SAS | The Power to Know

Interested in finding out what deep learning is and how its techniques are being applied to natural language processing? Have you ever wondered why text normalization is important?

Or thought about what dog training and natural language processing have in common?

Find the answer to these and many other intriguing questions when you watch this webinar focused on the collaboration of SAS and North Carolina State University on this hot topic.

Meet the Speakers

James C. Lester is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Educational Informatics at NC State University. His research in artificial intelligence ranges from intelligent tutoring systems and affective computing to computational models of narrative and natural language processing. He is a member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State University and a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

James A. Cox is the Director of Text Analytics at SAS. He has been the development manager for SAS® Text Miner ever since its inception 12 years ago. Before that, he was one of the initial developers for SAS® Enterprise Miner™. Cox holds a PhD in cognitive psychology and computer science from UNC-Chapel Hill and has published a number of scholarly papers in the areas of psycholinguistics, categorization and variable selection.

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