SAS | The Power to Know

Dartmouth Area SAS® Users Group (DASUG)
Thursday, July 13 | 12:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Join us and enjoy the opportunity to network and learn along with fellow SAS users and experts during the Dartmouth Area SAS Users Group meeting. Don’t miss it!

What will we learn?

Join us and hear from SAS expert T Winand and Maranatha Mishkin, IDEXX, on the following topics:

  • Introduction to Machine Learning in SAS
  • What's New for Analytics in SAS 9.4?
  • Visually Communicating Data and Statistics Using SAS Visual Analytics 

Meeting location

Berry Instructional Center
Carson 61 -- Berry Library Ground Floor
Dartmouth College
25 North Main Street
Hanover, NH 03755

This event is currently not available for registration.

 Under 18
 18 - 24
 25 - 34
 35 - 44
 45 - 54
 55 - 64
 65 and older
 Prefer not to answer
 Fewer than two
 Two to five
 Five to 10
 10 to 15
 More than 15

Notice Concerning Training, Education, Food, Refreshments or Other Gifts Provided by SAS
At this event SAS will provide you items that may be subject to gift rules applicable for your organization. We respect these rules and encourage you to clear your receipt of these items with your organization. If you prefer, you may pay fair market value and receive a receipt for the items at