
本文作者: SAS编辑总监 Kelly LeVoyer

全球最大的度假交换企业RCI(Resort Condominiums International,温德姆酒店集团品牌之一)对创新并不陌生。该公司早在1974年便开创了度假交换(Vacation Exchange)的概念,改变了数百万分时度假业主体验世界的方式。RCI全球营销高级副总裁Phil Brojan非常重视现代化转型,并将其视为在高度竞争市场中提升品牌知名度的主要策略。


  • To learn more about branding in the digital age, read the SAS white paper: Redefining Brand Performance for the 21st Century.

Download the paper

Phil Brojan, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing at RCI

Phil Brojan,RCI全球营销高级副总裁


大约在八年前, RCI的营销团队便开始实施分析型营销转型。“我仍记得那场开启转型的会议,”Brojan说到,“我清楚地记得每个人的坐位。很多人参与了此次会议,甚至有些人不得不坐在会议室边缘的工作台上,我们知道一切将会大有改观。”










《分析型营销者——如何帮助你的营销组织转型》(The Analytical Marketer: How to Transform Your Marketing Organization) 的作者Adele Sweetwood是SAS全球市场营销高级副总裁,这本书是基于她的第一手实践经验创作。在面临分析挑战和鼓舞下,SAS营销团队重新审视自己,并充分利用现代市场中的新兴工具,协助自身完成变革。书中涵括SAS营销经理所讲述的亲身经历,还有作者在带领营销团队变革过程中经历的经验教训以及精心挑选出的领先企业案例。这本书在实战角度和最佳实践方面具有指导意义,它不仅是一本实用指南,同时创造了一种由数据和分析驱动的新型营销文化。

Change management advice for the analytical marketing leader

  • Set expectations properly. When doing something that’s transformative, it’s not going to be perfect. You’re looking for progress, not perfection. Make progress in your marketing data infrastructure and that will translate to results. Things are going to go haywire, you have to prepare for that.
  • Get the right people in the right positions. Hire in as much relevant experience as you can and integrate them with the folks that understand the business really well.
  • Evaluate technology vendors.  And – even more importantly – the people within those vendors very carefully, and make sure they’re right for you. They MUST understand your business.
  • Measure change. Think through how you’re going to measure impact of the internal change up front and prepare for that measurement to take place so you’re able to report what you’ve accomplished.
  • Prepare for pushback. There is significant operational change that comes with a progressive marketing data practice. Elements like the amount of campaign metadata required generated some operational challenges initially but it was critical so campaigns could be tracked properly. Once we were all able to show the return on marketing investment (ROMI), it became the new norm.
  • Measure the impact on the customer experience. Use that to help justify the investment.

Change management advice for the analytical marketing leader

  • Set expectations properly. When doing something that’s transformative, it’s not going to be perfect. You’re looking for progress, not perfection. Make progress in your marketing data infrastructure and that will translate to results. Things are going to go haywire, you have to prepare for that.
  • Get the right people in the right positions. Hire in as much relevant experience as you can and integrate them with the folks that understand the business really well.
  • Evaluate technology vendors.  And – even more importantly – the people within those vendors very carefully, and make sure they’re right for you. They MUST understand your business.
  • Measure change. Think through how you’re going to measure impact of the internal change up front and prepare for that measurement to take place so you’re able to report what you’ve accomplished.
  • Prepare for pushback. There is significant operational change that comes with a progressive marketing data practice. Elements like the amount of campaign metadata required generated some operational challenges initially but it was critical so campaigns could be tracked properly. Once we were all able to show the return on marketing investment (ROMI), it became the new norm.
  • Measure the impact on the customer experience. Use that to help justify the investment.


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