Live Webinar

Forecasting and demand sensing

July 16 • 12 p.m. CET

About the webinar

We are in unprecedented times. Supply and demand across the industry has changed beyond recognition as we, as a nation, act to respond to the coronavirus. Retailers need to manage and optimize their supply chains to cope with the current crisis. Forecasting demand and ensuring the supply of essential and non-essential goods - in-store and online – as we enter different phases of the outbreak, with no blueprint to fall back on, is a huge test for retailers of all shapes and sizes.

During the webinar:

  • How to generate better demand forecasts during the disease outbreak?
  • How to improve forecast predictions for the recovery period of the disruptive event?
  • How to plan for shifts in demand and changes in consumer behavior once the event has subsided?
  • Is the migration of clients from offline to online temporary?
  • How to understand new demands of customers? Which attributes are crucial in this case?

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About the Experts

Antonio Calvo

SAS Global Retail CPG Head South EMEA

Jason Burke

SAS Global Retail & CPG Head DACH

Maciej Kraus