SAS | The Power to Know
TDWI Webinar

Eight Considerations for Utilizing
Big Data Analytics with Hadoop

TDWI Webinar On-Demand

It’s probably not news to you that Hadoop is becoming an essential part of using big data to make fact-based decisions.

After all, “more data for less money” doesn’t really go unnoticed for long. But there are a few things to think about before moving forward with this cost-effective distributed storage and processing platform.

Hosted by TDWI, this webinar lays out eight considerations, including:

  • The importance of in-memory analytics.
  • How to optimize your data preparation processes.
  • Uncovering insights through big data exploration.
  • The skill sets needed to derive benefits from Hadoop.

Plus, you’ll see a demonstration of SAS® solutions for Hadoop.

Presented by:

Fern Halper, PhD, Director of TDWI Research for Advanced Analytics

Tapan Patel, Product Marketing Manager, SAS

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