SAS | The Power to Know

When it comes to big data, the word “big” doesn’t explain half of it.

For most organizations, it’s the new and growing variety of big data that offers the most challenges – and opportunities.

To capitalize on it, organizations must rethink their traditional analysis platforms and data governance strategies.

Sponsored by SAS, this Bloor Group on-demand webinar features some of the most knowledgeable analysts in this burgeoning space as they discuss how to:

  • Use virtualization to integrate data in Hadoop and conventional data warehouses.
  • Sharpen your focus on strategic data management.
  • Plan for a new range of data governance challenges.

Presented by:

Robin Bloor
, Chief Analyst, The Bloor Group

Mike Ferguson
, Owner, Intelligent Business Strategies

Eric Kavanaugh
, CEO, The Bloor Group (Host)

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