Live Webinar

Unmasking the enemy within: why organisations fail to spot procurement fraud

We recently asked 850 business leaders for their opinions and experiences of procurement fraud. Join SAS and FACTS Consulting to hear the key insights and what they can teach us.

Wednesday 8th May • 2:00pm CEST • Cost: Complimentary

About the webinar

In late 2018, SAS surveyed 850 leaders across EMEA, to understand the scale of the problem and the extent to which organisations currently recognise and attempt to combat procurement fraud and error.

SAS wanted to assess current methods of combatting procurement fraud, while recommending best practice strategies and technologies.

In this live discussion we will look at:

  • Key insights from the research and what they can teach us
  • Examples of organisations who have successfully used Analytics and AI to detect and prevent fraud
  • 4 steps every organisation can take to tackle fraud and error

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About the speakers

Yolandé Byrd

Yolandé Byrd is a Director, Chief Financial Officer and co-founder of FACTS Consulting, a South African firm that specialises in forensic technology and data analytics.

Recently, Yolandé led a team of FACTS programmers and technical experts in developing a Procurement Integrity Solution for SAS. The solution, which proactively monitors and detects fraudulent activity, has since been implemented in two of South Africa’s banks, a major utility provider and one of the largest international oil and gas companies. It has also been adopted as a formal SAS product, making FACTS one of the first small businesses to become a premier SAS partner.

Laurent Colombant

Laurent Colombant is the NEMEA solution lead for the Continuous Controls solution for Procurement, T&E, insider and HR fraud. He has been working in the fraud and compliance IT solutions space for over 18 years. Prior to joining SAS, Laurent worked on sanctions screening and halt of business for Tier 1 banks using lexical AI.

Laurent managed a subsidiary of Temenos specialized in scanning and checking SWIFT messages. He holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Michigan and a joint degree in linguistics, econometrics and computing from the University of Montreal.