Book Reviews

SAS ODS Graphics Designer by Example: A Visual Guide to Creating Graphs Interactively

"The ODS Graphics Designer is sometimes overlooked by analysts as a method for creating graphics in SAS. However, knowing how to effectively use this product, along with ODS graphics, the SG procedures and GTL, will greatly enhance the analyst's visualization toolkit.

"SAS ODS Graphics Designer by Example: A Visual Guide to Creating Graphs Interactively by Matange and Bottitta covers every feature of the ODS Graphics Designer application in detail. The authors provide thorough explanations in how to create customized and reusable graphics interactively. The step-by-step examples in their book also offer readers several hands-on opportunities in working with actual data while learning to use the ODS Graphics Designer.

"This book supplies SAS analysts with another much needed resource for learning how to create statistical graphics with the ODS Graphics Designer"

Rebecca Ottesen
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

"A picture paints a thousand words, so writing a book to describe an interactive graph designer presents significant problems. However, Sanjay and Jeanette have resolved these problems to such an extent that you can experience those interactive features while reading the detailed advice in their SAS ODS Graphics Designer by Example: A Visual Guide to Creating Graphs Interactively book."

Philip R Holland
Consultant and Author
Holland Numerics Ltd