement analytics.
  • Shift channels quickly to meet health care providers’ needs.
  • Learn about providing digital content that adds value to your audiences’ experience.

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About the Experts

Patrick Homer, Advisory Industry Consultant, SAS     

Homer is a thought leader in the field of transformational analytics across clinical and commercial pharma and has been involved with both the long-term strategy and development of SAS' solutions in these areas. His analytical expertise resides in predictive analytics, optimization, business intelligence, data management, forecasting, artificial intelligence and the development of analytical platforms. Since joining SAS in 2008, Homer has overseen the development of a portfolio of advanced analytical capabilities for life sciences. Most recently he led the development of an analytical platform for global price intelligence, revolutionizing the industry approach to global launch sequencing with next-generation optimization algorithms. Prior to working at SAS, Homer spent 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry, progressing through sales and management roles and on to executive business.

Mike Turner, Principal Business Advisor, SAS

As a multi award winner and with over 25 years of experience in the field of Customer Intelligence, Mike has led many successful projects for international blue-chip companies. Holding collaboration and innovation as core disciplines in delivering value to his clients, Mike has experience across multiple market sectors. He has bought together skills from academia, start-up and commercial organisations to help resolve business problems in current operations and in future roadmap strategies for many businesses.

With SAS Mike is helping clients to understand the future direction of Customer Intelligence and how this will be impacted by the rapid change and growth in technology and consumer expectations. He works across topics such as the internet of things, algorithmic decisioning, open and collaborative data strategies and next generation marketing considering artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Nick Passey, Commercial Digital and IT Vice President, AstraZeneca

Passey is responsible for Commercial Digital and IT in AstraZeneca’s Emerging Markets (International) and Japan Commercial, covering Asia, MEA, Russia, Eurasia and Latin America. Nick sits on the International Region leadership team and also Global IT leadership team for AstraZeneca.

The focus of his role is around how we can enable new patient experiences/outcomes through exploiting innovative digital solutions to challenges in the end-to-end patient journey, supporting health care providers, engagement/education and how we transform to a digital mindset, approaches and skilling.

He has worked at AstraZeneca for a number of years – including being based in Shanghai, Toronto and Gothenburg, Sweden – in a number of different functions. Nick is based in Cambridge, UK.