Search Results: transport (326)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Jen Dunham 0
3 ways NCDOT is transforming transportation through data and analytics

With dynamically changing revenue streams, critical infrastructure needs and current higher-than-average gas prices and inflation concerns, transportation agencies around the country are using data to enable analytically driven decisions while navigating complex business challenges. Today's transportation industry is ripe with opportunities for innovation and growth. And this is especially true

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Optimal tour of Brisbane based on a multi-modal transportation system

A few months ago, I published an article about network optimization and how to find an optimal tour when visiting multiple places of interest by using different types of transportation, like buses, trains, tram, metro, and even walking. For a real-world case, I decided to run these optimal tours in

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Data Visualization
Charlie Chase 0
SAS and C.H. Robinson are rewriting the rules of transportation planning and management

What if you had a technology solution that creates a real-time link between the customer demand signal and what's happening on the ground? What if plans that are being steered centrally could  finally be connected to every shipping lane, while simultaneously, creating cost saving carrier adjustments? The first-of-its kind integration

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Arthur de Crook 0
OpenGate platform helps air transport towards the new normal

SAS, uqudo and iLabs Technologies started a collaboration in OpenGate for touchless and safe travel. OpenGate, based on open source technology and open standards, offers a seamless, automated travel solution based on a reliable platform and technical solution. It enables sharing personal, health and location information between border control, air

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Mark Frankish 0
No more ‘leaves on the line': Is computer vision the answer for rail and transport networks?

Most organisations that must maintain a physical network have similar challenges in keeping their networks safe and operational. Whether you run an energy distribution network, a telecommunications network, or a road, rail or canal network, you need to keep it clear of obstructions. And one of the biggest culprits tends

José Mutis O. 0
Seguridad, salud y transporte, son algunas de las aplicaciones de la analítica en gobierno y ciudadanía

La atención a los ciudadanos es una preocupación y prioridad creciente en los gobiernos de casi todo el mundo. Las administraciones, sin importar origen político no sólo buscan mejorar la vinculación con los ciudadanos sino incrementar la eficiencia, promover transparencia y desarrollar procesos menos engorrosos y burocráticos que obviamente reducen

Melissa Savage 0
Analytics fuels recommendations in new Department of Transportation innovation handbook

Analytics is a key piece in nearly all 31 recommendations outlined in The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice.  Crafted by the State Smart Transportation Initiative, in partnership with Smart Growth America, the handbook provides 31 recommendations for state transportation officials looking for ways to increase efficiencies and

Melissa Savage 0
Analytics helping transportation officials get the job done in tight financial times

The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials recently released a top 10 list of transportation issues that will be “talked, written or tweeted and legislated about” in 2012.   As expected, funding constraints and Congressional action on reauthorization appear on the list but the group also notes that natural disaster

Analytics | Data for Good | Innovation
Olivia Ojeda 0
5 smart cities at the intersection of sustainability and technology

Urbanization is rapidly accelerating, allowing communities to grow with more access to services and technological advancements. However, this quick change in growth can present challenges as well, such as pollution and lack of infrastructure. Smart cities can support urbanization by offering innovative solutions with artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | Data for Good
Ricardo Galante 0
Tecnologia para melhorar a gestão das viagens durante a Páscoa

Estamos quase na Semana Santa o que, por ser uma das épocas em que mais viagens se realizam por todo o país, pode apresentar vários desafios à rede rodoviária e aos sistemas de transporte.  A variabilidade nos padrões de movimento durante estas datas acrescenta uma camada adicional de complexidade, o

Programming Tips
Nancy Rausch 0
A tip for moving SAS Visual Analytics reports in SAS Viya 4 between SAS Viya environments

In SAS Viya 4 you can create Reports in SAS Visual Analytics that you may want to move around between machines. What if you want copy a report for example from a development environment folder to a production environment folder? You may want to work on the report in one system before putting it onto a final system and making it generally available. Or you may want to have a backup copy saved for recovery purposes. This blog post provides an updated description of how to easily save off SAS Visual Analytics report content to a file and easily move it between machines.

Richard Widdowson 0
Unwrapping holiday season success: Securing customer satisfaction with a transparent supply chain

As the holiday season approaches, businesses may be bracing for what’s been all too common in recent years – supply chain disruption. Retail and consumer goods industries have been hit with disruptions from every direction: profound shifts in consumer preferences, materials shortages, weather events, and geopolitical activities, to name just

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