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Manage SAS 360 Match through the API, including data upload and retrieval.
Manage access permissions in the API.
Ad-serving API – Make ad calls with a flexible template-based system that includes prebuilt ad calls for multiple display ads or an entire broadcast ad break with a single call to support all channels, including email and ATMs.
Customer privacy protection
First-party advertising – Provide first-party ad serving for your properties, with the option to manage multiple domains for ad serving and delivery.
Secure protocols – Create ad calls, data transfers and downloads over secure protocols. SAS 360 Match also supports HTTP2 for greater efficiency.
Category-level opt out – Enable users to opt out of ad types or data collection.
User data descriptors – Use metadata to mark your data to reveal where data is coming from and to understand what it is being used for.
User preferences – Make "forget me" and user data requests with ease.
Short-term external mappings to internal IDs — Assign your advertisers a short-term expiring ID that maps to your internal ID.
Cookie-free operation – Choose to use a stable ID instead of cookies. All systems behave as if cookies were still enabled.
Fraud detection framework – Configure whitelists and blacklists for your fraud framework to tune our systems to your business needs.
User data activation & targeting
Real-time connections – Create real-time data connections to multiple DMPs and analytic systems, with bidirectional cookie syncing and the ability to pull user data into our systems for decisioning in real time.
Behavioral event collection and targeting – Augment or replace your DMP with real-time behavioral segment collection and interval targeting, enabling you to target users based on past behavior.
Next best action – Enable a sequence of messages from an external system on an individual customer level, with in-session analytic input.
A/B tests – Run simple A/B tests controlling exposure to a set of users with sticky creatives.
Strike list management – Enable your customers to opt out of categories of ads.
Time offset targeting – Target ads based on renewal dates
UI-managed target macros (Supertag) – Simplify rapid migration by mapping a single keyword or multiple keywords to extended data that is managed in the ad server, acting like a tag-management solution.
Sales flow refinement
Sales process management – Manage your sales process from RFP to signed IO in our systems. Refine and reserve line items before converting the campaign to be managed by a trafficker.
Precision simulation-based forecasting – Use our tools to estimate and manage your inventory with full confidence. Identify and sell valuable small pockets of inventory.
Inventory management – Reserve inventory based on the likelihood of sales. Configure a setting to manage valuable direct media buys and competition in your sales teams.
Contending flights – View contending flights and empower your sales team with quick answers about sold inventory that might prevent your business from getting the inventory that it needs.
Alert framework – Manage rules and approvals with ease.
RFP and IO generation – Create branded exports for your media buys, with flexible assignment of terms and conditions.
Sales team support – Simplify working with multiple sales teams by refining each team’s access to a subset of your traffic, tiers, and reporting.
QA framework
Decision QA – Determine why an ad was picked. Run a complete trace showing all data activated and other considerations for serving an ad.
Decision logging – Enable short-term decision logging to track down discrepancies or integration failures.
Programmatic target testing – Build a target and test it from the 360 Match UI.
Programmatic monetization
Server-to-server second auction pre-bid support – Receive the fastest direct connection to SSPs, with a direct evaluation of your direct sold inventory against multiple bids from SSPs in engine at serve time.
PMP support for non-impression goal media and guaranteed impressions – Configure controlled competition settings on a tier level.
Real bid comparisons – Compare true prices among agencies that offer discounts and SSPs that charge overhead.
Parallel bid support for multiple sizes or transparency – Use alternate size support to bid on multiple sizes individually to DSPs, or determine what inventory is available.
Built-in Prebid server support – Connect your organization’s Prebid server to our built-in server-to-server support and direct sold inventory.
Dynamic or fixed floor prices – Update your floor prices with time targets or dynamic competition with directly booked ads.
Ad trafficking
Prioritize by business model – Define your business using our tools, with tiers enabling specific pacing on impression goals, sponsorship, eCPM and eCPM/second, as well as exacting PMP controls for how deals will compete.
Pace on external conversions or views – Use our integrations to schedule external events, such as events from an external viewability solution.
Easy-to-view campaign dashboards – Examine the delivery process and unique user exposure in our campaign dashboards.
Pacing curve controls – Configure exacting manual controls on delivery curve or set up automated pacing for rare audiences.
Clash management tools with programmatic hooks – Map your clash management through to our systems for break management.
Autoscaling tools – Scale our systems to meet your needs. SAS Match 360 has been tested with live television events.
Lazy loading and viewability support – Measure the viewable delivery of the frame to get the viewability score that you want and develop just-in-time ad calls to reduce friction with advertisers.
Smart upload – Import ad tags from other systems.
Real-time analytic input into creative – Use our built-in analytics connector to configure truly dynamic or contextual ads.
Targeted co-delivery of libraries – Implement co-delivery of counting pixels or viewability/validation.
Optimized caching for HTML5 – Optimized client-side caching enables you to expedite ad serving.
Companion ad serving – Trigger multiple ads on page with ease.
Flexible templating systems supporting VAST and VMAP – Update your configuration with macros and templates as standards evolve.
Live tactical reporting – Get the data you need to with ease with our live tactical reporting.
Business intelligence – Examine and analyze your inventory, discover sweet spots of performance to optimize, or inform advertisers.
Log file exports – Examine your reporting in your own tools and combine it with other data sets.
Custom event reporting – Use our flexible actions that enable detailed conversion support.
Billable moment video reporting – Configure our reporting to work with your advertisers and what they compensate you on, combining quartile and viewability reports.
Cookie-free option – Operate without cookies and provide an external ID instead.
Robust team and role support – Overlap geo-located teams with team and individual data views, and precise user permissions.
Detailed documentation – Find documentation for the API and the product.
Single sign-on support (SSO) – Use your own sign-on tools to access ours.
International multicurrency support – Sell across countries and currencies in one system with time zone and currency support down to the flight level.
HTTP2 support – Achieve faster and more secure ad serving.
SDKs for mobile – Get support for mobile applications that run iOS and Android operating systems.