
March 30th, Thursday 
08:30 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:40Introduction
Daniel Pana
, Country Manager
09:40 – 10:05Opening: Data drives everything. Make sure it’s right.
Brad Hathaway
, Regional Head of Data Management, SAS
10:05 – 10:551 year to Go: The Countdown to Compliance Has Started for the New EU GDPR – where to start?
Zuzana Kohútová, Legal Counsel for CEE region
Arturo Salazar, Principal Business Solution Manager, SAS

By May 2018, all organizations handling EU citizens’ personal data must comply with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Noncompliance will cost up to €20 million, or 4 percent of your annual global turnover! The impacts on how data is collected and processed are significant, and 700 days is very little time to overcome the complex challenges ahead. In this session, you will learn about what it means for you, what it will take to avoid those hefty fines and most important where to start.
10:55 – 11:30Break; Meet the experts
11:30 – 11:55Data In Motion
Dorian Hodorogea
, Advanced Analytics Consultant, SAS
11:55 – 12:15Closing: Data Drives Everything. Make sure it's right.
Brad Hathaway
, Regional Head of Data Management, SAS
12:15– 12:30Closing: Daniel Pana, Country Manager
12:30– 14:00Networking Buffet Lunch