FANS Conference for ALL SAS Users

Explore the future of analytics

Copenhagen | June 6 | Cirkusbygningen

FANS Conferences empower and inspire with the most trusted analytics

If you’re a FANS member or a SAS user in the Nordics, please join us at this full-day FANS Conference to network, share ideas, learn new skills and discover the latest features of SAS technology.

The conference will cover a variety of topics – from data management to visual analytics – with special emphasis on the SAS® Platform - now and in the future.

The FANS Conference will end with an evening mingle.


Please note following registration details:

FANS members have pre-paid tickets to the FANS conference, through their membership. Company members and Partners have 15 tickets included, unless they have an extended membership. See FANS membership packages
> Register here

If you are not a FANS member the registration fee is 1.000 DKK per person excluding VAT. Non-FANS member
> Book your seat here

If you are in doubt whether your organization is a FANS member or not, please reach out to

Copenhagen, June 6


Agenda at a Glance

08:30-09:15Registrering - Cirkusbygningen
09:20-10:00Velkomst af Henrik Ernlund Pedersen, SAS Institute, Country Manager, Danmark
- Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
10:10-12:30Breakout Sessions (see below)
12:30-13:30Frokost - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
13:30-17:40Breakout Sessions (see below)
17:50Afrunding - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
18:00-21:30Middag og underholdning - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen

Breakout Sessions

There will be 4 breakout sessions.

TimeCirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
10:10-10:55The Future of SAS® Enterprise Guide® and SAS® Studio
> Read more

Presented by Chris Hemedinger
11:15-11:45A Tale of Two SAS® Platform Engines: SAS® Viya® and SAS®9 together
> Read more
Presented by Frans Holm
11:55-12:25Analytical Decisioning for Streaming Data
> Læs mere
Presented by Jan Løwe & Simon Topp
12:30-13:30Frokost - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
13:30-14:00Hands-on end-to-end modellering med SAS® Viya® 
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Presented by Mike Johansson
14:10-14:40Churn-model på abonnementskunder hos Danske Spil
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Presented by Astrid Enslev Vestergård, Danske Spil
14:50-15:20Effekten af de nylige afgiftsnedsættelser på dyrere biler
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Presented by Anders Milhøj, Københavns Universitet
15:50-16:20How to predict the outcome of a football match!
> Read more

Presented by Sara Armandi
16:30-17:00No Session in Room 1
17:10-17:40No Sesson in Room 1
TimePalads, Sal 4
10:10-10:55Styr dit SAS-miljø med SAS® Environment Manager
> Read more

Presented by Filip Kildegaard
11:15-11:45SAS Studio for SAS-programmøren
> Læs mere
Presented by Ole Steen
11:55-12:25SAS® on Microsoft Azure
> Read more
Presented by Torben Nelausen from Microsoft Azure Architecture Team and Niels Grønning
12:30-13:30Frokost - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
13:30-14:00Finding Success in SAS Online Communities
> Read more

Presented by Chris Hemedinger
14:10-14:40SAS® Visual Analytics Tips&Tricks
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Presented by Torben Skov
14:50-15:20De Nationale Sundhedsprofiler – Formidling af resultater fra undersøgelser af den voksne befolknings sundhed og sygelighed
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Presented by Anne Illemann Christensen, Syddansk Universitet & Christian Bruun Jensen, Biwise
15:50-16:20What's new in SAS Visual Analytics - and what's coming
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Presented by Carl-Olow Magnusson
16:30-17:00SAS® Visual Analytics – flyt dine VA 7.4-rapporter til VA 8.2
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Presented by Torben Skov
17:10-17:40Paneldebat: "Migrering til SAS® Visual Analytics 8.x (on Viya)"
> Læs mere

Presented by Jeppe Deigaard
TimePalads, Sal 9
10:10-10:55Testing SAS 9 Metadata Security
> Read more

Presented by Paul Homes, Metacoda
11:15-11:45Dynamic Performance Measurement at individual and group level by means of The Graph Template Language (GTL)
> Read more

Presented by Carsten Enevoldsen, Københavns Universitet
11:55-12:25At få fat i fanenavne i Microsoft Excel – i den rigtige rækkefølge
> Læs mere

Presented by Peter Kjellberg, Danmarks Statistik
12:30-13:30Frokost - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
13:30-14:00Being a SAS programmer in the SAS® Viya® Environment
> Read more
Presented by Torben Juul Johansson
14:10-14:40Nye måder at profilere og rense data på med den nye SAS® Data Studio
> Læs mere
Presented by Lasse Olsen
14:50-15:20Tips & tricks for SAS®-programmører 
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Presented by Jacob Zimling 
15:50-16:202-siders PDF-rapport kodet i EG
> Læs mere

Presented by Daisy Kyed, Region Hovedstaden
16:30-17:00Efficient SAS® programming
> Read more
Presented by Barbara Olsen
17:10-17:40What's new in SAS® Data Management? – and best practices
> Read more
Presented by Cecily Hoffritz
TimeCirkusbygningen, Buddha Lounge
10:10-10:55No Session in Budda Lounge
11:15-11:45The winning entry in the "Nordic Hack in SAS® Viya®
Presented by Lars Kvinge, Knowit Decision Oslo
11:55-12:25SAS Thesis Award, præsentationer fra finalekandidaterne
Presented by Sara Armandi
12:30-13:30Frokost - Cirkusbygningen, Cirkussalen
13:30-14:00QKB – Guldgruben af kvalitetsregler til GDPR og andre projekter
> Læs mere
Presented by Ole Steen
14:10-14:40En pragmatisk tilgang til Privacy by Design med SAS
> Læs mere
Presented by Filip Kildegaard
14:50-15:20An agile approach to building an omni-channel customer experience
Presented by Martin V Christensen, Accenture
15:50-16:20Følg audit-sporet med Authentication, Authorization & Accountability på SAS®-platformen
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Presented by Rune Nordtorp
16:30-17:20Tips&Tricks - SAS Funktionsbibliotek
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Presented by Jesper Michelsen, Nykredit
17:20-17:40No Sesson in Buddha Lounge

With reservation for changes in the agenda.

Register to attend the FANS Conference 

This event is fully booked. If you would like to stay on a waiting list, 
please contact, in case someone cancel.

This event is no longer available for registration.


Important information: 

For FANS members: Please register below.

Not a FANS member yet? Please register for the conference here


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