On-Demand Webinar

Customer Experience 2030 

Bringing empathy to your customer interactions


About the webinar

How can brands keep creating meaningful customer experiences during a difficult time where empathy is needed?

In the current situation in which we all find ourselves, data and digital interactions are more in demand than ever, but so is the supportive and empathetic approach.

By 2030, 8 out of 10 consumers expect to be leveraging smart assistants in their lives*…

… and consumers will expect slick personalisation, bespoke offerings for them as individuals and a seamless customer experience. But they are also worried how much brands and organisations know about them and how much data they hold.

How will brands survive and thrive in the next 10 years?

We conducted a global survey to more than 4000 consumers and brands to understand what defines customer experience today and how it’s evolving today through to the year 2030. The findings will surprise you…

* Futurum and SAS Experience 2030 survey, March 2020

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About the Expert

Manuel Tönz
Head of Customer Intelligence, SAS Switzerland

Manuel is a recognized technology tactician with over 15 years’ experience in the evolution to customer centric delivery models in various industries including leadership as a program director in several large CX software implementations. With a pragmatic approach and entrepreneurial spirit, he has broad international experience in the US, UK, Europe, and Asia Pacific. 

Manuel has a bachelor’s in economics from the University in Eisenstadt, Austria and is a Federal Certified IT Specialist in Switzerland. At SAS, Manuel is a leader for our Customer Intelligence propositions and is fully focussed on helping our customers optimise their customer experience, driving profitable and outcomes. He is a self-confessed geek, with a love of all things Star Trek (Next Generation is the best) and solving our customers’ CX challenges.