On-Demand Webinar

How Communications & Media Brands Use AI to Thrive in the Never-Normal

Learn how AI and automation can help communications providers and media companies adapt swiftly to major changes in demand, needs and market conditions.

About the webinar

Along with most other industries, communications and media companies are experiencing significant changes.

Chief among these changes is the rapid shift to home-schooling, a work-from-home model and increased demand for streaming media content, straining network capacities in residential service areas.

How can service providers adjust to evolving needs while maintaining customer satisfaction and trust?

Many media companies also are undergoing significant programming changes, due largely to live event and sports programming cancellations. And media outlets are struggling to shift programming to minimize loss of ad revenue and aligning replacement content to the needs of new advertisers to maximize ad revenues.

Top communications companies are turning to artificial intelligence and automation to find their footing and solve these new and persistent challenges, ultimately fast-forwarding their digitalization initiatives.

In this session, we’ll explore real-life use cases that show how AI and automation technologies can help providers and media companies adapt swiftly to changes in demand, network usage and viewership patterns while maximizing revenue opportunities and minimizing operating expenses.

Industry leaders from Comcast and other providers will share advice on how to stabilize now and build resilience in the future.

Join us to learn how communications and media brands can:

  • Accelerate digitalization and automation to increase efficiencies and decrease cost.
  • Improve productivity with computer vision and natural language processing.
  • Better serve customers, viewers and advertisers by using AI and machine learning to increase revenues and deliver a superior customer experience.

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About the Experts

Candy Conway
Former Vice President of Global Operations, AT&T

Ranjit Jangam
Executive Director of Data Science, Comcast

Mike Nordin
Director, US Communications & Media Practice, SAS

Earl Zaromb
Principal Solutions Architect, SAS